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Items tagged with: photography

≪ Schönheit am Wegesrand ≫

(Bildbeschreibung: Ein Kohlweißling an den violetten Blüten der Luzerne.)

#photography #fotografie #foto #photo #postprocessed #myphoto #mywork #ownwork #nature #natur #umwelt

≪ Schönheit am Wegesrand ≫

(Bildbeschreibung: Ein Kohlweißling an den weiß-violetten Blüten des Acker-Rettich)

#photography #fotografie #foto #photo #postprocessed #myphoto #mywork #ownwork #nature #natur #umwelt

A common murre in uncommon times. I cut my foot on a rock trying to see it. #photography #birds
Common murre sits against gray rocks

≪ Schattenspiele≫

(Bildbeschreibung: Eine »Gemeine Sumpfschwebfliege« beim Putzen auf einem grünen Blatt.)

#photography #fotografie #foto #photo #postprocessed #myphoto #mywork #ownwork #photomonday #fotomontag

I have wanted to photograph this alley for a long time. I could almost be a location for a scene from Ghost in the Shell. But it's in #Glasgow.
A narrow cul-de-sac, the road surface uneven cobble stones,  enclosed by tall buildings with lots of ventilation ducts, boarded-up windows, windows protected with bars, a few aircon units, and graffiti. 

The focus is a window in the end wall on the second floor, you can somehow see what looks like daylight shining through it from the other side of the building.

I am really pleased with this photo. Straight off the camera and it looks SO WEIRD. So many questions. Why such a HUGE arched bridge over what appears to be such a small distance? Why only one solitary pedestrian using it? Where are they going? Where have they been?

I love it.

#photography #Scotland #bridge

A landscape photo of a wide road bridge (two lanes of road and a pedestrian path each side) in a high arch, taken looking up the steep slope. It is surrounded by green trees, with no sight of what it is crossing, but there is a large stretch of water beyond the land. On the right are two small white buildings, half hidden by trees. There is a single figure walking down the steep slope towards us. They carry a large, light blue bag. The rest of the bridge is empty.

≪ Schönheit am Wegesrand ≫

(Bildbeschreibung: Mehrere rosafarbene Blüten und Knospen des Weidenröschens.)

#photography #fotografie #foto #photo #postprocessed #myphoto #mywork #ownwork #nature #natur #umwelt

≪ Fußgänger auf dem Radweg ≫

(Bildbeschreibung: Eine Möwe kommt auf dem Radweg auf mich zu und schaut mich an.)

#photography #fotografie #foto #photo #postprocessed #myphoto #mywork #ownwork #nature #natur #umwelt

Ente auf Totholz betrachtet den See / Duck on Deadwood Looking at the Lake

am Bergsee im Erholungsgebiet Schwafheim in Moers, Mai 2024

Ente auf Totholz betrachtet den See

#Vögel #Enten #Schwafheim #Niederrhein #Bergsee #Moers #foto #photo #fotografie #photography
#animals #birds #anatidae #ducks

The Night the Moon dressed like Saturn
#Photography by Francisco Sojuel, #Atitlán, #Guatemala) - Dec 24, 2019