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Items tagged with: remote

So the universe has been VERY PROACTIVE in letting me know that it's time to move on from #Amsterdam. Rejection is redirection. ✨

The short-term plan: move somewhere sunny in Europe, apply to hybrid and/or #remote jobs. Question is where?

Just realizing that I never ended up posting this here, and I know it's Saturday but here we go anyway:
I'm actually looking for work!👀

I'm looking for #devrel (with a specialization in #devex, web standards and OS communities) or #fullstack eng roles (primarily #javascript but I dabble in half a dozen other languages, from Rust to Go to embedded C/C++ & happy to learn), have quite a bit of experience/interest in #webassembly, #cloudnative and can hold my own in #devops (e.g. the #RustFest infra used for the EuroRust live stream was hosted by us).

I am based in Tallinn, and looking exclusively for fully #remote (ideally seasoned async/flexible remote teams and I am happy to help building a great culture as well using my previous experience at Mozilla & other companies in the past 7 years).
Also open for part-time and/or contracting with the right people/product.

If you know someone would appreciate an intro, say hello @

:boostRequest: boosts appreciated

Wir suchen #Rust #Entwickler. Anfangs als #teilzeit aber sehr sehr wahrscheinlich wird das zu #Vollzeit wachsen (oder mehrere Teilzeit, wenn das besser passt).

Ort: Voll #Remote - wir haben kein Büro mehr - aber aus vertraglichen und rechtlichen Gründen muss der Arbeitsort innerhalb von .de liegen.
Selten (derzeit einmal im Jahr) eine Fahrt in die Gegend um Frankfurt/Main einzuplanen, Firmenevent.

Nötig: Gute #Rustlang Kenntnisse. Und man sollte andere Sprachen (viel C, etwas Java, Bash) zumindest grob lesen können.
Es geht ums (Neu/Um)schreiben von Applikationen.
Außerdem Umgang mit #git/#gitlab nötig - und wir sind voll #linux basiert.

#Festanstellung ist das Ziel, #Freischaffend ist weniger gern gesehen..

Bei Interesse: DM an mich.

#fedihire #fedijob

Boosts welcome.

Hello Fediverse friends! My partner, who has total 16 years of experience in software in an impressive array of various technologies, is looking for new opportunities. What he's looking for:
- #Rust (#web or #embedded or anything really)
- 100% #remote in Germany or hybrid in #Berlin
- German employment contract
- meaningful work (no nonsense like web3, cars, or gambling)

Do you know anyone hiring for positions that would fulfill those expectations? #FediHire #FediJobs

🌌 Periodic #fediworld overview

⛺ Regional - #Bizkaia - #Andalucía

💻 Work - discussions about #remote work, telecommuting, team spirit and remote collaborator experience