Items tagged with: floss
Why we currently do not recommend the @rodentapp Mastodon client:
- it's not #opensource let alone #FLOSS
- it's only available from Google's Play store
- it contains trackers (Google Crashlytics and Google Firebase Analytics)
- it wants access to your ad ID
In short, this app is against the spirit of Mastodon and the Fediverse. There are plenty of Mastodon apps that respect you: @Tusky, Fedilab (@apps), @moshidon …
#Mastodon #Rodent #Android #App #AlternativeTo #Alternative
Report for social.rodent 1.28.0
Known trackers, permissions and informations about this specific version of this applicationεxodus
Today, the United Nations announced the "UN Open Source Principles" – 8 practical ways for groups around the world to promote global digital cooperation through free and open source software.
✍️ Like software freedom itself, these principles are for everyone, everywhere - and the orgs you support can join a list of endorsers today.
#boostsAppreciated - spread the word!
#OpenSource #FreeSoftware #FLOSS #FOSS #UN #UnitedNations
The OSI First to Endorse United Nations Open Source Principles | Office of Information and Communications Technology
The United Nations Open Source United community and the Open Source Initiative (OSI) today announced that the OSI has become the first organization to officially endorse the UN Open Source
Kleine Erinnerung: Bis zum 8.1. könnt Ihr Vorträge und Workshops für die Chemnitzer Linuxtage im März 2025 einreichen.
Da in diesem Fediverse schon die Rede von wenig Nachwuchs war und ich (Cis-)Männer dort immer noch etwas überrepräsentiert finde, möchte ich anbieten: FLINTA*s, die gerne etwas einreichen möchten und sich Unterstützung von einer erfahrenen Person wünschen, Ihr könnt Euch gerne per DM melden.
#clt #clt2025 #mentoring #linux #freesoftware #floss
Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2025 · Call for Lectures
Die Chemnitzer Linux-Tage sind eine Veranstaltung rund um das Thema Linux und Open Source für jedermann, die Linux-Nutzer, Insider und Unternehmen
On the two year anniversary of joining #Mastodon I'm super proud to share:
🚀 The Future is Federated - issue no.13 👩🚀
"The #Fediverse has empowered me to take back control from Big Tech. Now I want to help others do the same."
with mentions of @forgeandcraft (who made this awesome Fediverse t-shirt) @phanpy @ivory @Tusky @nimi @Roneyb @davidoclubb
#FOSS #FLOSS #Matrix #TheFutureIsFederated #blog #tech #activism #BigTech #socialmedia #education
The Fediverse has empowered me to take back control from Big Tech. Now I want to help others do the same.
The Fediverse has helped me regain control from the behavior modification empires of Big Tech. Now I want to help other people do the same.Elena Rossini
So now that we all understand that thanklessly relying on free work of overworked maintainers is a problem, how about we put our money where our mouth is?
I think @AndresFreundTec needs a fat bonus check for saving our asses.
And Lasse Collin needs a lot of support, and probably a nice vacation.
I pledge $100, for starters.
Now how can we make sure to send the funds to the correct people?
Or is there already any fundraiser that I missed?
Thanks for the lovely evening yesterday at the KDE Plasma 6 release party. The cubes are back and wobbly windows. There was also a nice spontaneously "screensaver" 😋.
It was also a nice opportunity to see the offline. Very cool place. Will probably go there again.
I had a nice evening yesterday at the offline at the KDE Plasma 6 release party. Guess the most important thing is, that the cube and wobbly windows are back 🥰
Not that I really used it in the past, but I remember having it active during some Linux presentations and it was always an eye-catcher to have to show off the capabilities of this other OS that is for free and runs on old hardware.
Thanks for the invitation @KDE Eco #FreeSorftware #FLOSS #KDE #KDEPlasma #berlin @offline
Non-official 📎:
#FOSS #Freedom #Mozilla #Addons #JavaScript #FSF #FreeSoftware #FLOSS
GNU LibreJS – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US)
Download GNU LibreJS for Firefox. GNU LibreJS aims to address the JavaScript problem described in Richard Stallman's article The JavaScript Trap. It is a free add-on for Mozilla
Do you require software to produce your work?
✨ Then I need YOU for my survey! ✨
Know somebody who fits this description? Then please share it with them!

For my post graduate degree I am researching software used within the creative industry.
I aim to gain a deeper insight into how individual users find, choose and use the software for their respective fields.
⏲️ The survey will take roughly 10 - 25 minutes to complete.
Thank you so much for your time!

#survey #FollowerPower #DesignWithOpenSource #ArtWithOpenSource #floss #FreeOpenSourceSoftware #ProprietarySoftware #adobe #photoshop #InDesign #AfterEffects #krita #inkscape #scribus #kdenlive #natron #darktable #penpot #gimp #AffinityPhoto #AffinityDesigner #VegasPro #procreate #figma
#floss #krita #comic #lareunion
La Réunion des Communs 2023
Website of David Revoy (aka Deevad), artist and instructor using only Free/Libre and Open-Source software since 2009.David Revoy
> Adobe Tells Users They Can Get Sued for Using Old Versions of Photoshop
We need #FLOSS tools to get to the point where they can replace Adobe tools. The alternatives are great, but they are sadly not there yet to replace Adobe tools for professionals.
