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Items tagged with: ClimateCrisis

Peel those apples: washing produce doesn’t remove pesticides, study finds.

A new scientific report lends weight to consumer concerns about pesticide residues on food, presenting fresh evidence that washing fruit before eating does not remove various toxic chemicals commonly used in agriculture. #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #GlobalWarming

Need a brief and accessible explainer about the actual harms of AI?

Show folks this:

@thejuicemedia hitting it out of the park, yet again.

#ai #corporations #corporatocracy #billionaires #climateCrisis #BigTech #SiliconValley

The Oligarchy has made a joke of the legal system when protesting #MassDeath from #ClimateBreakdown is treated more harshly than crimes like intentionally lying about #ClimateCrisis or hiding evidence of toxic chemical harm.

They are killing people and locking up protestors does not mean they can lock up the truth.

We will continue to be on the streets demanding justice and demanding oil companies stop spiraling us toward death.


Photo of the 5 Just Stop Oil activists facing prison for their protests and text that reads "They can't lock up the truth"

Title: Unequal Outcomes 
Description: Nations with large gaps between rich and poor tend to have worse health statistics, more violence, and worse pollution than do more equal countries.

Plot graph comparing differences between 22 different countries. Y-axis is an index of health, social, and environmental problems. X-axis is income inequality. The United States is the greatest outlier, performing badly in both measures. At the opposite end are mostly Scandinavian countries.

If your Cyberpunk world does not have an energy crisis, it's not punk, it's just sparkling neonliberalism.
Here is a thing I wrote in 2018:

#cyberpunk #ClimateCrisis #energyTransition #solarpunk #futurism #hopium

Do the right thing.

It may not always be clear at first what the right thing is. For example, recycling is fairly easy but accomplishes much less than something more difficult such as changing your diet or giving up your car.

Learn the differences, and do the right thing. 🤗

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #WarOnCars #BanCars

Graphic is titled: "Carbon Footprint Misconceptions." It lists eight actions that we as consumers might take in an effort to reduce our carbon footprint, and shows that some of those actions that we might think will make a high impact actually will not, such as recycling, whereas other actions, such as not having a car, will save greatly on emissions.

Today a record-breaking 85,000+ people joined the #klimaatmars in Amsterdam! Among them were 200+ scientists who also refuse to remain silent.

The science is clear, and so are the demands of those who showed up today: we need immediate climate action!

#decrisisisnu #klimaatmars #climatecrisis

Scientists in white lab coats walk through the streets of Amsterdam carrying banners with the texts "Science not silence" and "Scientist Rebellion. The privilege to know, the duty to act."

Apparently «global #solar panel prices have collapsed due to a wave of new Asian production capacity in recent months» and we're supposed to believe this is a bad thing.

#renewables #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #IRA

This is a tough story and what it doesn't point out (again, normalizing this) is our #CarCulture.

How much of her monthly bills go towards a car (which is the unexpected expense causing her financial difficulty at the moment).
Corrupt politicians of former eras locked us into a built form that enslaves us to the car, ensuring roughly 1/3 of our incomes go towards car makers and oil and gas companies.

Current politicians are in no hurry to break us free from this enslavement to car maker profits. Articles like this don't point out how messed up this is. It simply normalizes a single industry taking a huge chunk of our money as the way of life.

Arresting the person who is trying to save our planet for protesting against the people who knowingly are destroying it seems ludicrous, but that's the idiotic world we live in. I'm a non apologetic supporter of #gretathunberg she is doing what more of us should be doing. #climatechange #climatecrisis

Message posted by Corporate Accountability and the Institute for Policy Studies. 

Message says: "Net Zero is Fake Zero. We need real emissions reductions, not gimmicks and false promises."

