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Elites at the World Economic Forum are doing everything they can to protect themselves from #COVID, because the ruling class know the pandemic is not over.

Meanwhile, they are pushing the rest of us back into unsafe workplaces to protect their profits. This is class warfare.
People are not scared ENOUGH. People are ignorant of the misery of death/disability/bankruptcy that Covid can cause, along with the lack of meaningful or effective healthcare. The elites think WE have no value - nor should we worry about losing our sorry lives, but they don't want us screaming when we go down. That would be inconvenient. Better to have us happily waving our vaca pics, giving them our money only to nicely disappear later on. We will be replaced.
If anyone doubts this, look at cars:

Cars kill more human beings than murder in the US. Yet people live in terror of murder, reshape their lives around it, build a whole carceral industry around it — while blithely accepting the larger risk of death by car.

And that’s not accidental! It is a conscious business strategy!

If you wonder how people could throw up their hands at masks and vaccines, look at the history of seatbelts.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)