I've been saying from the start that I see no point in actual federation trying to replace services where there is a global public stream.
As adding insult to injury (both also literally, mind you) on the Fediverse I've been lectured that it's better this way because people can close themselves into way better information bubbles. Talk with only people amplifying their own ideas. Staying inside their group.
And I've been actually harrassed for even coming up with the idea of proxying public stream from one node to another, because that would violate their privacy, their rights, their whatevers.
Mind blown.
(And fediverse is a big collection of mailing lists. Not a social network.)
Can't see your problem with "the fediVerse", actually by definition diaspora* is part of it.
The "behaviour" of the microblogging community, basically educated by twitter and now to a certain extent overwhelming mastodon is a different matter, without any doubt. The fact that the newhere gif didn't get any resonance is interesting and has in part to do with the fact that the last wave from twitter was like people coming in troves and reconnecting inmediatelly with there old contacts I guess.
But well, that's my guess as of now why there was no resonance at all.
Maybe when first published the movie was still fresh and that was another reason for the reshares and likes over here ..
coming up with the idea of proxying public stream from one node to another, because that would violate their privacy, their rights, their what-evers
The "cross over" to escape your own instance is ultimately done by hashtag follow, guppy-groups (a.gup.pe) and relays fro friendica.
a global public stream
Actually I'm not a real fan of that either. The one world, one culture,we are all one, "let's connect all the world together!" promoted by fb is madness and creates madness or, probably worse, one mindset, one monopoly that rules them all.
There is no work around in a single place I guess. What we have now is that bubbles come up and than drift apart into their own disconnected reallity, that's maybe worth, even tho GAB for example seems to have become isolated and kinda useless. At the same time "the real talk" pod existed and Bolsonaro came into power and it's difficult to say if that pod mattered or not.
To me it looks like our fediVerse setup, including the kinda distant diasporaVerse is to a certain extent semipermeable and that might be the best and most human reality like option.
The “cross over” to escape your own instance is ultimately done by hashtag follow, guppy-groups (a.gup.pe) and relays fro friendica.
But no, it doesn't. Interstingly I cannot find my own post where I have specifically asked about that and none of the "true" federation systems (D*, AP, …) automagically distribute hashtags. Not those you don't follow (so you could see trends or discover new ones) nor those you follow. You only have hashtags from your local posts (however they got there is another story).
I don't know whether friendlyca 😀 does active pulls but have little chance if the protocol doesn't provice hashtag update streams. Sometimes it seems it tries to backpull thread heads but maybe that's just an illusion.
Actually I’m not a real fan of that either. The one world, one culture,we are all one, “let’s connect all the world together!” promoted by fb is madness and creates madness or, probably worse, one mindset, one monopoly that rules them all.
... show more
The “cross over” to escape your own instance is ultimately done by hashtag follow, guppy-groups (a.gup.pe) and relays fro friendica.
But no, it doesn't. Interstingly I cannot find my own post where I have specifically asked about that and none of the "true" federation systems (D*, AP, …) automagically distribute hashtags. Not those you don't follow (so you could see trends or discover new ones) nor those you follow. You only have hashtags from your local posts (however they got there is another story).
I don't know whether friendlyca 😀 does active pulls but have little chance if the protocol doesn't provice hashtag update streams. Sometimes it seems it tries to backpull thread heads but maybe that's just an illusion.
Actually I’m not a real fan of that either. The one world, one culture,we are all one, “let’s connect all the world together!” promoted by fb is madness and creates madness or, probably worse, one mindset, one monopoly that rules them all.
I don't subscribe to this flat earth view. Global stream makes it possible to discover things, to see trends of stuff you don't directly follow, or actually do any personalised filtering/collection/ordering, which is essential to conserve free time and prevent madness (which is immediately caused by following activitypub, which is an unsorted mess of information overflow). Facebook inherently isn't bad, it's a sorted and filtered stream based on personal preferences which helps seeing what's "important", what's "intersting" and what's "hot", in various ratios; obviously the problem is when you have no direct control over that, and if you add various monetary skews like advertisement it can become the mess which is Facebook now in reality. Still it's not half as bad as some people claim it to, and many of its problems can be traced back to Homo Sapiens Sapiens who actually post there.
