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Items tagged with: LongCovid

watercolour photo of a woman with dark hair holding her head in her hands. There’s a shadow behind her and white text that reads 
Pregnancy Will Likely Kill You but You May Want Babies! A look at misogyny in medicine, bodily autonomy, infertility and the struggles women face with not being trusted to make decisions for their own body. WWW.DISABLEDGINGER.COM

Dear governments,

The “clinical risk group” for the Covid booster is anyone at risk of long Covid.

So, yes, that’s everyone.

#covid #longCovid #autumn #booster #ireland

UPDATE: WE GOT PAXLOVID! Your inputs worked. Thank you!!

#LongCovid #Covid19 friends, I need urgent help:

wife tested positive for covid. It's bad. Online Doc refused to prescribe #Paxlovid citing she's <50yrs. Said LongCovid isn't real and pretty much gaslit the thing.

PCP offices are closed.

CVS w/o prescription requires labwork that we don't have handy.

The blockers in the US #healthcare are systemic.

In GA, how might we get Paxlovid? Any ideas?

#covid #mastodon #medicine

More than 3 years in, with tens of millions of people still suffering, this is the comprehensive list of validated treatments for #LongCovid, as established through rigorous, randomized clinical trials
it's empty--there's nothing here

so after several months of relative painlessness, all of a sudden, the #longCovid headache I started to feel suddenly in August 2020 is back as strong as if it never left. I've tried everything for this headache, EVERYTHING--psychiatric pills, cbd, sleep therapy, physical therapy, chiropracty, acupuncture, and the only thing that's "helped" has been surviving it until it somehow, nearly two years later, somehow started to go away on its own. well now it's back, intense as ever... I knew better than to think "it's gone! it's finally gone!"

what was the trigger? inconclusive, though the fact that it's finally starting to warm up a little may be a factor. maybe it's allergy-related. I do also feel like there's cement in my sinuses, so maybe that's related. I took a nasal decongestant but there's nothing else I can do. guess I'll just suffer through until it's finally time to put the kids to bed, then pray maybe sleep will miraculously make it better THIS time, despite doing nothing any of the other times...

“Reported deaths from #covid (have) fallen by 95 percent since the beginning of this year... but an estimated one in ten infections now lead to what is commonly known as #LongCovid, “which suggests that hundreds of millions of people will need long-term care.”

- WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

People have convinced themselves that all COVID risks are passed, but only some have. More need to realize the long-term risks of repeated infections.

"A new comprehensive study of organ impairment in #longCOVID patients over twelve months shows organ damage persisted in 59% of patients a year after initial symptoms, even in those not severely affected when first diagnosed with the virus."

"NOT BACK TO NORMAL FORWARD TO BETTER! consider this to be your friendly reminder that even if your feed is back to 'normal' we should not go back to normal. Normal wasn’t working, normal wasn’t healthy, normal wasn’t safe. Our society had normalized racism, greed, violence, complete exhaustion & capital gain at the expense of others." -

#COVID19 #COVID #LongCOVID #Disability #Pandemic #KeepThePHE #SeeYouSafer #PublicHealth #SocialWork
NOT BACK TO NORMAL FORWARD TO BETTER! Moth illustration with moon phase patern on wings, ferns and fungi along bottom. Banner running between moth and fungi reads, "NOT BACK TO NORMAL FORWARD TO BETTER"

I Did a #MutualAidRequest & tried to retoot it but can’t find it.

So here I go again.

I’ve had #LongCOVID & #cancer for a year (on Feb 2) the same day a book I contributed a chapter to became an Amazon best seller.

I was also sick with a flu from Thanksgiving to NYE which did not test positive for COVID thank goodness .

But I worked while sick which is a bad idea for me. But I had no choice.

It’s caught up with me & I physically can’t work.

Please help.


My partner came up with the idea of creating an instance for #LongCovid in which sufferers, carers, and allies could interact. This is how was born.
He saw how useful the #LongCovid community has been for me during the past two years and wanted to make sure we have a safe space in case the bird site deteriorates.
So here we are, instance is now ready & hopefully will offer each other meaningful interactions and support here.

My advice of the day…

Please don’t get #COVID19 again & again.

I have patients with #LongCovid who tell me that reinfection made them worse.
First bout ➡️ POTS & some fatigue.
Second bout ➡️ ME/CFS.

Merkblatt #LongCovid Prävention 0.9 Beta

Die beste Prävention bleibt natürlich, sich gar nicht erst anzustecken.

Aber falls es doch geschieht, hier ein paar Tipps, die ich gerne bereits gehabt hätte als es bei mir losging.

[Dieses Merkblatt wurde im Mai 2021 verfasst, die Information ist immer noch gültig. Paxlovid fehlt. Der Punkt zu Paracetamol > ibuprofen hat sich wohl nicht bestätigt. Feedback erwünscht]

Merkblatt LongCovid Prävention Merkblatt LongCovid Prävention
Merkblatt LongCovid Prävention Merkblatt LongCovid Prävention