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Items tagged with: racism

Breslau 1941: clandestine photos tell of the Holocaust’s upheaval and terror

Images taken secretly some 80 years ago are being published for the first time to mark International #Holocaust Remembrance Day

#WWII #Hitler #genocide #racism #fascism #NeverAgain #Nazis

Today in Labor History August 4, 1964: Civil rights workers Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman and James Chaney were found dead in Mississippi after disappearing on June 21. They were activists with the Congress of Racial Equality promoting voting registration among African Americans. Seven Klu Klux Klan members, including Deputy Sheriff Price, were convicted.

#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #racism #kkk #KuKluxKlan #CivilRights #core #mississippi #murder
Missing persons poster created by the FBI in 1964, signed by the Director J. Edgar Hoover. Shows the photographs of Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, and Michael Schwerner. By Federal Bureau of Investigation - Federal Bureau of Investigation, Public Domain,

Content warning: ttrpg racism

As I mentioned the other day, #Pinetta has been on hold for a bit as I get through a super busy time IRL.

For context, I had thought about a Pinterest clone for Fedi since a while ago, but I only really started talking about the project after paying close attention to the trouble that black and indigenous people were having with #racism on Mastodon. Basically, I came to feel that Mastodon's structural shortcomings weren't going away, and that there was the desire for something to address them.

This is genius Albert Einstein who refused to speak at white colleges and at the end of his life spoke exclusively at black universities
"The separation of races is not a disease of colored people but a disease of white people. I do not intend to be quiet about it.

#Einstein #Racism #Integrity #Equality

Szilárd Németh, a high positioned gov't MP (goon) wrote about the Argentinian #soccer success that „a white, Christian country with European values became the world champion. Go Argentina!”

In response ambassador Hernán María Patiño Mayer wrote that "the Argentinian national team, like the Argentinian people, represents the values of a mestizo America, rejecting all forms of racial, religious, gender and social discrimination."
Well said.

#hungary #politics #racism #argentine

I am the Race and Justice Reporter at #Axios. I write about history and racism. Here's one:
The Underground Railroad to Mexico exposes a neglected history about the Black experience in the Americas. It's likely more enslaved Black people in the US escaped to Mexico than originally thought.
#undergroundrailroad #undergroundrailroadtomexico #blackhistory #history #latino #latinohistory #racism #slavery

My cousin, who is in a symphony, is writing a paper on racism in the symphonic music industry. Turns out the symphony administration wanted to feature a black composer to showcase the history of black experience through classical music.

They brought someone on & after listening to the music, they decided it wasn't "happy" enough, so they went another direction entirely, going white again.

"Happy?" What history were they imagining?

#racism #orchesta #symphony #music #composer #blackmastodon

A very upsetting thread about casual #racism among educated people in Canada. Racism isn’t “somewhere else”, it doesn’t stem from a lack of education, it’s a culture.

Educated white people like me, check yourself.

Trigger Warning: Medical Racism

*Deep Breath* What does medical racism look like for a pregnant Black woman in Ottawa? Well so far...

#Racism and #WhiteSupremacy isn't always straight up killing unarmed black men, it's also often leveraging any kind of power (in this case, the vaccine supply control) to halt any policy not implicitly favoring whites, regardless of their actual public health merits.

1/ Dallas County officials halted a plan that would have prioritized COVID-19 vaccine doses for people living in the most vulnerable ZIP codes after Texas threatened to cut the county’s vaccine supply.

Important thread for white people about reporting and consuming racially-charged violence news. #racism

White man murders 19-year-old Black Teen because he felt (and society reinforced) it was his right to do so.

There. Fixed it for you.

Another several instances of casual #racism by both the white woman, her boyfriend and the seven police officers involved. Thankfully there is no fatal ending this time but you can see clearly how much the deck is stacked against black people at least in North America.

The white lady in question is executive assistant to the Associate VP of Equity (predating interim AVP) @UWaterloo “Don’t Talk Back At Me” White Neighbour Set Her Dog On A Black Law Student In Waterloo

With the recent second wave of #BlackLivesMatter, I've discovered the Americans Descendant of Slavery (#ADOS) movement. It is a typical example of intersectionality where ethnicity alone isn't useful enough to explain the current wealth disparities between American persons of color.

In particular, I believe #reparations should be directed primarily towards these people which would make an eventual policy both more affordable and more meaningful.

I should add that I'm not happy about the anti-immigration stance of this particular movement, but I still believe they deserve a particular attention that doesn't strip any other person of color of consideration regarding institutionalized #racism in the US.

"I don't see color, just people" can either lead to "I treat everyone the same" which is good but ignores historical consequences of #racism,
Lately I tend to think that this is exactly what can end racism and all sorts of other "...isms". We should concentrate on the present and not the past. It doesn't dismiss history but rather calls for objective decisions based on current situation rather than trying to compensate for history.

Yes, I know it is seen as red flag by many.

"I don't see color, just people" can either lead to "I treat everyone the same" which is good but ignores historical consequences of #racism, or "everybody must be having the same experience of life as me" which is utterly wrong and privileged.

In either case, it's a red flag.