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Items tagged with: union

Today in Labor History September 12, 1918: Eugene V. Debs, Labor leader and socialist, was sentenced to 10 years, under the Sedition Act, for opposing World War I. While in jail he received one million votes for president. In the late 1800s, he led several railroad strikes and helped found the American Railway Union. In 1905, he cofounded the IWW, along with Big Bill Haywood, Mother Jones, Lucy Parsons, James Connolly, and others. He ran for president as a socialist five times in his life.




Today in Labor History September 12, 1918: Eugene V. Debs, Labor leader and socialist, was sentenced to 10 years, under the Sedition Act, for opposing World War I. While in jail he received one million votes for president. In the late 1800s, he led several railroad strikes and helped found the American Railway Union. In 1905, he cofounded the IWW, along with Big Bill Haywood, Mother Jones, Lucy Parsons, James Connolly, and others. He ran for president as a socialist five times in his life.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #eugenedebs #socialism #IWW #union #strike #antiwar #sedition #prison #potus #motherjones #bigbillhaywood #lucyparsons

Campaign poster from his 1912 presidential campaign featuring Debs and vice presidential candidate Emil Seidel. Public Domain,

#Merz will #Flüchtlinge an der #Grenze abweisen also praktisch Verhältnisse wie in #Ungarn 😱

Insbesondere Ungarn hat schon mehrfach versucht, sich im Asylrecht auf Artikel 72 zu berufen, um von EU-Recht abweichen zu können. Doch der #EuGH hat das noch in keinem einzigen Fall akzeptiert.


#niewiedercdu #niemehrcdu #union #Populismus #politik #migration #Asyl #Justiz #eu #Demokratie #Problem #menschenrechte #ausländer #Freiheit

In the face of massive layoffs, video game workers are unionizing in record numbers — with new wall-to-wall unions at Bethesda and Blizzard’s World of Warcraft team.

On #TechWontSaveUs, I spoke to Taylor Welling and Kathryn Friesen about their union campaigns and the state of the industry.

Listen to the full episode:

#tech #gaming #videogames #union #microsoft #blizzard #bethesda #wow

We're just the beginning of the line of dominoes right? We are showing that it is possible to organize a game workers union, especially under Microsoft. I would love to see every game studio under ZeniMax, under Microsoft unionized. And then eventually the rest of the industry.

Rechtsextreme Partei Der Dritte Weg

Agrarsubventionen für Staatsfeinde

Von Jost Maurin

Die rechtsextreme Partei „Der Dritte Weg“ ist gegen BRD und EU. Doch führende Kader kassieren Hunderttausende Euro Subventionen von Bund und EU.

Schwerpunkt: Neonazis
Schwerpunkt: Landtagswahl Brandenburg 2024

#taz #tageszeitung #Landwirtschaft #Der #III # #Weg #Brandenburg #Subventionen #Rechtsextremismus #Europäische #Union #Bundesamt #für #Verfassungsschutz

Ärztin über den Paragraf 218: „Müssen jetzt viel Druck machen“

Die Empfehlungen der Kommission zu Abtreibungen seien historisch, sagt Alicia Baier von den Doctors for Choice. Die Ampel müsse die Chance nun nutzen.#Paragraf218 #Frauenrechte #Union #Ampel-Koalition #Abtreibung #Deutschland #Politik #Schwerpunkt
Ärztin über den Paragraf 218: „Müssen jetzt viel Druck machen“

Hat sich die #Union schon vom Gedanken verabschiedet, dass man unsere #Demokratie noch retten kann?


#Verfassungsgericht #politik #Bundestag #Mehrheit #nieWiederCDU #niemehrcdu #problem #zukunft #Grundgesetz #Freiheit

Retreating striking miners being shot in their backs by deputized posse, September 10, 1897. By Unknown author - The Philadelphia Inquirer, September 12, 1897, Public Domain,

One of our laid off #union members created this #comic, reporting their experience yesterday. It is a bittersweet but amazing wrap up of what many have experienced.

#1u #layoff #layoffs #LaborDay #labor #CodeForAmerica

A long comic strip with the events of August 31, 2023 of a worker at Code for America who was laid off while on paid time off. They got the notice and immediately noticed that their work laptop had been remotely shut off. They described the experience as being shut out of a breaking up with someone after a multi-year relationship. Furthermore, they expressed how the points made by leadership on termination did not map with what was described by the CEO. They explained the fear of even further harm by leadership despite being jobless. They felt that their layoff was related to three forms of union and labor activities they highlighted. They end it asking people to support the union internally still, to ask for donation to the fund, asking union members to join our internal observers channel and for those laid off to join our laid off slack.

This is why I said fuck: it was announced internally but instead of engaging in union bargaining, upper leadership decided to do this

#labor #union

When Red Hat was a smaller corporation, it was common to see the following quote — attributed to Mahatma Gandhi — used internally and in external marketing:

"First they ignore you.
Then they laugh at you.
Then they fight you.
Then you win."

Interestingly, this quote didn't originate from Gandhi at all. It originated from Nicholas Klein, a trade union activist addressing the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America.

#RedHat #Union #WorkersRights #FOSS

A photograph of Red Hat chairperson Paul Cormier presenting to an audience. In the background, a presentation slide with the misattributed quote bullet pointed. Photograph of a Red Hat poster showing the misattributed quote.
Photograph of a Red Hat office showing the misattributed quote painted on the wall.

My friend at an academic institution is trying to #unionize and it’s a huge battle against anti-#union efforts and she’s incredibly stressed. Can folks please send her some hopeful messages?

These giant inflatable rats are a staple of New York City streets. They are used by unions to protest construction companies employing non-union workers.

#NYC #street #rat #union