Scientists who participated in the March to #EndFossilFuels were arrested today while shutting down the Federal Reserve, demanding they stop funding fossil fuel! 120 were arrested in total

Hear from the scientists arrested:
"Police should arrest the leadership of the Federal Reserve: They are the real criminals! By funding the expansion of fossil fuel extraction, the scientific evidence predicts millions will die in catastrophic climate disasters." -Glenn Wilkie, Green Power Systems Engineer

"We are in a climate emergency. And we should act like it. By putting our bodies on the line today, we hope to disrupt business as usual and compel our politicians to stop their greenwashing and start acting with urgency now to save the home we all share." -Ali Hadjarian, PhD

#scientistrebellion #SR
#climatecrisis #actnow #endfossilfuels

This is not planet Earth as we found it. The world we’ve known all our lives is vanishing in front of our eyes.

Human civilization was built upon the certainty of a stable, predictable climate allowing consistently reliable agriculture producing decade after decade of steady economic growth and allowing huge, thriving coastal cities.

But now we're seeing what happens when human industry pumps a *trillion* tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in only a few decades, when we warm the oceans to levels never seen before, and when we threaten the survival of everything that makes our lives possible.

The past is gone. Continue to hope and work for the best, but *prepare* for the worst.

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual #CO2 #Emissions

Line graph shows levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide over the past 800,000 years. After a steady and predictable range of ups and downs, suddenly in the past century the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere shot off the charts.

That a Western democracy uses mass repression against climate activists is not the an aberration of the democratic principle but the fullest conclusion of it. Democracy emerged at a specific historical context contingent on the development of the capitalist mode of production and of the exploitation of fossil fuels to fuel the valorization process. Within this specific historical context, we cannot expect democracy to do any different. #ClimateCrisis #Democracy

🔥 🌍 The climate crisis is not a technical problem to be fixed by engineers, but a predicament we all have to face. This interactive flowchart by Andrew Boyd and Jona Pomerance is an invitation to hear the impossible news and navigate the implications:


Please, give it a go, share your feedback and pass it on! It is an experimental prototype: We are curious to hear what you think.

#BetterCatastrophe #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #DataVis #Storytelling #InterfaceDesign

My cartoon in today's & online @NZStuff

Cyclists! Pesky buggers - using no fuel, needing no WOF's, getting fitter, not going excessively fast on motorways, not ploughing into front rooms or bedrooms whilst people sleep... sheesh! How dare they?!

#ClimateCrisis #NewZealand #Aotearoa #EditorialCartoon #PoliticalCartoon #Cyclist #Pollution
Cartoon title: BIKE LANE BULLIES  A giant monster truck 4X4 pumping out poisonous fumes with an exceptionally angry white male driving with veins on his head and face ready to explode sidling up to a cyclist. He's shouting out his window with a raised fist, "YOU'RE A BLOODY MENACE TO SOCIETY!"  On the footpath a guy and his little girl ride a bike. Casually. Calmly. Going about their business and day not interfering with the driver or anyone else. The self entitlement of the driver is on full show.

‘We can’t escape’: #climatecrisis is driving up #costofliving in the US west
In what is already one of the most expensive states in the US, the #climate emergency is driving up the cost of living. Extreme #weather, #drought and drastic swings in temperature, all fueled by global heating, are affecting utility costs and #insurance premiums, exacerbating housing shortages and causing food prices to go up. #climatechange

Climate mini-rant coming...

When the seas are boiling and the sky is on fire, don't come crawling to science looking for help.

#Science has tried to help us for decades. Science saw this coming, crafted solutions, and shouted them from the rooftops. Those in power did not listen.

So, go pick a god and pray to it.

Appeal to the Kardashians.

Maybe Lebron James or Elon Musk will help.

Perhaps a podcast will intervene and save us,

#ClimateChange #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #HeatWave
Photo of a wildfire that is a raging inferno. A firefighter in protective gear stands in the foreground with a hellish landscape of fire and smoke behind him.

Text reads : At least billionaires are getting richer.

I can't think of another civilization that had exact knowledge about the causes of and solution to its existential problems and refused to fix them.

