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Items tagged with: Bash

Bash history von allen Terminal Sessions speichern – Zum Beispiel tmux

Damit die Befehle verschiedener Terminal Sessions in der .bash_history gespeichert werden, muss Folgendes

#hyperblog #tmux #linux #bash

I made a new wallpaper for my #linux desktop.
It combines some #bash scripting with #conky and xrootgif to display random notes with information I want to memorize.
I also wanted to use some retro textures and effects reminiscent of some horror games.

Nowy wpis na blogu!

Serwer domowy – podstawowa konfiguracja

#bash #debian #firewall #ipadonly #kluczessh #linux #nano #odroid #passwd #raspberrypi #skrypt #ssh #termius #ubuntu #ufw #update #upgrade


Content warning: 🍍 hiya :flan_wave:​

Content warning: I don't think I ever did one of these and there's 🍍 all these new people 🍍 so: #introductions

@Tobias@Chefingenieur 🏳️‍🌈🇪🇺🌍🇺🇦 Ich wuerde hier eher #GIT bei dir lokal installieren, da kommt immer ein #BASH fuer Windows mit. Dann das Script lokal ausfuehren und erneut hochladen. Dann geraet das nicht ausser Kontrolle. Automatische Updates sind Unheil und bereiten mir Alptraeume.

Official #fediverse #introduction post!

My name is Kellyn Delgado and I am the admin here on I am a total #computer nerd. I've been tinkering with computer software since I was 6. I'm not a developer but I am brushing up on my #bash and #html skills.

My passion is helping people explore the wonders of new #technology, whether that is from #google, the #floss community, or others. I plan to blog about them soon.

I also like #pokemon, #digimon, #socialism, #gemini, #music, etc.

Uploading photo using API?

!Friendica Support, I can't figure out how to upload photos to #Friendica using API, I keep getting "Error 400, no media data submitted". Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Attempt in #Python:
r = requests.get(someurl)
encr = base64.b64encode(r.content)
payload = {'media':encr, 'album':'Mobile'}
r ='', data=payload, auth=HTTPBasicAuth('user', 'password'))

Attempt in #Bash:
$ base64 /tmp/img.jpg > /tmp/img64.jpg
$ a=$(cat /tmp/img64.jpg)
$ curl -u user:password --data "album=Mobile" --data "media=$a"

In both cases I get "400, no media submitted" response.