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Items tagged with: ai

Here is the WIP PR that removes all #AI garbage from this Firefox fork while keeping #Accessibility in tact. #FireFox #LibreWolf

> #Microsoft confirms that #Windows 11 Recall #AI is not optional — a glitch made it appear so in the Windows 11 24H2 KB5041865 update

But don't worry, the company that is unable to correctly implement a toggle switch assures us that they definitely implemented this new immensely complex piece of technology nobody asked for directly in the operating system in a way that is secure and under no circumstances puts anyone in danger in ways security researchers said it will.

Fortune magazine reports that: Nearly half of Nvidia’s revenue comes from just four mystery whales each buying $3 billion–plus - let me get this straight… four customers buying $3 billion plus in chips? FOUR!! Let me offer what I consider a safe guess: each of the four is working on vast #AI projects. That would mean Meta, Apple, Google and OpenAI, if my guess is correct, are sucking up almost half of #Nvidia chips being produced.

if you are a proton mail user, turn off the "writing assistant"

send @proton a clear message, we did not want LLM garbage, thank you.

#LLM #AI #EMail #Privacy

Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000, Episode 39 - Newsrooms Pivot to Bullshit (Feat. Sam Cole)

Meta to chociaż poinformowała, że będzie wykorzystywała dane ludzi do trenowania #AI.

#X, który też z nich korzysta do trenowania chatbota #Grok, nie uznał za stosowne nikogo o tym informować.

Do organów ochrony danych osobowych w 9 krajach trafiły skargi przygotowane przez austriacką organizację - na bezprawne wykorzystywanie danych osobowych użytkowników w UE/EOG do szkolenia technologii X.

Jedna skarga jest z Polski (a my maczaliśmy w tym palce)!


Skrin z X:

Napis dużym fontem:
Aplikacja xAI Grok chce uzyskać dostęp do Twojego konta w serwisie X.

Awatar i nawa konta

Duży niebieski przycisk z białym napisem o treści: Autoryzuj aplikację

Mały niebieski napis: Anuluj.
#AI #x #grok

Need a brief and accessible explainer about the actual harms of AI?

Show folks this:

@thejuicemedia hitting it out of the park, yet again.

#ai #corporations #corporatocracy #billionaires #climateCrisis #BigTech #SiliconValley

All this #AI hate on Fedi makes me want to start a support group for people like me, who find the tech fascinating and useful. Sadly, all this hate probably discourages sensible people whilst tech bro yuppies have no such qualms.

My main instance is down, and I am unsure if it will return, so I cannot transfer my followers, so boosts would be helpful! I am a Blind Romance writer, #Accessibility advocate, and more! I do a lot of digital community work and love reading audiobooks. I still do penpals, the snail mail way! I detest #AI but love eating international candy! #Introduction #Introductions

#AaronSwartz killed himself because he scraped research data and they aggressively prosecuted him.

Now #AI companies say they should scrape our data for free.

Bilawal Sidhu:

It's wild that Aaron Swartz was aggressively prosecuted for scraping JSTOR articles.
Meanwhile huge companies routinely scrape the public internet and sell it for $20/month and all is well.
Aaron helped create RSS, Creative Commons, Markdown and a little site called Reddit (which now ironically sells its data to Al companies) - all by the age of 26.
All he wanted was free and open access to information. Really makes you wonder the dent he'd have made on the world if he was still alive today.

Susan Swartz, Jul 12:

11 years, 6 months. RIP my darling boy.

image of Aaron

6:53 AM Jul 13, 2024

TROM II: We can automate almost anything

Watch the entire documentary here -

We used to call it "cut-up". Nowadays, it is fashionable to call it "AI".

Früher haben wir sowas "Collage" genannt. Heutzutage ist es cooler, "KI" dazu zu sagen.

All Hardware Sucks, All Software Sucks.

AI Winter is coming.

#ai #ki #eggplant #ahsass

Image-scraping Midjourney bans rival AI firm for scraping images | Ars Technica

Or the rivality between burglars...


Ed Zitron comments in the last episode of tech won't save us something that I find interesting to point out about #generativeAI , even if it is obvious:

Let's imagine we all accept #AI generators and create a new internet based on them (or a large majority, at least). In that case (which is somewhat the business model pursued by #bigtech), we would reach a point where systems would be able to be trained only on content created by themselves.

Thanks @parismarx 🥰

Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000, Episode 28 - LLMs Are Not Human Subjects

I worked hard on some 3D artwork. Now I'm going to publish it on social media and enjoy the likes and responses. 😊

I worked hard on some 3D artwork. Before it will be ready to publish, I need to make a compilation of work-in-progress screenshots and wireframes, to prove that it's not AI-generated, and to avoid people asking what AI prompt I used to generate the image. 😖😖

#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #tech #BigTech #GenerativeAI #design #art #3D #CreativeToots #FediArt #MastoArt

Adobe used artworks of contributors in Adobe Stock as training data for their final #AI Solution to replace the artists in the first place. All done without consent of contributers. So, I'm quite convinced that they will do everything to fight their incorporated death.

My company recently internally promoted using Microsoft Copilot for Web including to "Generate creative content (such as poems, stories, songs, and more).". I replied to the Slack message some snarky questions about author consent to have their work used by the LLM tool, after which I was directed to an internal feedback form about LLM usage.