Global warming? We have solar, wind, and battery technology that could replace everything. We just refuse to because of vested societal interests. Covid and its long-term threats? We could end it with masking and a determined effort to change interior ventilation in public spaces. We don't because of, again, vested interests of the wealthy. It's tempting to refer to this as capitalism but the same is true of every major society on Earth, no matter what its ideology is.

No past society has this excuse. When they were destroyed by plague or natural disaster, they really didn't know how to solve the problem. We do.

#ClimateCrisis #Covid

‘We are damned fools’: #scientist who sounded #climate alarm in #1980s warns of worse to come
James Hansen, who testified to #Congress on #globalwarmng in 1988, says world is approaching a ‘new #climate frontier’ #climatechange #climatecrisis

Things we talked about in 1999 as being detectable by 2100, are easily found now in 2023 and have been for years!

Flames engulf a house as a wildfire burns in Saronida, near Athens, Greece, on Monday.

It takes a village…

…of billionaires to wreck a planet.

They don’t need to have a majority, or anything even close to a plurality. All it takes is a few thousand sociopathic billionaires — the population of a village — to take full control of everything and then completely ruin our livable biosphere while further enriching themselves.

The scale on the image below is NOT exaggerated. In less than two centuries, and especially just within the last 30 years, capitalist oligarchs have burned so much coal, oil, and gas that our climate system simply can’t handle it.

It’s almost out of control now. But the people who are to blame have names and addresses.

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Capitalism #CO2 #Emissions #ClimateAction #ClimateJustice

Image source —
Graphic shows average global temperature from 20,000 BC until the present, then extended until 2100. Also indicated are the safe climate temperature zone, the rise of human civilization, the start of the industrial revolution, and the extreme temperature danger zones that we will reach before 2050 and before 2100 if current policies are not changed.

Line graph shows average world temperatures from 1979 until today, with 2023 trending far above the average, now into record territory.
Graph shows "monthly global sea surface temperature departure from 20th century average." The trend is steadily upward from 1900 until 2023, with a new record in June of this year

“If a few decades ago, some people might have thought climate change was a relatively slow-moving phenomenon, we are now witnessing our climate changing at a terrifying rate,” says Professor Peter Stott, who leads the UK Met Office’s climate monitoring team. “As the El Niño builds through the rest of this year, adding an extra oomph to the damaging effects of human-induced global heating, many millions of people across the planet and many diverse ecosystems are going to face extraordinary challenges and unfortunately suffer great damage.”

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency

Chart showing "Monthly averages of atmospheric CO2 as recorded at Mauna Loa in Hawaii."

Amounts of CO2 rapidly climb from ~325 ppm in 1960 to ~418 ppm in 2020. 

Graphic also notes when various meetings were held and agreements were made to limit or reduce carbon emissions. None of this has had any effect.

This is a good primer, if you or someone you know needs a basic understanding of how climate change works and how damaging its effects can be...

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency

What is the hottest temperature you have experienced?

Please boost to increase sample size.


  • 47 to 50C (23%, 293 votes)
  • 45 to 46C (17%, 215 votes)
  • 40 to 44C (45%, 570 votes)
  • 35 to 39C (14%, 179 votes)
1257 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

This article is sickening to read. It perfectly encapsulates the disgusting horror of consumer capitalism at its very worst while presenting the stark difference in reality between the Global North and South.

‘It’s like a death pit’
How Ghana became fast fashion’s dumping ground

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual #Pollution
Graphic illustrates in seven steps "How T-shirts donated to charity are causing pollution in Ghana."

Greta Thunberg, in her graduation dress, posing outside the Swedish Parliament with her School Strike for the Climate sign.


I was planning to suggest that you reserve your space early for this event, but it's already sold out, almost instantly. Well, maybe they could arrange to stream the proceedings so that others can virtually attend?

Sunday, 13 August
Edinburgh International Book Festival
Greta Thunberg -- Special Event

#Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #GretaThunberg