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The reason you had not blocked me, Stux, is because when your server got overloaded and started crashing, and Gargron didn’t respond, I did and I helped you taught you how to scale Mastodon even though I was already migrated to Pleroma by that point.
As far as half the Fediverse blocking me, maybe that says more about your shitty mob mentality than it does about me.
My experience with Stux is that he’s two-faced and emotional. He once unfollowed me over something extremely petty and I called him out on it, then he lied and said it was a glitch and refollowed me.

I looked into Pleroma’s database and saw the unfollow activity with a timestamp. I guess he was too scared to just admit he unfollowed me and changed his mind.
It’s a little annoying because was like the last Mastodon server I still federated with. We also listed them on which I’ll likely remove now (was it worth it?)

However, we don’t really need them. Mastodon is old news and we’re building the next generation of the Fediverse they won’t be a part of by their own choice.
Ah that's a shame. He's never dealt that way with me. The worst thing that happened was, when I had my account there as a SFW alt (but wasn't using it at the time), I realized I was banned for opposing #BlackLivesMatter. I reached out to stux privately and he said it was a mistake and reinstated my account, although my posts are gone so RIP to all the #ADHD posts and #MrRobot screenshots and commentary I'd posted. (I don't think it was stux who did it, but rather a rogue admin. This was during their #HeroesResist era, and immediately preceding's inception. A #HeroesResist user was an admin at the time I was banned.)
So Stux banned a black guy for opposing Black Lives Matter. Very classy.
He was lying to you. He did it and then called it a “mistake” later.
I have no evidence that he banned me, so I won't make that assumption. I think it's more likely that Tony Stark of did it since he and his #HeroesResist folks left and made their own instance as soon as Stux restored my account. I don't think that was a coincidence.

And it's pretty well known that the #HeroesResist folks aren't friends with me, I think all of the superhero team has blocked me by now
This server looks very obnoxious.
Democracy through ignorance and censorship! Please don't participate in the primaries, and vote by mail without researching.
that's literally their message, I'm not even joking
The fact he’s doing all this from behind the facade of “Tony Stark” makes it all the more shady.
i used to be mutuals with that guy and he blocked me too. Never said anything, not sure if it was anything i did lol
Don’t you know that DOOM is responsible for 9/11?
alex is a world famous femi-nazi
Of course, it's not a coincidence that the same servers are blocked by so many. It's groupthink and purity spiralling
Btw I was able to teach Stux how to scale Mastodon because I learned by scaling Spinster, a server which he blocks.
Yeah and it scales like this.

Stux can enjoy spending hundreds of dollars on hosting every month while begging for money and never having enough to cover it.
In this vein, SoapboxFE is intensely heavy compared to even Misskey's pope FE.
You don’t have to pay hosting fees for code that runs in someone’s browser.

Also it’s a fork of Mastodon FE so it’s not like it’s much different. In the last release I fixed all the performance issues I had introduced after the fork.
Plus SoapboxFE mines dogecoin and sends it back in encrypted chunks of stenographic emoticons, it's all there in the open source, check for yourself.
Load avg (5 min idle):
Misskey: 1.38
PleromaFE: 1.0
SoapboxFE: 2.57

I wish I could get xmrig to run that lightly.
How did you measure that?

Performance is something I continue to improve. Compare to Mastodon and it’s probably about the same.