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Items tagged with: ClimateChange

TROM II: Politicians vs Reality -

Let's put their promises face to face with reality.

#politics #climatechange #climate #capitalism #trade #money #environment

Peel those apples: washing produce doesn’t remove pesticides, study finds.

A new scientific report lends weight to consumer concerns about pesticide residues on food, presenting fresh evidence that washing fruit before eating does not remove various toxic chemicals commonly used in agriculture. #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #GlobalWarming

Yeah, no....this is too fucking hot. You can feel a hot breeze of air outside as if the earth turned on the oven.

This is how streets look like in a small town while cloudy:

Imagine that most big cities are way worse and way hotter. Also imagine that instead of cars we had trees. It would make a massive difference. But our society is not built for humans, it is built for cars, stuff to consume, etc..

We know how to deal with the climate change, we know how to design better cities and create a paradise on earth for everyone. But there is no incentive to do so in a society where trade is the main driving force.

#TradeRuinsEverything #climatechange #weather #summer

"While many in the United States are focused on the political drama of recent weeks, our precious planet continues to burn up. We just recorded the hottest day ever recorded on earth in the 40 years such data has been collected...The hard truth is that oil and gas companies simply have no incentive to slow down. " #climatechange #chevron #StevenDonziger

TROM II: Mountains of Waste

#waste #pollution #climatechange #ewaste #capitalism #trade #TradeRuinsEverything

TROM II: Mountains of Waste

Watch the entire documentary here -

One is a billionaire who is selling all of his books, the other one is a quite-broke human who has the courage and decency to provide her book online for free. Trade-Free. No ads, no data collection, no subscribe-here-to-read bullshit.

That's the world in which we live. The ones who make a fortune are trained and incentivized to not even share their "must read" books for free, despite having so much wealth.

Oh look, Bill Gates released a book about "How to Avoid a Climate Disaster"! It must be important.... so it is worth 18$ to read.

Grab @Sasha 's book from here - she also talks a lot about Climate Change, solutions, and a new kind of worldview.

#gates #climatechange #capitalism #TradeRuinsEverything #climate #billionaires

Title: Unequal Outcomes 
Description: Nations with large gaps between rich and poor tend to have worse health statistics, more violence, and worse pollution than do more equal countries.

Plot graph comparing differences between 22 different countries. Y-axis is an index of health, social, and environmental problems. X-axis is income inequality. The United States is the greatest outlier, performing badly in both measures. At the opposite end are mostly Scandinavian countries.

Now TROMnews has categories for the news to make it a lot easier to sort through them.

The homepage also got a bit of a rework for the News section:

TROMnews is now far better than it was before. If you'd like to support this work please consider helping us here

#tromlive #news #science #environment #climatechange #tech #foss

The True Extent of Global Warming Has Been Hidden, Scientists Warn.

#climate #climatechange

One of the reasons I know individual action cannot tackle climate change is by comparing with littering. Littering could be solved by individual action, and yet it still requires collective action to keep any space clean.


Almost every day I've to drive past a high school or rather the parking lot of a high school. It's a wealthy area so most of the kids there get their own car at 16.
1 kid = 1 car.
Next block is a primary school with the same principle 1 kid = 1 pick-up car.
If I'm unlucky enough to be there around 3pm I've to witness one of the worst display of Human stupidity and selfishness where hundreds of kids and parents drive empty cars in the same directions.
How can I have any hope for the future when I see wealthy and I assume, educated people rejecting car pooling probably on the ground that it's child abuse to force kids to share a car or worst, use public transportation (the horror! /s).
Car culture is destroying not just the planet, it's destroying social solidarity.

#car #publictransport #school #america #ClimateChange

Do the right thing.

It may not always be clear at first what the right thing is. For example, recycling is fairly easy but accomplishes much less than something more difficult such as changing your diet or giving up your car.

Learn the differences, and do the right thing. πŸ€—

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #WarOnCars #BanCars

Graphic is titled: "Carbon Footprint Misconceptions." It lists eight actions that we as consumers might take in an effort to reduce our carbon footprint, and shows that some of those actions that we might think will make a high impact actually will not, such as recycling, whereas other actions, such as not having a car, will save greatly on emissions.

Sun’s shining, air is crisp and brisk but not cold, what a perfect October day in Brooklyn. #ClimateChange

Apparently Β«global #solar panel prices have collapsed due to a wave of new Asian production capacity in recent monthsΒ» and we're supposed to believe this is a bad thing.

