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It actually evolved lately:

It got no resonance on mastodon at all, not even one boost (reshare), astonishing difference.


I've been saying from the start that I see no point in actual federation trying to replace services where there is a global public stream.

As adding insult to injury (both also literally, mind you) on the Fediverse I've been lectured that it's better this way because people can close themselves into way better information bubbles. Talk with only people amplifying their own ideas. Staying inside their group.

And I've been actually harrassed for even coming up with the idea of proxying public stream from one node to another, because that would violate their privacy, their rights, their whatevers.

Mind blown.

(And fediverse is a big collection of mailing lists. Not a social network.)

Can't see your problem with "the fediVerse", actually by definition diaspora* is part of it.

The "behaviour" of the microblogging community, basically educated by twitter and now to a certain extent overwhelming mastodon is a different matter, without any doubt. The fact that the newhere gif didn't get any resonance is interesting and has in part to do with the fact that the last wave from twitter was like people coming in troves and reconnecting inmediatelly with there old contacts I guess.

But well, that's my guess as of now why there was no resonance at all.

Maybe when first published the movie was still fresh and that was another reason for the reshares and likes over here ..

Sure, tell me how shall I call the microblogging part of the fediverse, so you won't feel the urge to correct me.
Still, dispora works the same way. It's and incosistent disconnected mess.
Facebook inherently bad.

No it isn’t.

Yes it is.
Der Fisch stinkt vom Kopf.
full stop

Hashtags are supposed to be from all the contacts

That’s it. You cannot follow hashtags, you can follow contacts’ hashtags (and local users’ hashtags). No more.

Why is it than that I see toots of people from other instances or pods that I don't follow but contain hashtags I do follow?

In contrast you cannot break out of an AP instance or a D* pod, since you cannot possibly see non-local posts, ever.

If someone on your pod or instance follows someone from a distant pod or instance, yes you can.

My peers are my algorithm that create my feed of input.

Lucky you. Mine cannot order relevant from irrelevant, smart from stupid and meaningful from blabbering, and it’s pouring.

You might consider looking for someone else who chooses what contacts your profile follows.

since I have to read through a huge amount of bullshit instead of the machines would do it for me

you should relate more to machines than.

Yes it is.

Being open minded and ready for different options (opinions) is purely optional. One may choose not to and keep going with the flow.

Can't say I know what you mean, but I can say that I don't. 😉