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Items tagged with: blacklivesmatter

#MLKday Tommorow Y'all. But this is the shit we still have to live with! Houston 2024.
Look I wan to group us together to fight this shit.
Hit me up and ill follow yall back and share yall posts . We got fight dis nazi shit together.
MLK Day don mean shit unless we beat off these nazis .
Time to fight back yall 👊🏾
#blacklivesmatter 👊🏾
#blackmastodon 👊🏾
Imma passion fr to fight these nazi bitches 💯

Content warning: Police killing double amputee

Ah that's a shame. He's never dealt that way with me. The worst thing that happened was, when I had my account there as a SFW alt (but wasn't using it at the time), I realized I was banned for opposing #BlackLivesMatter. I reached out to stux privately and he said it was a mistake and reinstated my account, although my posts are gone so RIP to all the #ADHD posts and #MrRobot screenshots and commentary I'd posted. (I don't think it was stux who did it, but rather a rogue admin. This was during their #HeroesResist era, and immediately preceding's inception. A #HeroesResist user was an admin at the time I was banned.)

We did it!! Austin City Council just reduced APD's budget by over $100 million *and* reinvested resources into our community's safety and well-being. Tens of thousands of you have called, emailed, and testified. You made the impossible into a reality. #blacklivesmatter


With the recent second wave of #BlackLivesMatter, I've discovered the Americans Descendant of Slavery (#ADOS) movement. It is a typical example of intersectionality where ethnicity alone isn't useful enough to explain the current wealth disparities between American persons of color.

In particular, I believe #reparations should be directed primarily towards these people which would make an eventual policy both more affordable and more meaningful.

I should add that I'm not happy about the anti-immigration stance of this particular movement, but I still believe they deserve a particular attention that doesn't strip any other person of color of consideration regarding institutionalized #racism in the US.

How is nothing about the protests around the country trending right now?

Every major city is having huge #BlackLivesMatter marches.

This is Nashville 👇🏻

Why "the rule of law" is meaningless in the US: Some people systematically face little to no consequences for breaking it. Today's case in point: judges. #BlackLivesMatter #DefundThePolice…

Someone recently asked what intersectionality is about. We know black people suffer discrimination. We know disabled people suffer discrimination. Well, this is the special kind of discrimination black disabled people can face. #BlackLivesMatter

On June 11th, Michael Hickson, a quadriplegic black man with COVID-19 was killed by a hospital in Austin Texas.

Doctors decided he had "no quality of life" and was not worth spending the resources to save.

The conversation between his doctor and his wife was caught on audio 1/?

A black disabled man on an invasive ventilator smiling at the camera

This scene of #PoliceBrutality got to me more than most even though there was comparatively less violence. It is beyond good and bad apples. It’s pure domestic terrorism and the mayor’s response is abhorrent. #DefundThePolice #ElijahMclain #BlackLivesMatter

Aurora PD breaking up the peaceful violin vigil for the very kid they murdered. #ElijahMclain

And here we go. Guess the color of the skin of the first person to be recognized as being wrongfully arrested because of de facto racist facial recognition software? How many others have been otherwise convicted of a crime they didn't commit?

In January, in the first known case of its kind, a man in Michigan was arrested for a crime he did not commit due to a flawed algorithmic facial recognition match. I told his story here:…

I’ve been avoiding 538 for their political predictions since their catastrophic 2016 election failure, but this looks factual enough.
#GeorgeFloyd #DefundThePolice #BlackLivesMatter

Which states are taking on police reform after George Floyd?

This is ridiculous and admirable. I bought the bundle for $20 knowing full well I'll never be able to play all of them. #VideoGames #BLM #BlackLivesMatter

There are now over 1,000 projects included in the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality. All buyers have access to the new content added.

We're working on updating the UI to make it easier to browse, in the meantime reply with your recommendations

Amazon profits from policing, has helped build the surveillance state, helps ICE terrorize migrants & hands over customer data to cops—not to mention their foul labor practices (wrist trackers on warehouse workers). Dont b fooled by the capitalist co-optation of #BlackLivesMatter


I'm used to corporate lip service to social change movements, as it often doesn't go further, but man has @benandjerrys fully leaned on the #BlackLivesMatter and #EndWhiteSupremacy subjects. It's symbolic, of course, but I bought one of their pints while grocery shopping today.

To achieve justice, we don’t need just thoughts and prayers — we need education and action. The below thread offers some ways to learn about our country’s history, its impact on the present, and the underlying conditions that led to the murder of George Floyd.


We are witnessing the widest US nationwide protests in decades in a period where gathering in crowds can get you sick or dead and it is heartwarming. Frustrated not to be able to join given a somewhat precarious situation but my heart is with y'all. #blacklivesmatter #DefundNYPD

This is a crucial illustration of why I don't care about the "bad apples" argument. If even the presumably good apples have to follow unlawful orders anyway, it doesn't matter if they are good, they are acting indistinguishably from bad apples. @NYPD #ACAB

NYPD officer tells me he has orders from above to remove his name tag badge number precinct pins and body camera downtown Brooklyn new york near protests. Refuses to identify his self. Violation of Right to Know act @AshAgony #GeorgeFlyod #BreannaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter #BLM