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I've been outside of my apartment so rarely since March that I'm not sure I know how to walk anymore. #COVID
Pandemic or not, it's better to get outside sometimes and go for a walk or so.
This summer and autumn, we actually spent more time outside than usually, on playgrounds as well as in parks and in the woods, because it was a relatively save way to meet with friends and family.
Specially as vitamin D is created with interaction with sun light, and it is one of the best things against covid19
Try to get out every day. Future Hypolite will thank you for it.
So your whole food and other good are delivered?
Try pacing indoors.
Thank you all for your replies, here's my grouped answers:
  • I've been getting everything through mail and courier deliveries, including groceries.
  • I used to take advantage of commuting as a form of light daily exercise, whether by foot or, more recently, with my skateboard. I didn't perform any additional physical workout and even with a gym inside the new building I moved to I haven't taken the time to go. And at this point I feel like it's a lost cause.
  • My neighborhood is a dense city block full of people who wear their mask incorrectly and several people in my immediate social circle are immunocompromised, so I've had to assess a higher risk than most people living in sparser residential areas. So I've been going outside only for very good reasons and I don't feel it can include a daily park trip.
This entry was edited (3 years ago)
I feel similarly about driving.
Ha, this reminded me that New York City has an extensive subway system I have no idea how to use anymore either. Where are you supposed to go to take it? Is there a password?