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Items tagged with: california

I'm irritated that some social media systems (not Diaspora) have made it nearly impossible to share good articles. But that's irrelevant to the fact that this is great and super informative.

The System Isn’t Designed to Help You
#fire #insurance #disaster #fema #california #consumer #law

via Diaspora* Publisher -

This is exactly right:

"The focus on young e-bike riders’ safety can obscure the bigger crisis: People driving cars and trucks are killing more people on our roads."

"If the goal is to understand what makes streets dangerous, we have to look at cars."

#bikes #cars #california #ebikes

Here's a really good, fast overview of the new #California roadmap for reaching #netzero #emissions by 2045.

It's by Dan Sperling, the founding director of the Institute of #Transportation Studies at #UCDavis. He also explains why California's moves on #climatechange reverberate around the world.

We normally promote the conference Tech Intersections: Women of Color in Computing on #Twitter but won't this year for obvious reasons.

Please help us spread the word about this #bipoc conference in #Oakland #California.

We're offering 20% off with promo code MASTODON. #BlackMastodon #BlackFriday

We are giving free tickets to people who have been laid off with promo code LAIDOFF.

The event includes an #ally skills workshop for supporters of #woc.
Purple-hued banner with large text "Tech Intersections January 28, 2023". Seven smiling Black and brown women are pictured with a variety of hairstyles and attire. There is a URL:

“Elon Musk admitted to his biographer that the reason the Hyperloop was announced—even tho he had no intention of pursuing it—was to try to disrupt the California high-speed rail project to get in the way of that actually succeeding.” — #ParisMarx #Gizmodo #ElonMusk #Hyperloop #California #HighSpeedRail #cities #transportation #Tesla #CityPlanning #UrbanPlanning

Fellow Tooters,

I"m Jake, based in Southern #California, US. I’ve been on Mastodon since April/May 2022.

Background in #EnvironmentalEngineering and follow #ClimateChange, #WalkableCities, #RenewableEnergy, #EBikes.

Work in #Data, and use #Python, #SQL, #Git.

Recently built a #Discord bot that tracks #Wordle scores with a #RaspberryPi. I play #Fortnite.

Outside, I like #hiking, #cycling, #gym, #RoadTrips.

#Music faves: #AltRock, #EDM, #HipHop.

Thanks for reading my #introduction!