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Items tagged with: boost

Testing, testing... Is this thing on?

If you see this, could you #like, #boost or #reply? I'm trying to determine if my posts are propagating after changing servers. It seems people can't see some of my posts, not sure why.

So I wrote a blog post for the first time in 5 years, warning about hcaptcha's accessibility account. Long story short, they banned me from the accessibility account because I'm not blind. I am blind, but well, they seem to think not. Please boost, share, etc since this seriously affects me, and it's not ok at all. You can read the full blog post here:

#blind #hcaptcha #a11y #accessibility #boost

Kennt jemand noch andere (öffentliche) Instanzen von #OpenTalk außer die von @milan bzw.


Anybody ever had a go at making #sugar at home using sugar #beets? #Medieval type processes, or modern versions of it?

Interested in seeing how well home-made sugar might work in #preserving: #jams, #jellies, etc.

Please #boost for coverage - it might be a bit of an odd topic, but I bet there's someone out there who's tried it!

How likely is it that you will still be on Mastodon a year from now?


  • ✅ Certainly (84%, 1432 votes)
  • ⭕ Not sure (14%, 246 votes)
  • ❌ No way (0%, 8 votes)
1686 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

People, please start using CamelCase (aka PascalCase) to break apart words in #HashTags.

It makes it easier to read and more #accessible. Single words are OK to keep lowercase, unless they are proper nouns 😉

As an instance moderator, it makes it easier to review if you're a #MastoAdmin.


#Mastodon #HashTag #accessibilty

@jamesbritt also shared you can #Use_The_Underbar!

Please #boost this for visibility and to help improve the lives of many people.

According to #Wikidata there are 18,218 universities worldwide.

I've worked out ($4 ) that 37 of the Wikidata entries have Mastodon accounts associated with them (not including bot accounts and sub-department accounts).

I'm confident there are more. 😀

Can you share this appeal widely, please, to either add Mastodon addresses to Wikidata items by editing directly, or letting me know of others and I'll add them.

#BoostWelcome #Boost
[Edited to add missing bracket]

I wish I wouldn't see #boost'ed toots again and again, every day. 😬

@czar_roland People can amplify posts, though, by using the #boost feature, which "reposts" it, or sends to all their subscribers.
Interesting posts can be boosted throughout the web of connections between people and may reach large amount of people very fast.

So I have an idea for a tabletop game, but I want to know if something like it already exists.

Here's the pitch:
You and your fellow players are software developers who must collaborate to finish a project on time while dealing with the everyday distractions of business requirements.

Cards generate the project & distractions, you have tokens you can spend to make progress, and various other things buff or nerf your energy use, and you have a limited number of turns to win.
