Items tagged with: FediHire
I am looking for a new job opportunity as developer and/or linux administrator:
* location flexible
* 10+ years professional experience
* languages: DE, EN
FOSS references in my GH profile.
CV on request via mail.
Boosts welcome 😀
The #Tor Project Seeks Rust Developer 🦀
"As a developer on the Network Team, you will be part of a small team that develops and maintains the networking software at the core of the Tor network, keeping it secure and improving it for the future." #FediHire
In this role, you will:
- Help design, develop, and improve Arti, our Rust implementation of the Tor protocol.
- Contribute to other free, open-source Rust projects
Interested? Read more 👇
The Tor Project | Privacy & Freedom Online
Defend yourself against tracking and surveillance. Circumvent
Wir suchen #Rust #Entwickler. Anfangs als #teilzeit aber sehr sehr wahrscheinlich wird das zu #Vollzeit wachsen (oder mehrere Teilzeit, wenn das besser passt).
Ort: Voll #Remote - wir haben kein Büro mehr - aber aus vertraglichen und rechtlichen Gründen muss der Arbeitsort innerhalb von .de liegen.
Selten (derzeit einmal im Jahr) eine Fahrt in die Gegend um Frankfurt/Main einzuplanen, Firmenevent.
Nötig: Gute #Rustlang Kenntnisse. Und man sollte andere Sprachen (viel C, etwas Java, Bash) zumindest grob lesen können.
Es geht ums (Neu/Um)schreiben von Applikationen.
Außerdem Umgang mit #git/#gitlab nötig - und wir sind voll #linux basiert.
#Festanstellung ist das Ziel, #Freischaffend ist weniger gern gesehen..
Bei Interesse: DM an mich.
Boosts welcome.
- #Rust (#web or #embedded or anything really)
- 100% #remote in Germany or hybrid in #Berlin
- German employment contract
- meaningful work (no nonsense like web3, cars, or gambling)
Do you know anyone hiring for positions that would fulfill those expectations? #FediHire #FediJobs
I'm an award-winning author and poet with over 10 years of experience writing and editing for various outlets. Need SEO experience? I've got it. Need someone who has run social media accounts? I'm your person! Need someone to write scripts or a story for your project? I can do that!
There's gotta be some good work for a talented writer and editor out there still that AI hasn't ruined yet, right?
#GetFediHired #FediHired #FediHire
If you've shipped 1-2 Web projects and been the tech lead for 1 software project: we need your help.
Please boost for reach! #fedihire
Lead Full-Stack Developer- Climate Solutions (Remote) at OpenEarth Fondation | Women Who Code Job Board
Looking for your next step? View jobs with benefits that matter to you.Women Who Code