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Items tagged with: propaganda

Putins Propaganda in Europa

Die Klone des Kreml

Von Nicholas Potter

Das russische Propagandaprogramm „Doppelgänger“ imitiert bekannte Medienwebsites. Laut Verfassungsschutz setzt es aber auch auf etablierte Medien.

Schwerpunkt: Krieg in der Ukraine

#taz #tageszeitung #Russland #Kreml #Propaganda

Die #Presse berichtet gerade einhellig:

#Israel beschlagnahmt 800 Hektar im #Westjordanland

Da es sich um besetztes Land handelt müsste es sich doch um eine #Annexion handeln 🤔?

Hat Putin am Ende die Krim nur beschlagnahmt?

#framing #journalism #Völkerrecht #problem #nachrichten #manipulation #propaganda #medien #politik #Einordnung

Barbarism vs. Civilization

Don't fall for the #propaganda in the fight against terror. In the last #war in #Afghanistan, you could separate terrorists from #freedom fighters by the fact that one group was supported by the #CIA and the other was not.

#terrorism #meme #politics #civilization #barbarism #military #news #society

Digital Resistance News - 2024-02-24 16:09:17 GMT

#war #terror #military #politics #meme #ethics #humanrights #fail

You're Not Immune To Propaganda

This video hits hard, we're all immersed in propaganda without even realizing its influence on us, so when someone points it out you're in shock of how you didn't see that before.

#YouTube #educational
#propaganda #news #media
#capitalism #neoliberalism
Thumbnail of the video from YouTube. The text reads "You are not immune to propaganda" with the drawing of a person staring directly at the viewer.

friends don't let friends waste time on #fundamentalistChristian #conservative #Republican #trump cultists living in an alternate reality, thanks to all the #conspiracyTheories and #propaganda they gobble up.

Got an epiphany at breakfast: If the moon landing is indeed fake and filmed in a studio as conspiracy theorists claim it is, how come the Soviets, China etc. didn't fake it too?
They definitely had the means to do it & propaganda's their strong point so why not claim they went to the Moon too?
Or better, they do it to prove that Americans are liars and never went, to shame them in front of the whole world?
I guess conspiracy proponents would argue that the Soviet Union and China were in cahoot with the US government. It's not less 'believable' than a flat Earth I suppose.🤔
#conspiracy #flatearth #propaganda