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Items tagged with: Birdsite

We passed 20,000 followers in this week on #mastodon!

In less than a year, we've accumulated 29% of the followers we got in 9 years of regular posting on the #birdsite, and we get far, far more engagement with our content here.

Thank you.

We will continue to post regularly here because we have found it is a community that values our kind of thoughtful journalism, written by experts for the public.

If you know folks who haven't discovered us yet, we'd really appreciate a boost #Newstodon

Od: Wojciech Zomerski na #birdsite:
„W dzisiejszym DGPrawna o tym, dlaczego prawo pracy jest w Polsce fikcją i dlaczego powinno nas to martwić. W konkluzji nawołuję do potraktowania prawa (pracy) poważnie i podnoszę, że bez tego jako prawnicy nie będziemy wiarygodni, gdy bronimy praworządności i niezależności sądów”,imigranci-z-filipin-pracuja-w-polsce-po-300-godzin-na-miesiac-pip-nic.html

#Polska #prawo #praca
Zdjęcie treści artykułu.

This cartoon has prophetic characteristics:

The "left" / "liberal " users of #Twitter will fatten #Mastodon user numbers, whereas the the burning bird on the right might yet rise again like the #Phoenix out of the #Birdsite ashes as #Twitter2.0 (aka #Bluesky.)

Thus it is envisaged by #Elmo and his #PayPal, not-my-friend, @ Jack after #Twitters final demise.

Purefied by fire, only right-wing users and easily gullible #ElmoFanboys will remain on #Bluesky.

Qualified no… The #birdsite takeover was a blessing for me, not even in disguise. It was both a time suck and a mental health tragedy. It has brought me this place, though. The jury is still out, however, on if social media should not give way to even more IRL experiences

much of what #birdsite is now could be described with the analogy of "it's like watching someone defecate into their own hands, then clapping like a meth-addled seal"

This one goes out to recently arrived or aspiring Twitter refugees

I am so satisfied with Mastodon that I don’t dread coming here and reading my timeline! To me, this is like the #BirdSite back when it started.

I think nearly everyone recently arrived here from the #BirdSite is discovering that engagement is far greater here, even without running polls. We had no idea how bad thst place had become, even pre-Elon.

@Hypolite Petovan Totally agreed! I've blocked him and I'm in the process of stopping #Mastodon altogether! 😀 Sharing his toot was a way to show people exactly that and how the #birdsite is functioning!

If you voted "step down as CEO" in Elon Musk's phony poll, you did something wrong.

His motivation to buy #birdsite was not to run it, but to implement his version of #freespeech. Passing the mantle now means:

* Return to being a user
* Have someone else to pull the potatoes out of the fire
* Transfer #legal responsibility to that someone
* Stop the main drive for #twittermigration
* Recover biz cred
* Being the owner, still keep #twitter as a personal mouthpiece!

In short: he gets it all.

There's a lot of discussion about #birdsite and #journalism right now. While we are still having ongoing conversations about how best to handle our presence there, we can say confidently that we plan on staying on Mastodon indefinitely, barring unforseen circumstances.

In just about a month, we've very clearly seen the value in our presence here, for reaching new people and having great conversations. Here's to the future of the fediverse! #SocialMedia #TwitterMigration

Pro-Elon trolls are joining the #TwitterMigration so here's your regular reminder to block and report them immediately. If a server continuously fails to take action against abuse, block that server and demand your instance admin do the same.

Here, we're the content moderation. I've got major respect for the folks who built this place because, while the rest of us were complaining over on the #birdsite, they were successfully de-federating Gab.

Let's continue this proud #Fediverse tradition.

To expand on #introductions I'd like to see people repost something they posted about in the past that they feel had been ignored by the #birdsite's #algorithm. If you do, please boost or repeat these instructions.

I'll start with this #DJmix of #Brazilian #music I made a year ago:

This #mix is dear to my heart as I was in a #community #Samba #band when I still lived in the UK and miss it muchly. Plus, I think it should be a suitable #soundtrack for your #Friday.

Hi to everyone who just joined today in the #birdsite #migration or #birdsitemigration , I welcome you!

I'm more stoked that more people assuming if they stick around are excited in joining this journey and I'm telling you, the Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon) is a very good number of places and I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here.

Just let me know if you have questions, concerns, etc. since I would love to get you know all of you new people.