Items tagged with: China
How Elon Musk’s SpaceX Secretly Allows Investment From China
#china #national-security #musk #trump #space-x #espionage
How Elon Musk’s SpaceX Secretly Allows Investment From China
As a U.S. military contractor, SpaceX sees allowing Chinese ownership as fraught. But it will allow the investment if it comes through secrecy hubs like the Cayman Islands, court records say. “It is certainly a policy of obfuscation,” an expert said.ProPublica
Mexiko, Kanada und China reagieren auf US-Zölle mit viel Unverständnis
Die Reaktionen auf die neuen US-Zölle lassen nicht lange auf sich warten: China will vor der Welthandelsorganisation klagen, Mexiko prüft Gegenzölle. Die hat Kanadas Premier bereits verkündet - inklusive emotionaler Botschaft.#US-Zölle #Kanada #Mexiko #China
Mexiko, Kanada und China reagieren auf US-Zölle mit viel Unverständnis
#Deepseek erfasst Tastaturanschläge und die Daten werden auf chinesischen Servern gespeichert!1!11
Man soll keine persönlichen Daten da eingeben. #Sicherheitsrisiko!1!11
Alter Falter. Sollte man auch bei OpenAIs #ChatGPT nicht. Und die Amis speichern auch gerne Daten auf Servern in den #USA. Und mal ehrlich, den habe ich schon vor #Trump nicht mehr getraut als #China.
Und wer sich da über Identitätsprovider einloggt und damit die Daten für Werbetreibende preisgibt, ist doch irgendwie auch selbst schuld. Oder sehe ich das falsch?
DeepSeek’s Popular AI App Is Explicitly Sending US Data to China
Amid ongoing fears over TikTok, Chinese generative AI platform DeepSeek says it’s sending heaps of US user data straight to its home country, potentially setting the stage for greater scrutiny.Matt Burgess (WIRED)
PAPERWALL: Chinese Websites Posing as Local News Outlets Target Global Audiences with Pro-Beijing Content -
A network of at least 123 websites operated from within the People’s Republic of China while posing as local news outlets in 30 countries across Europe, Asia, and Latin America, disseminates pro-Beijing disinformation and ad hominem attacks within mu…Mari Zhou (The Citizen Lab)
It's a brief article - a positive note, generally.
The First-Ever Lunar Farm Shows That Plants Can Grow On The Moon | IFLScience •
#science #agriculture #sf #moon #china #plants #botany
The First-Ever Lunar Farm Shows That Plants Can Grow On The Moon
Low gravity has benefits, it seems, including increased cold resistance.Stephen Luntz (IFLScience)
"The discovery of this ceramic water pipe network is remarkable because the people of Pingliangtai were able to build and maintain this advanced water management system with stone age tools and without the organization of a central power structure. This system would have required a significant level of community-wide planning and coordination, and it was all done communally."
#goodnews #goodreads #china #science #archeology
China's ancient water pipe networks show they were a communal effort with no evidence of a centralized state authority
A system of ancient ceramic water pipes, the oldest ever unearthed in China, shows that neolithic people were capable of complex engineering feats without the need for a centralized state authority, finds a new study by University College London rese…Science X (
This my first post on Mastodon and I'm really excited to join.
I am a French professional photographer and digital artist.
I hope you will like my work.
About me :
Photos here :
#introduction #art #artist #photography #landscape #digitalArt #AI #fineart #travel #Chile #china #cuba
Delphimages Photo Creations - Official Website
This is the website of Delphimages Photo Creations. Shop for canvas prints, framed prints, posters, greeting cards, and more.Delphimages Photo Creations - Official Website
RT @ErikSolheim: China went from 80% extreme poverty in 1980 to NO extreme poverty 40 yrs later 👇🇨🇳
It is the most succesful economic development in history !
We should take joy in China’s accomplishments. Not fear from it👏
Find the show in all good podcast apps, or at
#cybersecurity #podcast #Tesla #scam #China
Smashing Security podcast #318: Tesla workers spy on drivers, and Operation Fox Hunt scams
Graham wonders what would happen if his bouncing buttocks were captured on camera by a Tesla employee, and we take a look at canny scams connected to China'Graham Cluley
An entire generation of Chinese people grew up under the government's brutal one-child policy. The purpose was to limit population growth--which it did to great effect. Now the government is having a conniption fit because their policy worked. Did they not understand the full consequences of limiting growth? (IMO, not a bad thing.)
#TikTok recommends self-harm and eating disorder content to some users within minutes of joining the platform, according to a new report published Wednesday by the Center for Countering Digital Hate ( #CCDH ).
#news #technology #tech #security #china
TikTok pushes potentially harmful content to users as often as every 39 seconds, study says
TikTok recommends self-harm and eating disorder content to some users within minutes of joining the platform, according to a new report published by the Center for Countering Digital Hate.CBS News
So the local (opposition lead) governments renamed the streets leading to the area:
- Dalai Lama str.
- Uyghur martyrs str.
- Free Hong-Kong str.
- Bishop Xie Shuguong str.
You can't make this shit up.