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Items tagged with: jobs

Welcome to planet Earth. A random rock in the Universe where the most "intelligent" species only cares about trade. Trade this for that. So that the members of its species spend all of their life trading. That's all it is.

It is not about creating smarter and relaxed humans, and a nice environment for everyone. Not about exploring and learning, or enjoying. It is about trading.

Primitive species.

#TradeRuinsEverything #capitalism #work #jobs #slaves

EDIT: Funny that this fits so well with the latest bit we shared from TROM II - You are a disposable tool .... weird coincidence.

TROM II: You are a disposable tool

Watch the entire documentary here -

TROM II: We can automate almost anything

Watch the entire documentary here -

💚+ 🇪🇺 = more jobs!

The green transition can create 1 million additional jobs in the EU by 2030, across all sectors.

To create a skilled workforce that will thrive in the #green economy, we need to:

💚 promote and support green employment,
🔧 address the skilling and reskilling of workers,
🧑‍💼 anticipate changes in workplaces of the future.

Our #EUDataCrunch demonstrates how #climate action is already providing the #jobs and opportunities of the future ↓

#EUGreenDeal #EuropeanYearOfSkills
A visual with the text "Greening the EU means creating more job opportunities" on the top, and a chart containing figures on the growth in employment in the European environmental economy:
- 2000 - 3.2 million jobs
- 2020 - 5.1 million jobs
A visual with multi-coloured hexagonal-shaped flowers.

On top, the text: 

What are the top 5 fastest green jobs in the world? (In terms of annual growth: 2016-2021)

One per 'flower,' the following figures:

- Sustainability manager - 30%
- Wind turbine technician - 24%
- Solar consultant - 23%
- Ecologist - 22%
- Health and safety specialist - 20%
An abstract visual with the following text:

"The EU is investing in green skills to meet the demand for:
- 800,000 workers in the battery sector by 2025
- 1 million workers in the solar sector by 2030
- Up to 54,000 workers in the renewable offshore energy sector by 2025"

Our new Center for Data Science & Environment is hiring! We're looking for 2-3 people in each of the following roles:

- Program Manager

- Data Scientist / Research Software Engineer

- Senior Data Scientist / Research Software Engineer

The center is committed to real-world impact, competitive salaries and supporting careers in this space. Industry applicants welcome. Details in

Please boost! & reach out with questions! #datascience #jobs #conservation #environment

The Open Source initiative @osi is looking for an experienced community manager (remote, full time) to support the ClearlyDefined project. You'll find details at : #opensource #FOSS #jobs #community #licenses