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If we shut down and break up the staff of low performing schools, maybe we should measure other public services and do the same with them.

#notzen #mywork #dao #taoism #police #governance
YES! I understand the reactions to this police failure .Someone over there should be declared wrong. Not the policemen/women on the scene (they followed training) but the people who designed, approved this training.
Totally. The bad training and bad practices belong with the state or precinct administrations. Somehow the administrations in each area escape blame.
#Secret Hippie Something similar happened in Belgium a few years ago : policemen killed a young women, suffocating her under a cushion. They were declared "non guilty" because they had "followed the procedure". But the outcry was so big that it became public what that "procedure" was and who was responsible for designing it : an obscure "Council", and ultimately the Minister who had approved this deadly "procedure". And the "procedure" was changed. I hope the same will happen in this occurence. (forgive my english, I was raised in french)
At least the procedure was changed. We are not there yet in most of the United States. A few regions are improving.
By the way, you write very well in English!