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Items tagged with: fotografia

A slightly weathered (yellowish) marble #statue of a baby positioned near the main gate of a house in the neighborhood. Liked the placement of the statue in the middle of the shrubs (or #plants).

#Art #Craft #Photography #Fotografia #Fotographie #Fujifilm #マストドン写真部 #NoEdit

A yellowish colored marble status of an old baby. It's placed in between the shrubs outside the gate of a bungalow. It has curly hair and seems to be holding a grape.

Z nowelizacji ustawy o obronie ojczyzny: będzie powrót tablic "ZAKAZ FOTOGRAFOWANIA".

#fotografia #prawo

The nice thing about sunsets is that, if you miss one, you will get a new one tomorrow.
Shared with a CC BY-NC licence. If you use these photographs, please link to Heptagrama as attribution. Thank you!

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Lo lindo de los atardeceres es que, si te pierdes uno, tendrás otro mañana.
Las comparto en el marco de una licencia CC BY-NC. Si vas a usar estas fotografías, por favor da un enlace a Heptagrama en la atribución. ¡Gracias!

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#photography #sunset #pacific-ocean #sea #peru #tree #2020
#fotografía #atardeceres #oceano-pacifico #mar #perú #árbol #2020