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so after several months of relative painlessness, all of a sudden, the #longCovid headache I started to feel suddenly in August 2020 is back as strong as if it never left. I've tried everything for this headache, EVERYTHING--psychiatric pills, cbd, sleep therapy, physical therapy, chiropracty, acupuncture, and the only thing that's "helped" has been surviving it until it somehow, nearly two years later, somehow started to go away on its own. well now it's back, intense as ever... I knew better than to think "it's gone! it's finally gone!"

what was the trigger? inconclusive, though the fact that it's finally starting to warm up a little may be a factor. maybe it's allergy-related. I do also feel like there's cement in my sinuses, so maybe that's related. I took a nasal decongestant but there's nothing else I can do. guess I'll just suffer through until it's finally time to put the kids to bed, then pray maybe sleep will miraculously make it better THIS time, despite doing nothing any of the other times...
have you tried throwing a temper tantrum. That seems to be a popular thing adults have started trying for a variety of things they don't like
@Xantulon And Mr. Xantulon, its rude to make light of someone's misfortune. Long Covid is no joking matter.
@Onemeatball I assure you I'm aware of what she's been through. She also tried updating her glasses prescription and several other things that she didn't mention in her post. It's an expression of exasperation of NOTHING WORKS.

Any rudeness is aimed at adults who think they can get whatever they want by throwing temper tantrums

@Xantulon Ok, I guess I misinterpreted your post. Anyway I know the frustration of Post-Covid syndrome. I won't call mine "Long Covid" cause it only lasted about six months, but that was four or five months too long for me!