Items tagged with: Nature
I rarely see such articles:
"Enough with unicorns and dinosaurs – show children the magic of real, living animals instead" -
Congrats. We need more of these! And TROMnews is meant to bring such articles to light.
The real world is many times more mindblowing than any movie, book, or story humans have invented. Not to mention it is real. If we want people to care about it, then they have to know about it. Expose children to real wonders, real stories, real life.
Enough with unicorns and dinosaurs – show children the magic of real, living animals instead
Put up pictures of lemurs, penguins and wolves, and introduce tomorrow’s environmentalists to the amazing nature in our world, says author Isabel LosadaIsabel Losada (The Guardian)
#foto #photo #photographie #Fotografie #Natur #Nature #Haubenmeise #olympus #omsystem #om-1 #myphoto #mywork #Singvögel
≪ Schönheit am Wegesrand ≫
_(Bildbeschreibung: Eine Honigbiene auf der blau-weißen Blüte einer Sternhyazinthe.)_
#photography #fotografie #foto #photo #postprocessed #myphoto #mywork #ownwork #nature #natur #umwelt
#foto #photo #photographie #Fotografie #Natur #Nature #Singdrossel #olympus #omsystem #om-1 #myphoto #mywork #Singvögel
Mauerblümchen / Wallflower
Im Businesspark in Asterlagen (Rheinhausen), Mai 2024
#pflanzen #blüten #asterlagen #niederrhein #businesspark #duisburg #nature #plants #blossoms #foto #fotografie #photo #photography
#foto #photo #photographie #Fotografie #Natur #Nature #Sommergoldhähnchen #olympus #omsystem #om-1 #myphoto #mywork #Singvögel
Sometimes for an artist, gaining appreciation matters less than quality. Doing the job well can be enough. At the least, it may be enough to make the artist keep creating great works.
#notzen #zen #taoism #nature #isolation #mywork #zensunday
Not Zen 103: Job Well Done
Stories on life death enlightenment zen buddhism religion philosophy stoicism meditation dao daoism tao taoism gentleness kindness and
Property is not a universal concept. It must grow from place to place and from time to time. So we have grown to understand the concept of ownership must include responsibility for the consequences of it.
#notzen #nature #property #selfishness #samsara #ownership #land #environment #buddhism #dao #taoism
Not Zen 114: Property
Stories on life death enlightenment zen buddhism religion philosophy stoicism meditation dao daoism tao taoism gentleness kindness and
Efeu / Ivy
im Lauersforter Wald in Kapellen (Moers), 13. Februar 2015
#Efeu #Pflanzen #Natur #Blätter #Moers #Niederrhein #Kapellen #foto #photo #fotografie #photography #nature #plants #leaves #ivy
Graugans und Kanadagans
Ein Paar
#foto #photo #photographie #Fotografie #Natur #Nature #Kanadagans #Kanadagänse #Graugans #olympus #omsystem #om-1 #myphoto #mywork #Vögel
Exotische Pflanzen im Botanischen Garten und #dailyclouds am Rhein.
#myphoto #foto #photo #photographie #Fotografie #Natur #Nature
You've probably heard that "we are stardust," but this graphic breaks it down further & tells you what kind of stars your dust came from--and which elements didn't come from stars at all. #science #nature #space
Periodic Table of the Elements: Origins of the Elements
This periodic table depicts the primary source on Earth for each element. In cases where two sources contribute fairly equally, both appear. || PeriodicTableOrigins2_print.jpg (1024x682) [251.7 KB] || PeriodicTableOrigins2_Large.NASA Scientific Visualization Studio
You perceive what a dog is thinking. You understand a bee, a crab, or a raccoon. And they know you.
We are connected.
#notzen #taoism #stoicism #nature #mywork #empathy #zensunday
Not Zen 141: Logos
Stories on life death enlightenment zen buddhism religion philosophy stoicism meditation dao daoism tao taoism gentleness kindness and
We may be loving and merciful out of the kindness of our spirits. But it is practical, too. Kind deeds may return to us. They can fill the whole world, even in bitter times.
#notzen #mercy #dao #taoism #love #nature
Not Zen 2: Mercy
Stories on life death enlightenment zen buddhism religion philosophy stoicism meditation dao daoism tao taoism gentleness kindness and
Hey everyone, I’m #newhere. I’m interested in #humor, #literature, #nature, and #photography.
I’m on right now, but I’m setting up an account now, since they’re closing on May 4 and it will take a while to add people manually. Good luck all.