What we have now is that bubbles come up and than drift apart into their own disconnected reallity, that’s maybe worth
No it never does, it makes your world view distorted. In Hungary there are two parallel countries: one which follows Orbán and Fidesz party, and the general governmental propaganda (and I mean that in the strictest literal sense), and the other country is which follows various opposition parties or key figures. They do not mix, they hardly ever read the other bubble, they do not talk to one another. Both sides have their delusions and they's often not even aware that they are living in one.
It is necessary sometimes to touch foreign subjects, meet new people, read unusual threads, outside your comfort zone. At least that's my experience.
That was another bubble. Like GAB. Like most of the queer instances, or socialism instances or whatever instances where they are all from the same group and amplify one another, like that was the norm in the outside world, which is not.
Hashtags are supposed to be from all the contacts that has a server in the #fediVerse, if the posts were published publicly. Their for mastodon.social with it's overwhelming user base should be connected to a very large percentage of the fediverse accounts (that's an interesting percentage investigation to do). It even has introduced full text search and I guess it's using it so that's another tool in one place to get a lot of the total info out there.
#friendica has relays, I never checked that option out but if you dig into it you'll find some answers. In the latest release it added "channels" to create streams of selected gathered information, another thing I haven't digged into yet. Actualy friendica and #
Hashtags are supposed to be from all the contacts that has a server in the #fediVerse, if the posts were published publicly. Their for mastodon.social with it's overwhelming user base should be connected to a very large percentage of the fediverse accounts (that's an interesting percentage investigation to do). It even has introduced full text search and I guess it's using it so that's another tool in one place to get a lot of the total info out there.
#friendica has relays, I never checked that option out but if you dig into it you'll find some answers. In the latest release it added "channels" to create streams of selected gathered information, another thing I haven't digged into yet. Actualy friendica and #hubzilla might be the ones that can tap into most info on the fediverse. Those communities, both inicialized by Mike, have kinda basic goal to create workarounds in the fediVerse to connect to everyone and everything. Thinking about it, friendica might be the oldest thriving #activityPub speaking platform out there.
My recommendation to check out friendica in your case would be squeet.me as it is run by one of the german main devolpers of that platform so it's always on the latest dev branch.
following activitypub, which is an unsorted mess of information overflow
That's an impression I get first of all in the #mastodon stream as every answer pops up like a single unrelated contextles bubble in once universe that most likely might create some declaration of war in some other distant universe that ultimately might just lead to a dog swolling some toy ball.
many () problems can be traced back to Homo Sapiens Sapiens
all of 'em, that's why spanisch is the choosen language in this case as it spells mono sapiens -> #VIATA At the same time, blaming the user while the boss considers them "dumb fucks" and gives out the instruction "be fast and break things" sounds like kinda victim blaming.
No it never does, it makes your world view distorted
That's what I mean by: their own disconnected reality. What wasn't to clear in my answer is that apparently they gathered into bubbles on places like fb and went of from there to GAB or apparently now a days #telegram groups. btw Every world view is distorted, by default, there is no way around that fact.
It is necessary sometimes to touch foreign subjects, meet new people, read unusual threads, outside your comfort zone. At least that’s my experience.
Bubbles are fine, not only for marginalized groups and can be helpful and uplifting. Point is when they lead to radicalization, "Tunnelblick", "Scheuklappen" (blinders). Actually they create an own norm, an own culture, an own tribe. That can lead to diversification that can be good and useful, why not. Kinda like always it's the concentration that makes it medicine or abused drug, that's why I wrote semipermeable as an important part of the setup.
#GAFAM created a asocial environment, some reasons you mentioned, the first reason because they could and it was good buisenes (for them). So "we" decided to go for the free network (redes libres/freie Neztzwerke) to disentangle and start all over again. My peers are my algorithm that create my feed of input. And as my vibes and emotional situation changes, I'll have to adapt my feed constantly if I want to stay in charge. If I refer that task to my smart watch I'm doomed to become aligned to a (main)stream others decide over. AI is going to make that most likely worse because it's becoming more and more complex and we rely on some coders that say "bad dog! baaad dog!" to the AI. Meanwhile in Myanmar some genocide is fostered, fb traces the data for their AI and the billionairs say: "Well, some workers died when the golden gate bridge was build, bad luck, that's colateral damage worth it."
