Items tagged with: COVID
💉 #szczepienia #covid 💉 nową szczepionką Nuvaxovid , której podobno nigdzie nie ma.
Wejście na, typ szczepionki, kod pocztowy miejsca zamieszkana, max promień wyszukiwania: 50km. No faktycznie nic.
Ale... ⚠️ ...
Kod pocztowy miasta 30km ode mnie, promień wyszukiwania: 50 km.
Wyskakuje lista terminów... 5km od mojego miejsca zamieszkania.
#CovidIsNotOver #NotAllHeroesWearACape But they do #WearAMask #covid #maskup #heroes #resistance #solidarity
A question for some folks for a crowdsource thing.
What excuses do you get from #conferences, when you ask about a #masking or public health policy due to #Covid?
I need some answers for..... Reasons.
With the new #COVID vaccine approved, a reminder that we’re all indebted to the ancient & wondrous horseshoe crab.
Their blue blood contains Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) which clumps at contact with bacterial toxins. They are caught for their blood to test sterility of medical equipment & injections.
Unfortunately the harvest is unsustainable & populations are in decline. An effective synthetic substitute has been around for 2 decades & we just need the biomedical industry to switch.
If you paid for funeral expenses for someone who died in the US, and their death certificate mentions COVID as a cause, you may be eligible for up to US$9,000 in funeral expense assistance from the US federal government.
Eligibility does not depend on your income, even if you have a high income right now:
More info:
Currently, no end date for submitting applications (ongoing/no deadline).
COVID-19 Funeral Assistance
If you are covering the cost of a COVID-19 funeral, FEMA may be able to
Do you know what to do to protect yourself if someone in your household gets #covid ?
Plan now. There's a surge going on & if you're ready, you won't have to think too much. What I would do/have done:
1. #N95 on all in shared spaces
2. 15+ min w/window open between shared space usage
3. Air cleaners/ #CorsiRosenthal boxes
4. Stay/eat in bedroom
5. Towel rolled at bottom of door
6. Window cracked
7. Attached bathroom exhaust fan on
8. Mouthwash w/CPC
9. Return air closed
UPDATE: WE GOT PAXLOVID! Your inputs worked. Thank you!!
#LongCovid #Covid19 friends, I need urgent help:
wife tested positive for covid. It's bad. Online Doc refused to prescribe #Paxlovid citing she's <50yrs. Said LongCovid isn't real and pretty much gaslit the thing.
PCP offices are closed.
CVS w/o prescription requires labwork that we don't have handy.
The blockers in the US #healthcare are systemic.
In GA, how might we get Paxlovid? Any ideas?
“We don’t stop hand washing because norovirus cases are down. We don’t stop wearing gloves because HIV cases are down. As a doctor, if you’re arguing that you should be able to expose patients to COVID because infection control annoys you, you should not be a doctor. Find a new career. I bet you’d love denying insurance claims. I bet you’d be a natural.”
This article is a banger.
Via @harold
Hospitals are killing patients because they don't feel like doing infection control
We now know COVID is fully airborne. We also know how to control airborne disease. So why are vulnerable people still dying of hospital-acquired COVID?Julia Doubleday (The Gauntlet)
#CleanTheAir #FilterIndoorAir #HealthCare #Covid #StopHospitalAcquiredDisease #CleanAirInSchools
Global warming? We have solar, wind, and battery technology that could replace everything. We just refuse to because of vested societal interests. Covid and its long-term threats? We could end it with masking and a determined effort to change interior ventilation in public spaces. We don't because of, again, vested interests of the wealthy. It's tempting to refer to this as capitalism but the same is true of every major society on Earth, no matter what its ideology is.
No past society has this excuse. When they were destroyed by plague or natural disaster, they really didn't know how to solve the problem. We do.
#ClimateCrisis #Covid
Covid has challenged decades-old taboos of the economy | Telexikon
Animation/graphics/music: Máté FillérScript: Zoltán Kovács, Fruzsina Előd, Zsolt HanulaNarration: Caroline BoultonThis is Telexikon,’s infovideo-ser...YouTube
- WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
People have convinced themselves that all COVID risks are passed, but only some have. More need to realize the long-term risks of repeated infections.
Content warning: Politics, Brave Browser, AI, ChatGPT, LGBTQ+ rights, COVID denialism
Don't do that.
Meanwhile, they are pushing the rest of us back into unsafe workplaces to protect their profits. This is class warfare.
Comparative effectiveness of third doses of mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines in US veterans - Nature Microbiology
Head-to-head comparison of third doses of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in US Veterans finds that both are effective against documented SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe COVID-19 outcomes.Nature
This is not over. Please take care. Mask up.
#Covid #CovidIsNotOver #RepeatInfection #WearAMask #MaskUp
Acute and postacute sequelae associated with SARS-CoV-2 reinfection - Nature Medicine
A new analysis using US Department of Veterans Affairs databases showed that reinfection is associated with increased risk of all-cause mortality, hospitalization and a wide range of long COVID complications in individuals who have had SARS-CoV-2 com…Nature
😷 The pandemic is anything but over. Please act accordingly.
Portland hospitals shift to crisis care standards for adults as hospitalizations climb
The policy shift covers Legacy, OHSU, Kaiser and Providence.Fedor Zarkhin | The Oregonian/OregonLive (oregonlive)
Folks, there are newly formulated vaccines as of this fall.
If you got your last before Sep / very late Aug, you should get a new booster.
It’s available for kids 5 and up.
It’s free.
It will protect you ••much•• better against the newest variants, which are hospitalizing people en masse.
Tell your less-online-than-you family, friends, neighbors. Publicity has been terrible. #covid
The new Covid wave
It's across most of the planet now. Delving into why, what to expect, and what we can do about it.Eric Topol (Ground Truths)
I started feeling a bit ill Wednesday night, but tested clear on the night and on Thursday morning.
I went to work Thursday, and did 3 more tests last night.
1 was +ve and 2 -ve last night.
Today I did another 2 tests and it's double lines all round.
How annoying. And I feel be troubled that I will have exposed other people.
#bolsanaro #covid #vaccine
COVID-19 vaccine skeptic Bolsonaro gets a pass at U.N. but not New York restaurants
Unvaccinated heads of state attending the United Nation General Assembly this week may have to settle for a piece of pizza on a sidewalk instead of fine dining at New York's restaurants.Reuters
In august 2021 the pebbles were so many that they were in danger from the large masses of people of the popular island, so the government of Budapest city and the people originally organised the memorial and their countless helpers have moved all the stones, a handful a time, into an inner park of the island, into a multiple spiralling line.
If you happen to be around, nice to know what these pebbles are. Lots and lots of stones.
#Australia #Sydney #military #lockdown #MedicalTyranny #covid
New South Wales sends 300 ADF troops to enforce Sydney lockdown
Scott Morrison discusses imposing restrictions on unvaccinated Australians.Rebel News
Y no llegamos ni a una semana de torneo…
This is full-on fascist dictator games. They pointed guns at her kids and confiscated her PC.
You can't make this shit up.
Link -
#Covid #ScienceMatters #Science #Florida #USPol #politics #FloridaMan #pandemic #censorship
leftists don’t actually have dumb conspiracies that are mainstreamUmm…the claim that #Trump colluded with #Russia? Masks and lockdowns combine effectively stop the spread of #COVID? #JoeBiden won the 2020 election? Three MASSIVE left wing conspiracy theories that are mainstream, and those were just the past four years.
But the drop in cases that will inevitably happen because of a combination mortality and immunity will retroactively justify this inane freedom-stripping measure even without causation. It's an insured PR win for this now full-on authoritarian government.