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Items tagged with: uspol

American Gothic 2025 by Jesse Duquette
A play on Grant Wood's famous 1930 painting. The male character is Musk. The female chatter is a very orange faced Trump. The head of the Statue of Liberty is stuck sideways on the fork.

Putin and Trump shaking hands


🎈 US Cloud soon illegal? Trump punches first hole in EU-US Data Deal

「 This deal was always built on sand, but the EU business lobby and the European Commission wanted it anyways. Instead of stable legal limitations, the EU agreed to executive promises that can be overturned in seconds. Now that the first Trump waves hit this deal, it quickly throws many EU businesses into a legal limbo 」

#uspol #eu #privacy #surveillance #tadpf

The Internet Archive has to date downloaded 500 terabytes of US government websites, which it crawls at the end of every presidential term. The whole archive is fully searchable. This effort's housed by a donation-funded nonprofit, not a branch of the US government.

[Follow IA on BS if you wish:]

#internetarchive #archives #uspol #USPolitics

I am kind of struck by how much like the Trump regime acts like a corporate raider, basically asset stripping the US government by flying in a bunch of interim managers who are loyal only to their billionaire boss, Elon Musk.

It's a hostile takeover, in more ways than one, and, once stripped, all that remains will be the carcass, with the workers who thought their eggs would get cheaper left holding the bag.

This really is the worst timeline, sigh.


Here is a list of brands to boycott for their contributions to the trump campaign and the 2025 project. Feel free to write them to let the know why you choose to boycott their products.

#boycott #trump #Project2025 #uspol #politics #justice #activism

For all the terrible things that are happening right now, you can be a force for positive change.

Here are a couple links to connect locally and nationally for political action:

#uspol #usa #politics #BLM #action #activism

A cartoon featuring the Statue of Liberty and the figure of Justice, both standing side by side. The Statue of Liberty holds a tablet and a torch, while the figure of Justice is blindfolded and holds scales and a sword. Above them is a word bubble both saying “not resigning.”

"We should now be imposing the same boycotts on Musk’s hideous fascist US that we once did on apartheid South Africa."

#USPol #Trump #Musk

This really should be front page news in the U.S., but I'm guessing it won't be. Musk has endorsed AfD here in Germany, just as the Parliament has been dissolved and the country is headed into elections. Very disturbing that one person has the financial power to potentially hand entire governments over to fascists. Every country should agree on a billionaire tax, to protect sovereignty.

#depol #uspol

Dear "The Atlantic": Don't forget some of us also are just fucking sick of ultrawealthy CEOs. I don't condone or applaud violence. But man, I'm tired of ultrawealthy CEOs in and of themselves. #capitalism #uspol
But Americans’ zeal for the death of an insurance executive demonstrates both the coarsening of public discourse and the degree of rage Americans feel over the deficiencies of the U.S. health-care system.

I'd like a reporter to ask JD #Vance what he & his wife use for contraception. He can't say 'nothing' because he doesn't have a shit ton of kids. She's still of childbearing age at 38. She should be able to produce a baby every year.

If Vance refuses to answer & says it's personal, then ask him why he thinks he has the right to control the personal decisions of other men & women.

Reporters are failing. Make these men answer questions about the things they want to control in others.

It’s finally time to release my newest project:

This website provides a real-time lens into the cryptocurrency industry’s efforts to influence 2024 elections in the United States.

#crypto #cryptocurrency #elections #USpol #lobbying

A screenshot of the front page of, showing total amounts raised by crypto-currency focused PACs ($203 million) and amounts spent ($38 million). There are also graphs showing expenditures by political party, and expenditures by PAC. There is a list of the top elections influenced by crypto industry money, of the most highly-funded super PACs overall, and of recent expenditures by crypto-focused committees.

Trans people in the US: Whatever you think about staying and fighting versus living to fight another day, please get an up to date passport with your correct information on it before November if you’re able to. #USPol #trans

Missing from every #USPol national media news story I've seen about #TrumpCharges: Historical and global context about our nation's constitution and norms regarding peaceful transfer of power; what was different about his response to losing election, how our system of government has worked, etc. #Journalism can be a daily, living education on #history, civics and #democracy and should do much more. (If you've seen news reports doing this, versus commentary, glad to boost)

There's a GOP candidate in Indiana running for some important office who says God wants him to win the election. (Micah Beckwith).

God made me instantly forget what he's running for as soon as he said he wanted to stamp out immorality, etc.

Plus, God told me I will win the election by a miracle -- and I'm not running for anything! 😇

#indiana #gop #uspol #narcissim

The real reason for his visit to Israel.

He has a monogrammed yarmulke....

#uspol #Florida #DeSantis #rondesantis
Ron DeSantis praying at the wailing wall with a yarmulke embroidered with his name.

Caption reads "Please god make mickey mouse leave me alone."


A study on internet trolling among Australian teenagers says high levels of psychopathic traits are behind the behaviour.