No it isn't. It was (is) a social network, that is, an online space to keep personal connections and publish messages and responses. There is no evil in that. Also FB was a pioneer in public free APIs, and well thought out permission system, long time ago. Also they did integrations very well. Etc.
They became a data whore, but that's just a part of the whole story.
Hashtags are supposed to be from all the contacts
That's it. You cannot follow hashtags, you can follow contacts' hashtags (and local users' hashtags). No more.
I do have a friendica server (https://fika.grin.hu/) and I am more or less familar with it. Can use s
No it isn't. It was (is) a social network, that is, an online space to keep personal connections and publish messages and responses. There is no evil in that. Also FB was a pioneer in public free APIs, and well thought out permission system, long time ago. Also they did integrations very well. Etc.
They became a data whore, but that's just a part of the whole story.
Hashtags are supposed to be from all the contacts
That's it. You cannot follow hashtags, you can follow contacts' hashtags (and local users' hashtags). No more.
I do have a friendica server (https://fika.grin.hu/) and I am more or less familar with it. Can use similar relays as mastodon (yes, that's a thing! used to be, at least), but nothing really different.
FB as a bubble
Partially it is, but it is extremely simple to break out, since there is a public stream: you choose "sort chronologically" and get it without filtering and reordering. In contrast you cannot break out of an AP instance or a D* pod, since you cannot possibly see non-local posts, ever.
Bubbles are fine // semipermeable as an important part of the setup
So yes, if there is no permeability it becames an echo chamber; if there is permeability (unlike AP and D*) it offered the possibility for people who's more open than others to look for strangers.
My peers are my algorithm that create my feed of input.
Lucky you. Mine cannot order relevant from irrelevant, smart from stupid and meaningful from blabbering, and it's pouring. People have the habit to scream loudly about user feedback based order/filter systems like facebook but it works, in the normal everyday life, pretty well. Unordered unsorted AP (and D* and like) wastes a lot of time for me, since I have to read through a huge amount of bullshit instead of the machines would do it for me.
Why is it than that I see toots of people from other instances or pods that I don’t follow but contain hashtags I do follow?
because they are followed by someone else on your local pod,
therefore they were pulled by someone else,
therefore they are local for you.
If someone on your pod or instance follows someone from a distant pod or instance, yes you can.
If someone on my pod follows everyone on every pod then yes, otherwise no. (In theory relays would do that, but in practice neither Mastodon nor Diaspora is prepared to handle that amount of data without eating excessive amounts of resources, so people don't do that.)
You might consider looking for someone else who chooses what contacts your profile follows.
Unfortunately you are missing my point. Without automatic ranking you rely on humans, who won't provice this one specific service for you. What you're talking about is something not completely, but quite u
... show more
Why is it than that I see toots of people from other instances or pods that I don’t follow but contain hashtags I do follow?
because they are followed by someone else on your local pod,
therefore they were pulled by someone else,
therefore they are local for you.
If someone on your pod or instance follows someone from a distant pod or instance, yes you can.
If someone on my pod follows everyone on every pod then yes, otherwise no. (In theory relays would do that, but in practice neither Mastodon nor Diaspora is prepared to handle that amount of data without eating excessive amounts of resources, so people don't do that.)
You might consider looking for someone else who chooses what contacts your profile follows.
Unfortunately you are missing my point. Without automatic ranking you rely on humans, who won't provice this one specific service for you. What you're talking about is something not completely, but quite unlike what I mean. 😀
you should relate more to machines than.
Machines need data to process, and data is not local. In fact, Diaspora does not have meaningful reactions (which is one excellent way for ranking) and definitely not on comments (which would be very useful for raking). Also it misses view counts, and a bunch of other metrics would be required for machine learning.
