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Items tagged with: streetphotography

Electronics repairman at his workbench on a back street of #Hanoi. #Vietnam #StreetPhotography
An early evening photo of a young man sitting at a work bench in his electronics repair shop on a back street of Hanoi. He is wearing a brown t-shirt and grey shorts, and we are back and to the left of him so that we appear to be looking just past his left shoulder onto his work. While we cannot clearly see what it is he is working on, we can see the well-used array of meters and tools both on the desk and pinned to a slanting panel at the back of the top surface of the workbench. In the out-of-focus foreground, we see stacks of items. The walls are a seemingly endless series of pegs and hooks upon which hang tools, parts, and unidentifiable bags. Chaotic as the scene is, it is immediately evocative of any number of one-person workstations we will have encountered over the years, i.e. everything is in its place and granularly indexed by the only person for whom it ultimately matters: the present technician.

Dornach | The Goetheanum is known for its unique and fascinating architecture. It was built in 1913 and 1928 after the original Goetheanum was destroyed by fire. The architect Rudolf Steiner himself designed the building and used organic forms and natural materials such as wood and concrete.

You don't want to miss any inspiration? Follow me !

#smartphonephotography #blackandwhitephotography #streetphotography

Many years ago a photographer loaned this cheap adapter to me, and I haven't given it back yet. When you pair it with a 20mm lens you get nearly a 180° FoV, which was a lot of fun back before the pandemic. I changed to mirrorless, and never got around to buying the cheap adapter to get it to fit to my new 20mm lens until now. I'm gonna try some waterfalls and flowers and see what I can do with it. #StreetPhotography #photography #fisheye #utrawide #ridonkulous
people waiting for the train to leave the station before the pandemic

A homeless man, probably in his late 60s with weathered skin, a white wild goatee with equally wild moustache. He is dressed in a black winter jacket, a black beanie, and his legs are covered in a black blanket while sitting cross-legged.Stuck in his left hand in his lap is a lit cigarette and a crumpled paper bag from a bakery. He's staring at his stretched out right arm where he's holding a piece of bread in his fist. A starling is feeding from that piece of bread while sitting on his sleeve. In front of the man is his begging beaker with another starling sitting on its rim, apparently staring at the bread and the first starling. To the left there are even more starlings, showing interest in the scenery.

Woman in Cafe

In Covent Garden Market.

Copyright © 2022 Garry Knight
All rights reserved

#photo #photography #StreetPhotography #MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBY


Seen through a multi-panel window, a woman with dark hair and black glasses sits, the reflections in the window making her look partly transparent and somewhat ghostly.



I'm Jules or Elya and I'm new on .art but you might know me already from other fedi places. This is me trying a more public artsy account. I'm not very comfortable sharing my work publicly on social media but want to give it another try.

Things I'm into:

#photography #filmPhotography #landscape #streetPhotography

#printmaking #linocut #woodcut

#fountainPens, #ink and #paper

#fibreArts like #dyeing #spinning #knitting and sometimes #weaving

#watercolor #sketching
Photograph of a ruin of an old lighthouse on a stone beach with graffiti on it

A word about #streetPhotography and #consent #photoEthics

I love making photographs in the streets. I love consent and thinking about ethics in #photography.

When I share pictures of recognizable humans (probably not that often), I make sure they like being in it, they like the story my pictures are telling and they consent to me sharing it. I'm not posting these as #artReference because that's not my decision to make.

Check out the Photo Ethics Podcast it's great