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Items tagged with: Putin

#Dokumentation über russische #Hacker

#putin #russland #hack #cyberwar #sicherheit #technologie #doku #bären

#Putin's interview was beyond embarrassing, to be honest. Basically his entire argument is that #Ukraine historically belonged to #Russia.

By his own logic, Russia and Ukraine should both be part of Iran because the ancient Scythians (an Iranic people) lived there thousands of years ago, long before the arrival of the Slavic peoples.

This is exactly why I hope we erase natl borders one day and become one global federation. This planet doesn't belong to anyone. We're just guests here.


Like Putin-"UP IN SMOKE"

Dramatic first pic shows Putin’s prized supersonic nuke bomber completely DESTROYED by ONE Ukrainian kamikaze drone

His military in tatters after 270,000 Russian dead in Ukraine, his economy gasping for air as the the ruble falls against the mighty dollar, Putin is ignoring the obvious - "IT'S TIME TO LEAVE UKRAINE!"
#AureFreePress #Ukraine️ #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war #news #Moscow #USA #UK #Germany #Poland #France #Turkey
Russian nuclear bomber destroyed

“F-16. Breakthrough arrangement. Specifics from today. We will have F-16 in the Ukrainian sky. Thank you, Netherlands! Thanks Mark! Thanks to everyone who helps!

We will win!"
- President Zelensky
#Ukraine️ #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war #news #Moscow #USA #UK #Germany #Poland #France #Turkey

“We should never do business with those who do business with Russia”

Great Words.

We must remember when shopping that #Mondelez still does business in russia.

Boycott Mondelez.

Their brands are…….

Chips Ahoy!
Club Social
Honey Maid
Sour Patch Kids
Wheat Thins


So what is #Europe's plan to deter terrorist #Russia from committing the #terrorist act of blowing up the Zaporizhzhia #nuclear power plant in #Ukraine?

What's #NATO's plan to prevent this?

Or is it just the usual "expressing our concern, are monitoring the situation, and talking to our partners" bullsh** that #Putin couldn't care less about?

First the dam blown up.
No reaction. No consequence.

What next? What's the deterrent? Anyone?

#ArrestPutin #StopRussianAggression #EU #UN #sanctions
Russian war crimes

Prigozhin has captured the headquarters of the Southern Military District and the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Rostov!
#Ukraine️ #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war #news #Moscow #USA #UK #Germany #Poland #France #Turkey #Wagner #Prigozhin

Ch***k Orban blokuje wspólne oświadczenie UE w sprawie nakazu aresztowania Putina:
#rosja #wojna #putin #mtk

DeSantis dismissal of Russia’s war in Ukraine as a vital US interest will invite the Kremlin’s cyber & disinformation tools to amplify his message, charge his base and further sow American division. Deliberate on #DeSantis part, I believe

#Russia #Ukraine #WWIII #news #war #PutinsWar #Putin #florida #uspol #Floridaman

Folks have mentioned that Twitter is an extremely important space for sharing #protest news across the world and as a result we should keep preserving it despite the takeover.

I get it, I am #Iranian, I have relied heavily on twitter for news sharing re protests in #Iran over the years.

But what you are missing is that those same activists and protesters are MOST vulnerable to the new Twitter regime. Misinformation campaigns will be easy, and #Putin/#China/Islamic republic will use it.

Many self-proclaimed “peace activists” are demanding the unconditional surrender of the #Ukrainian resistance in favour of a russian dictatorial #peace. They fail to understand, however, that a #russian military victory would not alleviate the Ukrainians’ suffering in the slightest, because #putin’s goal is evidently the annihilation of the Ukrainian people and culture.

[1/3] #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #russia