#renewables #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #IRA

This is a tough story and what it doesn't point out (again, normalizing this) is our #CarCulture.

How much of her monthly bills go towards a car (which is the unexpected expense causing her financial difficulty at the moment).
Corrupt politicians of former eras locked us into a built form that enslaves us to the car, ensuring roughly 1/3 of our incomes go towards car makers and oil and gas companies.

Current politicians are in no hurry to break us free from this enslavement to car maker profits. Articles like this don't point out how messed up this is. It simply normalizes a single industry taking a huge chunk of our money as the way of life.

Arresting the person who is trying to save our planet for protesting against the people who knowingly are destroying it seems ludicrous, but that's the idiotic world we live in. I'm a non apologetic supporter of #gretathunberg she is doing what more of us should be doing. #climatechange #climatecrisis

Message posted by Corporate Accountability and the Institute for Policy Studies. 

Message says: "Net Zero is Fake Zero. We need real emissions reductions, not gimmicks and false promises."

Physicist John Tyndall is often credited w discovering the greenhouse effect, which he wrote about in 1859.

But Eunice Foote published a paper - 3yrs earlier - demonstrating how atmospheric water vapor & CO2 affected solar heating. She theorized that heat trapping gases in Earth’s atmosphere warm its climate.

Tyndall was widely read. And Foote, being a woman, wasn't even permitted to present her own work. #history #science #ClimateChange

Drawing by Carlyn Iverson at NOAA

Born on July 17, 1819, Eunice Newton Foote was an amateur scientist and a women's rights campaigner who was friends with American suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Foote's experiments with atmospheric gases and her insights about past climate were overlooked for more than a century.

This is not planet Earth as we found it. The world we’ve known all our lives is vanishing in front of our eyes.

Human civilization was built upon the certainty of a stable, predictable climate allowing consistently reliable agriculture producing decade after decade of steady economic growth and allowing huge, thriving coastal cities.

But now we're seeing what happens when human industry pumps a *trillion* tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in only a few decades, when we warm the oceans to levels never seen before, and when we threaten the survival of everything that makes our lives possible.

The past is gone. Continue to hope and work for the best, but *prepare* for the worst.

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual #CO2 #Emissions

Line graph shows levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide over the past 800,000 years. After a steady and predictable range of ups and downs, suddenly in the past century the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere shot off the charts.

This is an ancient tradition in many Asian countries, it’s not new. Jute, hemp, other natural materials used widely. Bamboos still make furnitures.
But the quick-fix climate solution-givers from capitalists present it as β€˜novel’. What’d they think people used before plastics?πŸ€”
#climatechange #climatesolutions #plasticpollution

More than 90% of emperor penguin colonies are predicted to be all but extinct by the end of the century, as the continent's seasonal sea-ice withers in an ever-warming world.

#climateChange #climateCatastrophy #climateEmergency #climateBreakdown #tippingPoint

So I totaled my car a few days ago.

If I had access to public transportation I could have carried on with my life while building up my finances for an EV or at least an hybrid.
But no.
Because states and cities refuse to invest into correct public transportation I had literally no choice but to get a cheap gas one in a hurry.

This really pisses me off.

I'll never say it loud enough: public transportation is fundamental to fight both social inequality and climate change.

#climatechange #publictransport #carculture #ev #hybrid #socialinequality

β€˜We can’t escape’: #climatecrisis is driving up #costofliving in the US west
In what is already one of the most expensive states in the US, the #climate emergency is driving up the cost of living. Extreme #weather, #drought and drastic swings in temperature, all fueled by global heating, are affecting utility costs and #insurance premiums, exacerbating housing shortages and causing food prices to go up. #climatechange

'An Important Step Forward': Deep-Sea Mining Not Approved During International Talks - EcoWatch

β€œThus far, 21 countries have expressed their support of a ban, moratorium or precautionary pause on deep-sea mining, including new supporters Finland, Brazil, Portugal and Canada.” #stopdeepseamining #climatechange #marineecology

The surface temperature of the world’s oceans has hit its highest ever level as climate breakdown from burning fossil fuels causes the oceans to heat.

#climateChange #climateCatastrophy #climateEmergency #climateBreakdown #tippingPoint