I know the theory, but there is no data to work from.
mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm jesuiSatire .. ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm jesuiSatire .. ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ likes this.
mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm jesuiSatire .. ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
It actually evolved lately:

It got no resonance on mastodon at all, not even one boost (reshare), astonishing difference.
grin likes this.
I've been saying from the start that I see no point in actual federation trying to replace services where there is a global public stream.
As adding insult to injury (both also literally, mind you) on the Fediverse I've been lectured that it's better this way because people can close themselves into way better information bubbles. Talk with only people amplifying their own ideas. Staying inside their group.
And I've been actually harrassed for even coming up with the idea of proxying public stream from one node to another, because that would violate their privacy, their rights, their whatevers.
Mind blown.
(And fediverse is a big collection of mailing lists. Not a social network.)
mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm jesuiSatire .. ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
•Can't see your problem with "the fediVerse", actually by definition diaspora* is part of it.
The "behaviour" of the microblogging community, basically educated by twitter and now to a certain extent overwhelming mastodon is a different matter, without any doubt. The fact that the newhere gif didn't get any resonance is interesting and has in part to do with the fact that the last wave from twitter was like people coming in troves and reconnecting inmediatelly with there old contacts I guess.
But well, that's my guess as of now why there was no resonance at all.
Maybe when first published the movie was still fresh and that was another reason for the reshares and likes over here ..
(: aNNa :) blume likes this.
mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm jesuiSatire .. ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
Maybe there's a selfprotecting beauty in that:
The "cross over" to escape your own instance is ultimately done by hashtag follow, guppy-groups (a.gup.pe) and relays fro friendica.
... show moreActually I'm not a real fan of that either. The one world, one culture,we are all one, "let's connect all the world together!" promoted by
Maybe there's a selfprotecting beauty in that:
The "cross over" to escape your own instance is ultimately done by hashtag follow, guppy-groups (a.gup.pe) and relays fro friendica.
Actually I'm not a real fan of that either. The one world, one culture,we are all one, "let's connect all the world together!" promoted by fb is madness and creates madness or, probably worse, one mindset, one monopoly that rules them all.
There is no work around in a single place I guess.
What we have now is that bubbles come up and than drift apart into their own disconnected reallity, that's maybe worth, even tho GAB for example seems to have become isolated and kinda useless. At the same time "the real talk" pod existed and Bolsonaro came into power and it's difficult to say if that pod mattered or not.
To me it looks like our fediVerse setup, including the kinda distant diasporaVerse is to a certain extent semipermeable and that might be the best and most human reality like option.
grin ✅
•But no, it doesn't. Interstingly I cannot find my own post where I have specifically asked about that and none of the "true" federation systems (D*, AP, …) automagically distribute hashtags. Not those you don't follow (so you could see trends or discover new ones) nor those you follow. You only have hashtags from your local posts (however they got there is another story).
I don't know whether friendlyca 😀 does active pulls but have little chance if the protocol doesn't provice hashtag update streams. Sometimes it seems it tries to backpull thread heads but maybe that's just an illusion.
... show moreBut no, it doesn't. Interstingly I cannot find my own post where I have specifically asked about that and none of the "true" federation systems (D*, AP, …) automagically distribute hashtags. Not those you don't follow (so you could see trends or discover new ones) nor those you follow. You only have hashtags from your local posts (however they got there is another story).
I don't know whether friendlyca 😀 does active pulls but have little chance if the protocol doesn't provice hashtag update streams. Sometimes it seems it tries to backpull thread heads but maybe that's just an illusion.
I don't subscribe to this flat earth view. Global stream makes it possible to discover things, to see trends of stuff you don't directly follow, or actually do any personalised filtering/collection/ordering, which is essential to conserve free time and prevent madness (which is immediately caused by following activitypub, which is an unsorted mess of information overflow). Facebook inherently isn't bad, it's a sorted and filtered stream based on personal preferences which helps seeing what's "important", what's "intersting" and what's "hot", in various ratios; obviously the problem is when you have no direct control over that, and if you add various monetary skews like advertisement it can become the mess which is Facebook now in reality. Still it's not half as bad as some people claim it to, and many of its problems can be traced back to Homo Sapiens Sapiens who actually post there.
