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If you voted "step down as CEO" in Elon Musk's phony poll, you did something wrong.

His motivation to buy #birdsite was not to run it, but to implement his version of #freespeech. Passing the mantle now means:

* Return to being a user
* Have someone else to pull the potatoes out of the fire
* Transfer #legal responsibility to that someone
* Stop the main drive for #twittermigration
* Recover biz cred
* Being the owner, still keep #twitter as a personal mouthpiece!

In short: he gets it all.
Not all, but some responsibilities.

If he manages to find a CEO, who does a better job (is #JohnMastodon available?), that will rub off on him, too.

Twitter will die. If not from this, then from whats happening in the engineroom.
Follow the money.

In his last year, Jack Dorsey spent US$5.5B and earned US$5B with Twitter.

Elon adds $1B in debt service and loses $2B or $3B in ad revenue. He maybe saves $1B or $1.5B in staffing costs. That still leave $2B/yr. (give or take) hole to fill.

He can subsidize eternally from his own pocket … or declare Chapter 11. If he hires a CEO, it will be to steer it through bankruptcy.

and it will never be the same.
My question is whether Twitter is financially salvageable after the injuries Musk has inflicted. I am doubtful. If so, the CEO choice won’t matter.