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Items tagged with: consciousness

In some way the #Fediverse feels like the true #Metaverse of a #Cyberpunk #Dystopia. Or #Utopia?

A #consciousness stream of #hypermedia connected across #relay nodes - available for #all to see.

Are we #screaming into the #darkness? Is there #anybody out there?

#Wetware for hire, #Meatsacks for sale. Be #Whoever #you want to be - #anything to #escape from #Twitter #Hell

An updated list of my current interests:

#VideoGames - currently playing Outriders, big fan of Mass Effect, hoping for a third Ori game.

#ScienceFiction - some favorites are "Star Maker" by Olaf Stapledon, "The Birthday of the World" by Ursula LeGuin, "The Commonwealth Saga" by Peter F Hamilton.

#consciousness - I'm currently exploring the idea that consciousness begets matter in my upcoming book series "The Psychonaut Chronicles"

#PopCulture - it's the High Art of humanity, change my mind.