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Items tagged with: chatgpt

Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000, Episode 40: Elders Need Care, Not 'AI' Surveillance (feat. Clara Berridge)

Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000, Episode 39 - Newsrooms Pivot to Bullshit (Feat. Sam Cole)

Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000, Episode 28 - LLMs Are Not Human Subjects

So ein #ChatGPT ist doch eine glorreiche Erfindung, denn früher als man noch nicht von der Maus ausrutschen konnte, 1982, also auch noch vor den jüdischen Vermächtnissen, da blieb dann nur der Unterschriftenautomat um vor Gericht mit weißer Weste dazustehen...
Herr Leisler Kiep hat nicht gegen den Artikel 21 verstoßen, weil sein Unterschriften-Automat ohne das Wissen seines Herrn...
F. K. Waechter- Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
F. K. Waechter für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bücher
Die Bürde des Menschen ist unantastbar
und KI ist die Abkürzung für Keine Intelligenz

#WalterLeislerKiep #SeppMüller #Unterschriftenautomat #Ausreden #FKWaechter #taz

FB just offered me an ad titled "Learn ChatGPT in just 4 weeks!"

I have so many questions.

Like, is the course taught by ChatGPT? Is the material about ChatGPT written by ChatGPT? Does it come with a certificate? Is there an exam? How do I know the material written by ChatGPT about ChatGPT is accurate?... Does it matter?...

#WTF #WhatTheHell #Why #How #Who #Why #AI #ChatGPT

The Dawn of the AI-Military Complex


Two weeks ago, #OpenAI deleted it's ban on using #ChatGPT for "Military and Warfare" and revealed, that it's working with the military on "cybersecurity tools". It's clear to me that the darlings of generative AI want in on the wargames, and i'm very confident they are not the only ones. With ever more international conflicts turning hot, from Israels war on Hamas after the massacre on 7th october to Russias invasion of Ukraine to local conflicts like the Houthis attacking US trade ships with drones and the US retaliating, plus the competetive pressure from China, who surely have their own versions of AI-powered automated weapon systems in place, i absolutely think that automatic war pipelines are in high demand from many many international players with very very deep pockets, and #SiliconValley seems more than eager to exploit.

#wargame #war #terror #military #ai #news #complex #politics #economy #conflict

Just a few months after the launch of ChatGPT, copywriters and graphic designers (freelancers) have been affected by a significant drop in the number of contracts received, and in those that have received them - a drop in earnings. being more skilled was no shield against loss of work or earnings. Being more skilled was no shield against loss of work or earnings #ai #aftificialintelligence #chatgpt #gpt

I've been thinking about the new Associated Press guidelines to avoid referring to #AI in ways that could imply humanness, sentience, or intent:

Don't say, "It WANTS you to enter more information," for example.

I've often used that kind of wording for computers in the past.

But more precise wording matters now because it's the first time we've widely had systems that could be mistaken for being human or having sentience, and it's important not to reinforce that idea.


Hi there, if you don’t want me to hit you, please carry this sign that says “please don’t hit me” with you always. Otherwise, I can’t possibly be held responsible if I hit you. Because it’s in my nature to hit you. I can’t live without hitting people. It’s just who I am and what I do. Thank you for your understanding in this delicate matter.


#ai #optOut #openAI #chatGPT #bullshit

I just found out that Quora, the questions and answers website, is now showing a #ChatGPT answer to the question above human-written answers which can’t be fully expanded without registering an account anyway.

I really need that feature where I can block whole domains from search engine results.


#Friendica just received two little but very useful patches:

Images are now resized to prevent them from exceeding a given file size limit:

And a commit preventing crawling via #ChatGPT:

Thanks for those welcome changes @Michael Vogel

The shady world of Brave selling copyrighted data for AI training

#tech #technology #news #technews #internet #Brave #Bravebrowser #ChatGPT

Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000, Episode 13 - Beware the Robo-Therapist

Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000, Episode 12 - It's All Hell

#ChatGPT is the #Radithor of today. Like #radium, LLMs are very useful for some specific purposes. But new powerful things tend to be put to use where they shouldn't be. Soon after the discovery of radium by Maria Skłodowska-Curie in 1898 the wonderful substance started being used in many applications. Self-luminous watches with glowing dials were very useful, but the workers who painted the dials became seriously ill after years of work. They became known as the Radium Girls ( The new substance was also used without any thought in cosmetics and food. A German toothpaste, Doramad Radioactive, was supposed to give teeth wonderful, radioactive brilliance. Radithor ( was sold as the panaceum for all health problems until, after years of use, the jaw of the millionaire socialite Eben Byers rotted in 1932. The abuse of LLMs is similarly jaw-dropping and will also lead to many deaths.