No it never does, it makes your world view distorted. In Hungary there are two parallel countries: one which follows Orbán and Fidesz party, and the general governmental propaganda (and I mean that in the strictest literal sense), and the other country is which follows various opposition parties or key figures. They do not mix, they hardly ever read the other bubble, they do not talk to one another. Both sides have their delusions and they's often not even aware that they are living in one.
It is necessary sometimes to touch foreign subjects, meet new people, read unusual threads, outside your comfort zone. At least that's my experience.
That was another bubble. Like GAB. Like most of the queer instances, or socialism instances or whatever instances where they are all from the same group and amplify one another, like that was the norm in the outside world, which is not.
mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm jesuiSatire .. ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
•yes it is.
Hashtags are supposed to be from all the contacts that has a server in the #fediVerse, if the posts were published publicly. Their for mastodon.social with it's overwhelming user base should be connected to a very large percentage of the fediverse accounts (that's an interesting percentage investigation to do). It even has introduced full text search and I guess it's using it so that's another tool in one place to get a lot of the total info out there.
#friendica has relays, I never checked that option out but if you dig into it you'll find some answers. In the latest release it added "channels" to create streams of selected gathered information, another thing I haven't digged into yet. Actualy friendica and #
... show moreyes it is.
Hashtags are supposed to be from all the contacts that has a server in the #fediVerse, if the posts were published publicly. Their for mastodon.social with it's overwhelming user base should be connected to a very large percentage of the fediverse accounts (that's an interesting percentage investigation to do). It even has introduced full text search and I guess it's using it so that's another tool in one place to get a lot of the total info out there.
#friendica has relays, I never checked that option out but if you dig into it you'll find some answers. In the latest release it added "channels" to create streams of selected gathered information, another thing I haven't digged into yet. Actualy friendica and #hubzilla might be the ones that can tap into most info on the fediverse. Those communities, both inicialized by Mike, have kinda basic goal to create workarounds in the fediVerse to connect to everyone and everything. Thinking about it, friendica might be the oldest thriving #activityPub speaking platform out there.
My recommendation to check out friendica in your case would be squeet.me as it is run by one of the german main devolpers of that platform so it's always on the latest dev branch.
That's an impression I get first of all in the #mastodon stream as every answer pops up like a single unrelated contextles bubble in once universe that most likely might create some declaration of war in some other distant universe that ultimately might just lead to a dog swolling some toy ball.
all of 'em, that's why spanisch is the choosen language in this case as it spells mono sapiens -> #VIATA
At the same time, blaming the user while the boss considers them "dumb fucks" and gives out the instruction "be fast and break things" sounds like kinda victim blaming.
That's what I mean by: their own disconnected reality.
What wasn't to clear in my answer is that apparently they gathered into bubbles on places like fb and went of from there to GAB or apparently now a days #telegram groups.
Every world view is distorted, by default, there is no way around that fact.
More than agreed:
Or they managed to organize.
Bubbles are fine, not only for marginalized groups and can be helpful and uplifting.
Point is when they lead to radicalization, "Tunnelblick", "Scheuklappen" (blinders).
Actually they create an own norm, an own culture, an own tribe. That can lead to diversification that can be good and useful, why not. Kinda like always it's the concentration that makes it medicine or abused drug, that's why I wrote semipermeable as an important part of the setup.
#GAFAM created a asocial environment, some reasons you mentioned, the first reason because they could and it was good buisenes (for them). So "we" decided to go for the free network (redes libres/freie Neztzwerke) to disentangle and start all over again. My peers are my algorithm that create my feed of input. And as my vibes and emotional situation changes, I'll have to adapt my feed constantly if I want to stay in charge. If I refer that task to my smart watch I'm doomed to become aligned to a (main)stream others decide over. AI is going to make that most likely worse because it's becoming more and more complex and we rely on some coders that say "bad dog! baaad dog!" to the AI. Meanwhile in Myanmar some genocide is fostered, fb traces the data for their AI and the billionairs say:
"Well, some workers died when the golden gate bridge was build, bad luck, that's colateral damage worth it."
how to friendica install for ubuntu VPS
(lot's of spoilers!)
