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Items tagged with: vc

I love how this “Created by AI, edited by humans” summary of the chat I had with Doc this month starts off mildly enough with “A great chat on FLOSS Weekly regarding alternate funding models to support ethical tech projects…“ and ends a few paragraphs later with “…Balkan provided an urgent call to action to avoid extinction at the hands of unchecked capitalism.”

Well that escalated quickly!

😬 👍

#tech #ethics #BigTech #SmallTech #BigWeb #SmallWeb #VC #capitalism

Venture capitalists are parasites that deploy harmful technologies in the name of profit and control. Now they’re fueling AI hype not to improve the world, but to make a quick buck.

On #TechWontSaveUs, Edward Ongweso Jr. outlines why we need to abolish venture capital if we have any hope of creating better technology and actually improving people’s lives.

#tech #ai #vc #finance

@compl4xx Yeah, if the folks handing out (our) public funds had any sense, organisations that get them would not be able to then take #VC so that what is built using them can then be enclosed. But clearly #NLNet, etc., aren’t thinking that far. So we fund things from the commons and if they fail, we shoulder the cost but if they succeed, then private capital takes the rewards and encloses it. Not great is it?

I guess I can take this response as confirmation, then?


Dear @EU_Commission, I said this at the European Parliament but let me repeat it:

Public funding for tech should come with a stipulation that the organisations that take (our) public funds should not then be able to take venture capital (VC) and have private capital enclose what is built with that public funding.

Context: Delta Chat (@delta), which has received public funding from multiple #EU funds, #NLNet, etc. is reportedly now considering a VC offer.

#DeltaChat #EU #VentureCapital #VC

Following #MentalHealth #chatbots since 2017 (all of them, most egregious WoeBot at Stanford).

*ANY* chatbots main job is to harvest data & behaviours from humans using them to improve all aspects of their own back end systems.

#OpenAI ToS/EULA “OK” = Liability to User

115 days and #ChatGPT will be in MS-Office within weeks?


#AI = savage & lawless land

ALL #media dopamine addled or captured or troll army pumping #AI for #Musk #Theil

Who’s looking behind curtain? 🧐

Celebrating Silicon Valley billionaires and venture capitalists showing an interest in the fediverse is like celebrating wolves showing an interest in your chicken coop.

#SiliconValley #billionaires #vc #ventureCapital #BigTech #colonialism #fediverse #mastodon

A billionaire Silicon Valley venture capitalist setting up a fediverse account isn’t the win you might think it is.

Who do you think funds and benefits from the Twitters and Facebooks of the world?

We can’t stop these folks from setting up their own servers but please don’t feel a need to federate with them or subsidise their existence on servers you pay for and maintain.

And remain vigilant against embrace, extend, and extinguish.

#billionaires #vc #SiliconValley #mastodon #capitalism
Paul Graham (@paulg) on Twitter on 11/16/22: “It’s remarkable how many people who've never run any kind of company think they know how to run a tech company better than someone who's run Tesla and SpaceX.”

THIS great sentiment
maybe we ALL take a serious & sober look at how ABSENCE of LAW over past 18 years (not bad law, shitty or law unfair law... no law)
• #internet
• #mobile #social
• #privacy
• #surveillance
• #AI #ML
• #data #governance

This is a massive #mastodon #fediverse opportunity we can collectively capitalize on before #SiliconValley #BigTech #VC carpet baggers arrive.


@klonick@davew@craignewmark@jeffjarvis@daphnehk@qjurecic@blaine @@profcarroll