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Items tagged with: police

Had any of you read the Haugen/Facebook papers, you’d know:

Meta enabled #genocide, boosted polarising misinformation, created shadow profiles of their users, exploited their algorithms so much that it caused mental health issues in young teenagers (there are lawsuits!), sold out women who had abortions to the #police in #USA, did the Cambridge analytica thing, sold user data to thousands of data firms, and more, much more — if you think this corporation has your best interests in mind, idk.

Retreating striking miners being shot in their backs by deputized posse, September 10, 1897. By Unknown author - The Philadelphia Inquirer, September 12, 1897, Public Domain,

@Runa Sandvik That's why I always advise that when filming the #police, #record not only locally but #stream to some #secure server that the authorities won't be able to easily block or demand removal. I, for example, have set my phone to stream to my #peertube server, which I can turn on with one key and the stream keeps running even with locked phone.

If we shut down and break up the staff of low performing schools, maybe we should measure other public services and do the same with them.

#notzen #mywork #dao #taoism #police #governance

🧵1/ The Netherlands is the place to be if you want to study the #government's misuse of #AI in a democratic country.

A week or so ago there was some reporting on the Top 400, a #predictive #crime initiative by the City of #Amsterdam. They algorithmically create a list of the 400 youngsters they believe are most likely to commit serious crimes. The #police actively surveills them (including house visits!), even if they haven't committed any crimes at all.

Under most circumstances, civilians are legally permitted to openly film on-duty police officers under the First Amendment. And while the interaction between Devermont and Fair is pretty benign, BHPD’s recent behavior suggests that at least some cops believe they can prevent themselves from being filmed or livestreamed by playing copyrighted music, which would have serious implications for more serious incidents of police misconduct.

The conundrum with the #police is that officers happy to carry violence or violent orders shouldn't be cops, but officers reluctant to carry violent orders shouldn't be cops either.


Interesting part of history, thanks!

#Police #EMT

It is a little scary to realize that I'm better protected from the #police by my #privilege shield than the actual law. I've thought about getting cocky and get in the face of police officers in the limits of my rights, but I know they could make my life miserable, even unlawfully, and I would need a lot of money to fight them in court.

I'm always impressed by people choosing to fight the good fight against increasingly oppressive regimes, including in supposedly democratic countries. And I definitely gained an eternal contempt for the police, no matter the country they're from.