For your acronym dictionary:
.. and yes, I have long blond hair too ..
Si quieres leerlo en húngaro, pulsa aquí.
Geraspora*grin ✅
•@mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm no pm MP in town that is getting massive. I'm trimming.
No it isn't. It was (is) a social network, that is, an online space to keep personal connections and publish messages and responses. There is no evil in that. Also FB was a pioneer in public free APIs, and well thought out permission system, long time ago. Also they did integrations very well. Etc.
They became a data whore, but that's just a part of the whole story.
That's it. You cannot follow hashtags, you can follow contacts' hashtags (and local users' hashtags). No more.
... show moreI do have a friendica server (https://fika.grin.hu/) and I am more or less familar with it. Can use s
@mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm no pm MP in town that is getting massive. I'm trimming.
No it isn't. It was (is) a social network, that is, an online space to keep personal connections and publish messages and responses. There is no evil in that. Also FB was a pioneer in public free APIs, and well thought out permission system, long time ago. Also they did integrations very well. Etc.
They became a data whore, but that's just a part of the whole story.
That's it. You cannot follow hashtags, you can follow contacts' hashtags (and local users' hashtags). No more.
I do have a friendica server (https://fika.grin.hu/) and I am more or less familar with it. Can use similar relays as mastodon (yes, that's a thing! used to be, at least), but nothing really different.
Partially it is, but it is extremely simple to break out, since there is a public stream: you choose "sort chronologically" and get it without filtering and reordering.
In contrast you cannot break out of an AP instance or a D* pod, since you cannot possibly see non-local posts, ever.
So yes, if there is no permeability it becames an echo chamber; if there is permeability (unlike AP and D*) it offered the possibility for people who's more open than others to look for strangers.
Lucky you. Mine cannot order relevant from irrelevant, smart from stupid and meaningful from blabbering, and it's pouring. People have the habit to scream loudly about user feedback based order/filter systems like facebook but it works, in the normal everyday life, pretty well. Unordered unsorted AP (and D* and like) wastes a lot of time for me, since I have to read through a huge amount of bullshit instead of the machines would do it for me.
I won't quote back the #FidoNet #acronym #dictionary 😉
mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm jesuiSatire .. ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ likes this.
mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm jesuiSatire .. ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
•Yes it is.
Der Fisch stinkt vom Kopf.
full stop
mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm jesuiSatire .. ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
•Why is it than that I see toots of people from other instances or pods that I don't follow but contain hashtags I do follow?
If someone on your pod or instance follows someone from a distant pod or instance, yes you can.
You might consider looking for someone else who chooses what contacts your profile follows.
you should relate more to machines than.
grin ✅
•Being open minded and ready for different options (opinions) is purely optional. One may choose not to and keep going with the flow.
grin ✅
•If someone on my pod follows everyone on every pod then yes, otherwise no.
(In theory relays would do that, but in practice neither Mastodon nor Diaspora is prepared to handle that amount of data without eating excessive amounts of resources, so people don't do that.)
... show moreUnfortunately you are missing my point. Without automatic ranking you rely on humans, who won't provice this one specific service for you. What you're talking about is something not completely, but quite u
If someone on my pod follows everyone on every pod then yes, otherwise no.
(In theory relays would do that, but in practice neither Mastodon nor Diaspora is prepared to handle that amount of data without eating excessive amounts of resources, so people don't do that.)
Unfortunately you are missing my point. Without automatic ranking you rely on humans, who won't provice this one specific service for you. What you're talking about is something not completely, but quite unlike what I mean. 😀
Machines need data to process, and data is not local. In fact, Diaspora does not have meaningful reactions (which is one excellent way for ranking) and definitely not on comments (which would be very useful for raking). Also it misses view counts, and a bunch of other metrics would be required for machine learning.
I know the theory, but there is no data to work from.
mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm jesuiSatire .. ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
grin ✅