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Yes. I am 100% in agreement with you.

Did the meme not convey that? haha
Without the "peaceful" it would have been perfect.
it was just meant to point out how much hypocrisy there is in conservatives claiming to be about upholding things like the 1st amendment yet they seem to bust a nut when the police beat the shit out of protesters.

I feel like having it say 'peaceful protesters' checkmates the attempt for a conservative to reply with something like 'they aren't all peaceful'.

Again, I agree with all you said - but this meme is about pointing out conservative hypocrisy as it exists.
You're really putting a lot more on this than necessary. I just made a meme dude. You even said it would be perfect if I changed it...and I did. It really doesn't merit this critical of an analysis. I didn't intend it to blow anyone's third eye open or anything, haha
I wrote a lot but I arrived at the same conclusion: it is just a meme and it is perfect as it now is. There was no "checkmate" though for the reasons I explained, but it isn't that important in the context of this image, especially not anymore.

It's all good, thank you for acting on my feedback!