Lol whelp. I wanted to try #ChatGPT to see what it offered as an explanation for why the US still has #censorship that violates #genderEquality by applying inequally based on "what gender you look like" (aka #freeTheNipple aka #ToplessEquality) but they require a phone number to sign up to use it, and they won't let you use a fake virtual phone number. Fuck that then, I guess 🙃
A screenshot from the ChatGPT signup requiring a virtual number to sign up, with the caption "It looks like this is a virtual phone number (also known as a VoIP). Please provide a valid, non-virtual phone number to continue."

Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000, Episode 9 - Call The AI Quack Doctor

ebben igazad van, de legalább a #truthgpt törekvése hasznosabb mint a #ChatGPT Erről mi a véleményed? Ha gondolod teszteld Te is ;)

🇵🇱 Nowy wpis na blogu! / 🇬🇧 New blog post!

Dostęp do GPT od OpenAI przez API

#ai #api #chatgpt #curl #deepl #futurepedia #gpt #gpt35turbo #gpt4 #llm #max_tokens #openai #php #promptengineer #temperature #tlumacz #tlumaczenie #token #translate #translator


Join me, Carole Theriault, and our special guest The CyberWire's @bittner in the latest "Smashing Security" podcast - Another Uber SNAFU, an AI chatbot quiz, and is juice-jacking genuine?

#cybersecurity #juicejacking #ai #chatbot #chatgpt #uber #databreach #podcast
Uber car, chatbot, USB port.

Since the hype around AI accelerated, a lot of people have been looking for meaning in the text generated by large language models and tools like ChatGPT. But that doesn’t mean they’re intelligent, and there’s a real danger in thinking they are.

On #TechWontSaveUs, I spoke with @emilymbender about how these technologies work, why they don’t reflect how humans use language, but why we want to believe they’re talking to us.

#tech #ai #chatgpt #generativeai #llm #podcast

Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000, Episode 8 - The ChatGPT Awakens

Libre alternative to gpt / chatgpt named colassalai / colassalchat.

#colossalai #colossalchat #chatgpt #libreai

And could the creators "reliably control" #ChatGPT et al. Yes, they could --- by simply not setting them up as easily accessible sources of non-information poisoning our information ecosystem.

And could folks "understand" these systems? There are plenty of open questions about how deep neural nets map inputs to outputs, but we'd be much better positioned to study them if the AI labs provided transparency about training data, model architecture, and training regimes.


#ChatGPT conversation histories leaked:

Can you guess who or what does Sam Altman from #OpenAI blame for it?

"A bug in an open source library."

Yup. #FLOSS is great for #OpenAI as a way to build on somebody else's code, and as a way to train their models on somebody else's code. But as soon as shit hits the fan, it *will* get thrown under the bus.

Wanna *bet* it's not an #AGPL library? SV hypercapitalists keep away from those!

#FOSS #InfoSec

Content warning: Politics, Brave Browser, AI, ChatGPT, LGBTQ+ rights, COVID denialism

When #ChatGPT lies to you, what you need is a #library, like the @internetarchive

Following #MentalHealth #chatbots since 2017 (all of them, most egregious WoeBot at Stanford).

*ANY* chatbots main job is to harvest data & behaviours from humans using them to improve all aspects of their own back end systems.

#OpenAI ToS/EULA “OK” = Liability to User

115 days and #ChatGPT will be in MS-Office within weeks?


#AI = savage & lawless land

ALL #media dopamine addled or captured or troll army pumping #AI for #Musk #Theil

Who’s looking behind curtain? 🧐

Swap word "train" for "use"

and you'll be on to #Musk + #Thiel strategy in that poll



There’s a lot of hype about AI and its potential, but are we asking the right questions about its potential consequences?

This week on #TechWontSaveUs, I speak to Dan McQuillan about how AI promotes ranking populations and austerity policies, and the risks that come with its emergence coinciding with the growth of far-right policies.

Listen to the full episode:

#ai #tech #politics #chatgpt

I also feel like there is a lot of hype around predictive algorithmic language bots right now; but no clear path forward where there will not always be some edge cases where they will lie, regurgitate bigotry or plagiarize to you.

I find it weird that google and Microsoft's first impulses to this tech is something like "this will revolutionize search!!".

The last thing I want is a search engine to have a small but real percent chance of randomly lying to me or slipping in bigotry in a convincing way, when I least suspect it.

That should be alarming to folks, right?

#chatgpt #ai

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