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So I have an idea for a tabletop game, but I want to know if something like it already exists.

Here's the pitch:
You and your fellow players are software developers who must collaborate to finish a project on time while dealing with the everyday distractions of business requirements.

Cards generate the project & distractions, you have tokens you can spend to make progress, and various other things buff or nerf your energy use, and you have a limited number of turns to win.

Every turn, players pick a new "gamer demands" card and players never have enough tokens to complete it before the next turn, where a new "gamer demands" card is picked and added to the board.

The winner is the player who burns out the last.
Oo this would be great for a future "GameDev" edition 😂
To be fait, it is similar in regular software development environments, instead of "gamer demands" it's "client demands", but since the success of most software usually doesn't hinge on a publishing deadline and the following sales figures, it is way more dramatic in video game development.
You need a bunch of dice rolling for this, the length of any given software development task can really range from "instant" to "three-months slog".

It would make the game interesting to be competitive while being cooperative, in the sense of if the project succeeds, only one developer gets the credit (=win), but if the project fails, all developers are fired (=lose).