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If you're wondering how #France is doing, the French government presented falsified #COVID numbers on national television by... resizing a graph curve in PowerPoint.

Ah, c'est bon, je pense être parvenu à reproduire la courbe falsifiée présentée hier par Castex. Ces imbéciles ont enlevé ~30% partout ET l'ont décalée de 6 jours vers la gauche.

@HippyWizard They didn't put any effort in it, which means they fully believe they can get away with it (and they will). Also in the same presentation, the French flag (🇫🇷) was displayed with the blue and red inverted.
@MrPetovan At least they're telegraphing their skill level
@HippyWizard It's a painful reminder than it can be both malice and incompetence.