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Items tagged with: Debian

Image/photo Bits from Debian

Debian Celebrates 31 years!


On Fri 16 August 2024 with #tags #debian #birthday #anniversary #debianday

Written by Donald Norwood, Paul Wise, Justin B Rye, Debian Publicity Team

Artwork by Daniel Lenharo de Souza

The Debian Project mourns the loss of Peter De Schrijver

"Peter was highly regarded for his technical expertise in problem solving and for his willingness to share that knowledge. When asked "what are you working on?", Peter would often take the time to explain something you thought was extremely complicated understandably, or show you in-person his high technical proficiency in action on such tasks as translating a disassembled binary into C source code. Peter's work, ideals, and memory leave a remarkable legacy and a loss that is felt around the world not only in the many communities he interacted with but in those he inspired and touched as well."

#debian #linux #developer #death #peterdeschrijver

@niemiec z burgstadt #mxlinux z #xfce . Wszystko co daje czysty #debian plus unikalne dla mx ficzery w rodzaju wyboru wybory przy starcie #systemd / #sysvinit albo np backup całego systemu do bootowalnego obrazu iso, itd.

Has anyone managed to backport #Debian packages of rustc/cargo to stable/oldstable?

#rustlang #rust

#Debian has been moving more towards the mirror which is provided by a single CDN company, #Fastly. It works well, but also feeds an enormous amount of #metadata to a single company, and it can be used to track computers and maybe even people. And the privacy policy in effect is unclear. Fastly says the #privacy policy of the "subscriber" applies, but the privacy policy for is not listed anywhere I could find. Anyone have any insight here?

Three flawless upgrades from #Debian Bullseye to Debian Bookworm. Another round of thanks for all the hard work that happens behind the scenes to deliver this absolute monument of open source!

Railway was accepted into #Debian today ! Thanks to @awai for packaging most of its dependencies. This #GTK - #Rust app allows queuing travel information, for instance from #DB .

Did some small reviewing of the Rust teams' MR queue today. Mostly small nitpicks, but important nevertheless to show contributors that their work isn't ignored.
#Debian #Rust

LAMP installation

friendica installation

Ver. 05 | install and/or move friendica to ubuntu 22.04 LTS VPS server

I'm now a member of the Debian Rust Team. Sorry in advance to Debian FTP Team. #debian #rust #asahi

LPT: take late ICE trains with few people in them so you can use most of the wifi bandwidth in order to develop efficently. Got two dependencies done for #Railway by @schmiddionmobile (so it'll hopefully land in #Debian soon™)

#Debian #trains

Since I moved server, I left behind my #Devuan install to restart from a #Debian 11 offered by my hosting provider which I immediately upgraded to Debian 12. This means I am back to #systemd land, and I'm already annoyed with it.

See, service mariadb [action] calls mariadb-admin that requires password-less root access (??) to localhost to do anything, which I don't allow for obvious security reasons.

On the other hand, systemctl [action] mariadb.service doesn't rely on mariadb-admin, but there's no graceful reload available either. 🤷‍♂️

I already miss /etc/init.d/mysqld [action].

#SysAdmining #SysAdmin

:debian: Advanced installing Debian 12.1 from the Mini ISO on VMware Remote Console: should I choose non-free firmware? Let's try the "No" and hope for the best! 🙏

#FreeSoftware #FreeAsInFreedom #Debian #GNU #Linux

Photo of a computer monitor with Xfce and a VMware Remote Console window installing Debian:

Configure the package manager
Some non-free firmware has been made to work with Debian. Though this firmware is not at all a part of Debian, standard Debian tools can be used to install it. This firmware has varying licenses which may prevent you from using, modifying, or sharing it.
Please choose whether you want to have it available anyway.
Use non-free firmware?
<Go Back> <Yes> <No>

How times change… bought a pair of #Bluetooth ear buds, and they work out of the box on a plain #Debian Linux system with #PipeWire, whereas my #Android #LineageOS phone refuses to connect to them. A few years ago it would have been the opposite.

Lots of hacking, questioning life choices and coffee later the #gtk-rs sys crates' source code gets all regenerated.
Simultaneously I bumped the version so they are on par with the latest release.
This is the last missing piece to get #libadwaita-rs into #Debian. Tomorrow I'll tackle #gstreamer and the rest of the crates.
#Rust #GTK #Debian

@Swordziak :verified: Jak chcesz mieć kompletny i bezproblemowy selhosting do prawie wszystkiego co wyżej wymieniłeś to najprościej będzie zarządzać tym przez #yunohost , który bazuje na #debian 'ie.

Debian Celebrates 30 years! Thank you everyone! #debianday #debian #debian30years

I’m switching to #debian from Red Hat / Rocky, etc. due to their source code policy changes.

I chose Debian because it is renowned as a highly stable and secure distribution with a large community and expansive package repositories. It has a track record for quality spanning decades. Crucially, Debian is also published by a non-profit. So I know that it can never be taken away, or that we will be forced to pay huge licensing fees for it.

If you spun up infrastructure fresh, would you use #suse #leap or #debian ? Also why did you pick the distro that you did?

Ansonsten wäre vielleicht das #Debian:12-slim als Basis eine Alternative.

Vielleicht hat #Debian andere Voreinstellungen bezüglich Paketinstallation? Stichwort: apt-get --no-install-recommends

Baue ein #Docker Image auf #Ubuntu:20.04 -> ~34 MB

Okay, geht sicher kleiner.
Nehme #Debian:12 -> ~60 MB 🤔

Baue auf Ubuntu:22.04 -> ~31MB


"In this respect, the Debian and Kubuntu packages were really old"

Yeah, #Debian is nice and stable, but I usually prefer it to be more cutting edge too.

"The Wayland session is still a no-go for artists"

Yep, same. #Wayland feels like the better idea, but is still incomplete. I hope that will change soon.

2 Ways to Add Users to SUDOERS Group in Debian

#linux #opensource #debian

Thank you #Debian developers, for another fine release. I’ve happily installed Debian 12 #bookworm on two systems and am reminded how much I like and appreciate Debian’s stability for systems that just do a thing, reliably, for a long time.

10 Things to Do After Installing #Debian 12 Bookworm :debian:

Congrats to our friends at @debian :debian: on the successful release of the newest version of the "universal operating system": Debian 12, aka Bookworm

#Wikipedia runs on #Debian because of its commitment to stability, security and software freedom. We'll be upgrading to bookworm soon!

Two decades ago: "I can't wait… when will this #Debian release finally become stable… I need all this new software…!". Nowadays: "Oh, a new #Debian release is there already… feels like I updated just recently… oh, and so many servers to update…". Time interval between two releases barely changed during that time span, has been around two years most of the time with Sarge (3.1) taking 3 years being the big exception. Happy #Bookworm release day everybody!

This blog post on #Flatpak nicely illustrates the importance of #distributions (#Debian, #Guix, #Homebrew ...):
- integration of many components into a working system
- interface between developers and users

Developers short-circuiting distributions by proposing fat binaries (#Docker, #Flatpak, ...) deprive themselves of valuable feedback.

Today, I seem to have switched from Gnome desktop to Cinnamon desktop. I wonder how long I'll last.

#Gnome44 #Cinnamon #Debian #Bookworm