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#ChatGPT is the #Radithor of today. Like #radium, LLMs are very useful for some specific purposes. But new powerful things tend to be put to use where they shouldn't be. Soon after the discovery of radium by Maria SkΕ‚odowska-Curie in 1898 the wonderful substance started being used in many applications. Self-luminous watches with glowing dials were very useful, but the workers who painted the dials became seriously ill after years of work. They became known as the Radium Girls ( The new substance was also used without any thought in cosmetics and food. A German toothpaste, Doramad Radioactive, was supposed to give teeth wonderful, radioactive brilliance. Radithor ( was sold as the panaceum for all health problems until, after years of use, the jaw of the millionaire socialite Eben Byers rotted in 1932. The abuse of LLMs is similarly jaw-dropping and will also lead to many deaths.
@szescstopni Maybe not even so much deaths as: unemployment in many professions, disinformation on a massive scale, a flood of ai generated 'art', etc.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)