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Why am I seeing posts of people I don't follow on my home timeline?

!Friendica Support
Look at this screenshot:

Now I don't follow Anubis or Katherine, and I've never followed them actually, then why are their posts showing up on my home timeline?! And as you can see from my screenshot none of my followers have reshared or replied to the posts either, so this shouldn't be here right?
I've seen their posts before too, I believe this has been happening for months now, I just didn't pay close attention before because this wasn't my main account. And I'm also using the default settings of Friendica, see this screenshot:

Any idea why this might be happening and how to fix this?

Tagging my instance admin @Tio here.

These 2 users are registered with our instance....but does not explain why you see their posts in your timeline. I have to add that accounts that I have followed in the past and are registered with our own instance, still show in my timeline. I had to ignore @Rokosun did you at any point follow these people?
I don't remember following them at any point, I don't actually use this account that much, I simply imported my followers from my mastodon account when I first created this account. But even on my Mastodon account I've never followed these people, they're just random users that I don't even remember ever interacting with.
Ok this is odd...and quote unpleasant as a bug...I wonder where the issue is...did you see other accounts you don't follow except these ones popping into your timeline?
This entry was edited (2 years ago)
@Tio There might be more such accounts, I haven't checked that yet, these are the ones I noticed first, perhaps because these users are more active so their post often comes up on my timeline.
So Tio have you encountered the same bug on your account before? Posts of random users appearing on your home timeline even when none of your followers have interacted with them?
I only saw 3 contacts that were from our own instance. I unfollowed them but I could still see their posts...I wanted to report it but I am so busy these days woth trom 2
Maybe if you get no feedback here you should open a github issue since this seems to be a really bad bug 😁 - the creepy kind of bug, without a head and 54 legs. We need to kill it.
@Rokosun@Tio Do you follow #Hashtags ? If your administrator has added some hubs, you might see posts from people because of the hashtag. You can check this by going with your mouse over a small icon next to when it has been posted. Here I can see your post because I follow the same forum and that icon tells me "Reshared by Friendica Support" why I see it.
In my case is not that, I checked for it...when it is because of a hahstag you can see a hashtag icon.
@Tio@Rokosun Okay, that one is then excluded. 😀 I also have the default setting here, but still see reshares from my followed accounts. That's a bit odd.
@Rokosun I just noticed yet another post from a contact I did not follow, and to my surprise when i hovered over the name I was following it...this is very weird...can you please do the same with those contacts? Check if you are not following them...
When I hover over their username, I can see the plus button to follow them, that means I'm not following them currently......
Ah I see...damn weird we should open a github issue