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Items tagged with: tree

I planted this Yew when it was only 10cm / 3.94in; now it is more then 2,5m /100 inches tall
She sits underneath an apple tree...

#Yew #tree #Steinmühle #nature

#photography #nature #Tree
Have a nice day Diasporiens
(Apple for you, apple for me and apples)

Ein großer Sprung.
Eine Menschenfigur geschnitzt aus dem Stamm einer Kastanie. Abendspaziergang mit meiner Tochter und mit 🐕 Tico im Park. 18.01.2024
#Kunst aus einem #Baumstamm #Park #Sonnenuntergang #Licht #Wolken #Foto #meinFoto #mywork #Art from a #Tree Trunk #Park #Sunset #Light #Clouds #Photo #myPhoto

The nice thing about sunsets is that, if you miss one, you will get a new one tomorrow.
Shared with a CC BY-NC licence. If you use these photographs, please link to Heptagrama as attribution. Thank you!

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Lo lindo de los atardeceres es que, si te pierdes uno, tendrás otro mañana.
Las comparto en el marco de una licencia CC BY-NC. Si vas a usar estas fotografías, por favor da un enlace a Heptagrama en la atribución. ¡Gracias!

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#photography #sunset #pacific-ocean #sea #peru #tree #2020
#fotografía #atardeceres #oceano-pacifico #mar #perú #árbol #2020

today Andrea et moi visited the Tausendjährige Eibe in Gutau; may not be a Yew of a thousand years but, for sure it is an old one and stands completely alone. we sat underneath her dark branches for long twice, on our way up and our way down to the nearby forest... it is a male one, was full of seeds.

#Yew #tree #Gutau #nature #beauty #ya #photography

I took my bike out of the bike parking, and I noticed these forgotten bike keys hanging from a branch of a tree. It had just rained, there were a couple of drops in the keys... It all suddenly seemed very beautiful, very Amsterdam... So I snapped a picture. I'm no photographer, but I think I captured what I saw at the moment.

#Amsterdam #bikes #photo #photography #picture #keys #tree #rain #nl