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Items tagged with: literature

"Sem vergonha o não digo, que a razão De algum não ser por versos excelente, É não se ver prezado o verso e rima, Porque quem não sabe arte, não na estima."
Os Lusíadas (1572), Canto V

Luís Vaz de Camões died #OTD in 1580. He wrote a considerable amount of lyrical poetry & drama but is best remembered for his epic work Os Lusíadas. His collection of poetry The Parnasum of Luís de Camões was lost during his life.

Books by Luís de Camões at PG:

#books #literature #poetry
Portrait c. 1577. via @wikipedia
Cover of the 1572 edition of Os Lusíadas. via @wikipedia

📖 #Today's #meditation :

In the spiritual dimension,
one cannot produce a masterpiece
—until they become one.

#wisdom #literature #poetry #spirituality #inspiration

The next time anybody tries to coopt #TerryPratchett into their weird transphobic cult (against the advice of literally everybody who knew him) please remind them that he wrote this in 1995.

"We've got extra pronouns here"

#Discworld #books #literature #Fantasy
Picture of text from a discworld nove; - 

“Female? He told you he was female?” “She,” Angua corrected. “This is Ankh- Morpork, you know. We’ve got extra pronouns here.”

She could smell his bewilderment... “Well, I would have though she’d have the decency to keep it to herself,” carrot said finally. “I don’t think it’s very clever, you know, to go around drawing attention to the fact.” “Carrot, I think you might have something wrong with your head,” said Angua. “What?” “I think you might have it stuck up your bum.”

— Terry Pratchett - Feet Of Clay


‘kiss me & you will see how important i am.’

sylvia plath (born #otd in 1932) was the first one to teach me that it’s quite okay not to be okay - & i’m not alone under her pedagogy.
since my first prepubescent brush with ‘the bell jar’, i’ve lived by its imparted wisdom - most especially: ‘if you expect nothing from somebody, you are never disappointed' - a credo for life that's much more optimistic than it first appears to be.
#mastoArt #literature #portraiture #sylviaPlath
portrait illustration of author, sylvia plath, by kat himmel.
colours are bright red & blue on a graphic background. portrait illustration of author, sylvia plath, by kat himmel.
colours are bright red & black on a plain yellow background.
portrait illustration of author, sylvia plath, by kat himmel.
colours are bright red & blue on a custard yellow background. portrait illustration of author, sylvia plath, by kat himmel.
colours are bright rust & teal on a graphic background.