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Items tagged with: cyberpunk

I have wanted to photograph this alley for a long time. I could almost be a location for a scene from Ghost in the Shell. But it's in #Glasgow.
A narrow cul-de-sac, the road surface uneven cobble stones,  enclosed by tall buildings with lots of ventilation ducts, boarded-up windows, windows protected with bars, a few aircon units, and graffiti. 

The focus is a window in the end wall on the second floor, you can somehow see what looks like daylight shining through it from the other side of the building.

If commercial cyberware became available, what organ/limb would you be willing to replace by a synthetic counterpart first?


If your Cyberpunk world does not have an energy crisis, it's not punk, it's just sparkling neonliberalism.
Here is a thing I wrote in 2018:

#cyberpunk #ClimateCrisis #energyTransition #solarpunk #futurism #hopium

I’ve been playing Cyberpunk 2077 (2020) for a little while, and I will likely have more words about it later, but at the moment I’m mainly amused that the similar universes of Cyberpunk (1988), Shadowrun (1989) and Blade Runner (1982) all wrongly picked Japanese culture as prominent in the not-so-far future when Chinese culture is shaping to be more dominant in real life.

I was wondering if it was because these universes were all created at a time where Japanese culture just made it big in the Western market? There’s of course a hefty dose of exoticism in all these universes but also at the time China wasn’t as big on the world stage as it is now.


Has anyone played the Netrunner card game ?

#cyberpunk #netrunner #tcg

In some way the #Fediverse feels like the true #Metaverse of a #Cyberpunk #Dystopia. Or #Utopia?

A #consciousness stream of #hypermedia connected across #relay nodes - available for #all to see.

Are we #screaming into the #darkness? Is there #anybody out there?

#Wetware for hire, #Meatsacks for sale. Be #Whoever #you want to be - #anything to #escape from #Twitter #Hell

Time for another #introduction. My name is Chris Dolunt (he/him).

I live in #Michigan. I'm a #solarpunk (recovering #cyberpunk) focused on community support and #climate action.

I work in #library technology, building digital archives to support academic research.

I write #ttrpgs for fun. I wrote "Nyambe" for d20, "Rippers" for #SavageWorlds, and I'm a canon NPC (Kargas Dolunt) in Dave Arneson's Blackmoor. I've been nominated for (and lost) the Diana Jones, Origins, and Ennie awards.

Howdy new people, Busta Marx here. I'm a machinist from New England. I can be found here sometimes talking about #linux and other #foss, #cyberpunk and TTRPG's among other things. I also sometimes throw out random comments about books I happen to be reading. I'm basically a communist so if you find that offensive please use the handy "block" feature of your preferred Mastodon client.
Peace and thanks for reading.

I have a question about #cyberpunk general world-building. If megacorporations are rivaling states, what prevents them from ignoring the state-imposed business and financial regulations that currently shape their decisions? What prevents them to turn into states themselves?…

" #Cyberpunk without the transphobia, racism, and labor exploitation. A collection of inventive genre works to counteract the harm of 2077. Support independent creators exploring identity, artificial intelligence, class, gender, and transhumanism."