And won't be unless projects like @inkscape get enough funding to develop to a point of being viable alternatives.
Yes, it is in no small part about the money.
Adobe Tells Users They Can Get Sued for Using Old Versions of Photoshop
"You are no longer licensed to use the software," Adobe told them.Karl Bode (VICE)
Can you guess who or what does Sam Altman from #OpenAI blame for it?
"A bug in an open source library."
Yup. #FLOSS is great for #OpenAI as a way to build on somebody else's code, and as a way to train their models on somebody else's code. But as soon as shit hits the fan, it *will* get thrown under the bus.
Wanna *bet* it's not an #AGPL library? SV hypercapitalists keep away from those!
#FOSS #InfoSec
OpenAI Confirms Leak of ChatGPT Conversation Histories
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman blames the exposure on 'a bug in an open source library.' A patch has been released, but the chat history sidebar remains inaccessible.Michael Kan (PCMag)
Independent #OpenSource #FLOSS contributor for 19+ years. I break apps & report bugs everywhere (mostly for + @gnome + @GStreamer + @libreoffice). I co-maintain @GettingThingsGNOME & #GNOME Calendar.
I'll post updates on what I'm doing, incl. bug reports that might be of interest to #Linux desktop users.
I also run a marketing firm in #Montreal, #Canada, & a #photography studio.
I used to do #illustration #art as a hobby, as you can see in this WIP #artwork 👇🏼 Hi #MastoArt !
Szacunek @jciesz i @Andruszkiewicz1 za zrozumienie potrzeby 💛”
#otwartyKod #otwarteOprogramowanie #FLOSS #Polska #technologia #programowanie
New contributor spotlight
Since then, two people have distinguished themselves, @Marek Bachmann :friendica: and @Grischa. Both of them picked a small feature of Friendica and took on themselves to improve it.
Ok, they kind of picked the same feature (the display of images in posts) and now their respective work is interfering with each others on the RC branch, but STILL.
I've now marked several issues as Junior Jobs, many of which don't even necessitate to know PHP to fix. It's time for you to step in and be the hero!
#FLOSS #OpenSource #Development #HelpWanted
#FLOSS #Privacy
Germany Forces a Microsoft 365 Ban Due to Privacy Concerns
The central German state of Hesse’s local Data Protection Authority (DPA) has banned the use of Microsoft 365 in its schools, citing concerns over privacy violations.Vuk Mujovic (Best of Privacy)
ich habe einen Ubnt Unifi-Switch mit kaputtem Netzteil. Ubnt bietet keine Ersatzteil (Schande).
Ich bin aber elektrisch/elektronisch vollkommener DAU.
) welche Daten vom Netzteil muss ich haben, damit ich Ersatz besorgen kann?
) an wen könnte ich mich bestenfalls wenden, Firmen, Online-Handel, Personen um dieses Netzteil dann zu bekommen?
* nachdem ich mit elements/matrix nicht mehr an den IRC komme, schauen ich mal obs so geht .-)
Corrolary: I currently use #Digikam to organize my photos, but something with facial recognition that isn't terrible would be nice.
My name is Kellyn Delgado and I am the admin here on I am a total #computer nerd. I've been tinkering with computer software since I was 6. I'm not a developer but I am brushing up on my #bash and #html skills.
My passion is helping people explore the wonders of new #technology, whether that is from #google, the #floss community, or others. I plan to blog about them soon.
I also like #pokemon, #digimon, #socialism, #gemini, #music, etc.
Looks like ISC is ending its maintenance of isc-dhcp-client (dhclient).
"ISC DHCP Client and Relay End of Maintenance"
AFAICT there are 2 alternatives for Linux:
- Busybox' udhcpc
- dhcpcd
I'm not too sure whether udhcpc is a proper replacement ...
(especially on #Debian which still has BB version 1.30 😕)
Any others? comes to mind 🤔
ISC DHCP Client and Relay End of Maintenance
ISC plans to end maintenance of the ISC DHCP client and relay by the end of Q1,
➡️ @switchingsoftware
The guide's website is at
Thes a git for the project at
#SwitchingSoftware #Privacy #FOSS #FLOSS #Libre #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #Computing #Alternatives #Federation #Federated #DeleteFacebook #DeleteGoogle #DeleteMicrosoft #DeleteAmazon
(In a #FLOSS project, the same submitted PR would garner 100+ comments before being closed as inactive or irrelevant)
#FreeSoftware #FLOSS #FOSS
#FOSDEM #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #FLOSS
1. Wegen #Dezentralität, #OffeneStandards, #FLOSS und 2. weil wir dereinst nicht ganz unbeteiligt waren, diesen Zug mit aufs Gleis zu setzen...
Es zeigt sich wiedermal: Engagement 👷 in Verbindung mit Kompetenzaufbau 🛠️ kann ganz schön was bewirken.
Not that it is ever going to be relevant, but #Friendica code is licensed under #AGPL 😎
#OpenSource #FLOSS
Thank you for being here, using #FreeSoftware; today is I love FreeSoftware Day #ilovefs
Thanks to all your contributions to #FLOSS, how ever small they seem to be ❤