Original study
"High psychopathy, high sadism, low self-esteem, low cognitive empathy, low affective empathy, & high negative social potency" predict more trolling

#AusPol #UKPol #USPol #CdnPol

How often do you get to say it? Progress! NPR will not air Trump live if he speaks about his indictment today, a small win for common sense. (Some might say microscopic.)

But if you click and listen to NPR's executive editor, Terry Samuel, this may be the closest we get to NPR conceding that its Trump coverage 2016 to now didn't work because it tried to use normal tools and assumptions. To me that's significant, and it almost never happens.

#uspol #journalism #npr

DeSantis dismissal of Russia’s war in Ukraine as a vital US interest will invite the Kremlin’s cyber & disinformation tools to amplify his message, charge his base and further sow American division. Deliberate on #DeSantis part, I believe

#Russia #Ukraine #WWIII #news #war #PutinsWar #Putin #florida #uspol #Floridaman


Neuroscience shows conservative thinkers typically:

are driven by an overactive limbic (fear) system, seeing threat in neutral situations;

seek "strong" leaders that share their fears & prejudices & promise to eradicate "enemies";

are afraid of the unfamilar, poor at analysis &, hence, evidence resistant.

#ConservativeThinking is ok as long as it's not running things. Education can help.,15130

#USPol #CdnPoli #UKPol #AusPol
cartoon character holding sign about conservatism

Two "He Gets Us" #Jesus ads will air during the #superbowl. The group behind the ads has given $19 million to the hate group Alliance Defending Freedom and $8 million to Answers in Genesis (Creation Museum, Ark Park). They are anti-science #ChristianNationalist who oppose LGBT and women's rights

#news #religion #hategroups #ChristianTaliban #cult #uspol

Content warning: #USPol #SpeakerVote #Journalism

Yes agree.

And, pleeease, ppl reposting twitter links, pleeeease stop.

Post screenshots if you must, but not links.
It feeds the psychopathic parasites, &, if we click on your post, so do we.

#AusPol #UKPol #USPol #CaPol etc

Content warning: U.S. Politics, Midterms, CO D-3, cure ballots deadline

Why has the public consciousness become extra enamored with UFOs lately? And why is congress seemingly wasting its time talking about them lately?

Is it because the world feels exceptionally shitty, more and more often, to most?

A culture-wide increase in magical thinking coupled with a distrust of traditional institutions and science?

Has anyone done good skeptical analysis on this lately?

#ufo #skepticism #uspol

No replies from true believers today, please.

I've been enjoying my life in Brooklyn over the last 10 years, but it's been sad seeing from up close US multi-national companies squeeze the American consumer for their last dime as their "domestic" market has only become their second most important after China. #USPol

#USPol I’m having a lot of negative feelings after the ignominious verdict in the Rittenhouse trial, and I’m not sure I’m legitimate to express them, but I sure am loosing sleep over it.

#USPol RINO (Republican In Name Only) is a popular moniker for perceived opportunists within the Republican Party, I’m surprised Joe Manchin and Kysten Sinema didn’t make DINO (Democrat In Name Only) trend.

#uspol It isn't surprising coming from Republicans, but it goes to show that white supremacism is alive and well in the US even without Donald Trump. It never needed him to thrive in the first place.

#uspol This is so cartoonishly evil it is funny in a way. Both freeing kids in cage and sending $2,000 checks were promises he publicly made but didn't honor yet, while oil drilling permits probably were promises he privately made and honored first.

How can there be trust?

Biden days in office: 11

New oil drilling permits granted: 31

$2,000 checks sent: 0

Student loans ($10,000 each) forgiven: 0

Kids in cages reunited with parents: 0

While I already am not happy about this debuting US administration, I am kind of relieved that one their first trending stories on Twitter is about the Air Force One livery and not some gross thing he said about immigrants, women, journalists or people with disabilities. #uspol

#USPol prediction: Before a month has passed, Joe Biden will make an annoyed off-the-cuff remark about progressives not grateful enough to him just winning the election against Donald Trump.

Florida's governor and fervent Trump bootlicker, Ron DeSantis, sent jackbooted thugs to the home of a scientist in an effort to silence her from speaking out on his mishandling of Covid.

This is full-on fascist dictator games. They pointed guns at her kids and confiscated her PC.

You can't make this shit up.

Link -

#Covid #ScienceMatters #Science #Florida #USPol #politics #FloridaMan #pandemic #censorship

As revolting as these agency review teams are on its own, it's kind of refreshing to see a list of people who "only" hold debatable opinions about surveillance and foreign policy instead of just self-serving white supremacist grifters, liars and provocateurs.
#SilverLining #uspol

The Biden-Harris Transition Team released names of people who are on their "agency review teams," which will prepare Biden and his Cabinet for their administration.

Let's examine some of the individuals who are notable because of their backgrounds. #BidenTransition


So the democrats managed to elect the first president in my life time who fought to keep schools segregated. The saddest part of that is they arent even ashamed of themselves right now.



Rick Santorum on CNN literally saying "Democrats need to give Republicans, including Trump, time and space to work through their feelings about losing." #ElectionResults2020