I repeated my question "Do we have the details on the dataset Copilot was trained on and if the relevant authors were asked for their work to be used, especially for the “creative content generation” part?" and I received a personal response from the Senior Vice President of End User Technology & Experience that "No data is tracked, sent to LLM models and microsoft doesnt (sic) know what we ask and return".

I was initially only venting, but the escalation culminating in a non sequitur has made me even more frustrated.


#AI #llm

Modern consumer-facing #AI products perfectly described in 1981 by Shel Silverstein.

Shel Silverstein - The Homework Machine
(In A Light In The Attic, 1981)
Double page issue du recueil A Light In The Attic avec une illustration d’une machine absurdement compliquée qui occupe les 3 quarts des pages. A gauche un enfant, debout, insere une feuille dans la machine. Au cœur de la machine, le corps contorsionné entre des engrenages, des courroies et autres éléments mécaniques, un autre enfant écrit sur une feuille qui est poussée vers la fente de sortie de la machine.

Le texte du poème est dans le coin supérieur gauche et est le suivant :

The Homework Machine, oh the Homework Machine,
Most perfect contraption that's ever been seen.
Just put in your homework, then drop in a dime,
Snap on the switch, and in ten seconds' time,
Your homework comes out, quick and clean as can be.
Here it is "nine plus four?" and the answer is "three."
Oh me
I guess it's not as perfect
As I thought it would be.


Just as we all knew all along, #Reddit’s move to charge exorbitant fees for API access was so they can cut lucrative deals to sell user-created material to train #AI models.

I was a redditor of about 15 years when I decided to delete everything I wrote and close my account because I foresaw this hostile repurposing of what is essentially a massive store of freely-accessible, context-rich community-generated content, made by people who didn’t necessarily want their content to be used for training without compensation.

AI training is largely built on top of exploitation of labor for private gain. It’s legal in many cases, but it’s often unethical and immoral.

“Reddit Signs AI Content Licensing Deal Ahead of IPO”

No-paywall version here:

Rumor has it on the next Android update, Google's Bard AI will help you write your text messages. But there's a catch: the processing is done on Google's servers, not your device, so your messages will be sent to Google as you type them. It will be possible to disable the AI, though. If your messages are sent to Google, they will be stored for 18 months and can be seen by humans in "anonymized" form.

Google update shows how Bard AI may work with your messages app

#solidstatelife #ai #genai #llms #privacy #google #android

My problem with #AI isn’t that it’s a new medium that would somehow threaten the existing ones, like printed books, radio, cinema, television, video games, social media and live streaming did before.

No, my problem is that it’s exactly the same mediums we’re used to, churning an endless stream of a cultural average, reifying it in the process, all the while infringing copyright on an industrial scale and guzzling energy and water like there’s no tomorrow.

It’s the exact opposite of a new medium that grants a new creative freedom and rewards trailblazing artists, instead flattening entire aesthetics genres into their most pleasing surface-level aspect thanks to the absence of creative effort to produce facsimiles at scale.


FB just offered me an ad titled "Learn ChatGPT in just 4 weeks!"

I have so many questions.

Like, is the course taught by ChatGPT? Is the material about ChatGPT written by ChatGPT? Does it come with a certificate? Is there an exam? How do I know the material written by ChatGPT about ChatGPT is accurate?... Does it matter?...

#WTF #WhatTheHell #Why #How #Who #Why #AI #ChatGPT

The Dawn of the AI-Military Complex


Two weeks ago, #OpenAI deleted it's ban on using #ChatGPT for "Military and Warfare" and revealed, that it's working with the military on "cybersecurity tools". It's clear to me that the darlings of generative AI want in on the wargames, and i'm very confident they are not the only ones. With ever more international conflicts turning hot, from Israels war on Hamas after the massacre on 7th october to Russias invasion of Ukraine to local conflicts like the Houthis attacking US trade ships with drones and the US retaliating, plus the competetive pressure from China, who surely have their own versions of AI-powered automated weapon systems in place, i absolutely think that automatic war pipelines are in high demand from many many international players with very very deep pockets, and #SiliconValley seems more than eager to exploit.

#wargame #war #terror #military #ai #news #complex #politics #economy #conflict

#AI #LLM is gunking up the web, especially for lesser-represented languages. Spammers are creating garbage English language content using LLMs, then translating it into *multiple languages* at the same time, using Machine Translation, presumably to generate clickbait ad revenue in several languages at once.

In English, such gunk accounts for some 9% of total sampled web content. But in languages with less representation on the Internet, the figures could be much higher. In Malay, it’s something like 26%, and in Swahili it’s nearly HALF of everything found on the web.

Paper [pdf]: “A Shocking Amount of the Web is Machine Translated: Insights from Multi-Way Parallelism”

#AI #llm

We’re over a year into this cycle of AI hype, but how does the real impact of the technology compare to what tech CEOs have spent all their time warning us about?

On #TechWontSaveUs, I spoke to @timnitGebru about how they distracted us from the real problems with AI to shape regulation and serve themselves.

#ai #openai #samaltman #tech

Timnit Gebru: "They want us to think they're creating some magical being that can solve the world's problems if we just let them do their thing. They want to keep us [focused] on that discourse so we're not looking at the actual practices they're engaging in."