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Items tagged with: systemd

@niemiec z burgstadt #mxlinux z #xfce . Wszystko co daje czysty #debian plus unikalne dla mx ficzery w rodzaju wyboru wybory przy starcie #systemd / #sysvinit albo np backup całego systemu do bootowalnego obrazu iso, itd.

Since I moved server, I left behind my #Devuan install to restart from a #Debian 11 offered by my hosting provider which I immediately upgraded to Debian 12. This means I am back to #systemd land, and I'm already annoyed with it.

See, service mariadb [action] calls mariadb-admin that requires password-less root access (??) to localhost to do anything, which I don't allow for obvious security reasons.

On the other hand, systemctl [action] mariadb.service doesn't rely on mariadb-admin, but there's no graceful reload available either. 🤷‍♂️

I already miss /etc/init.d/mysqld [action].

#SysAdmining #SysAdmin

Which bootloader are you using on your primary system?

Boost for more range📶

#grub #bootloader #linux #foss #opensource #systemd-boot

  • GRUB (82%, 184 votes)
  • systemd-boot (12%, 27 votes)
  • syslinux (0%, 2 votes)
  • Another one (please comment!) (4%, 10 votes)
223 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

Dear #systemd…

Your is not started if it is still waiting for #IPv6 DAD.
Please do not attempt to start any service wanting before all configured addresses are actually available.

I admit, I didn't imagine the depth of the obviously fractal nonsense that is systemd and "the way to go booting Linux".

#rant #ipv6-dad

#Devuan 4.0 is released.

The usual disclaimer:
We Devuan users don't "hate" #systemd. We just don't want to use it, for various reasons. Free Software is about choice.

How systemd promised to be great and failed all the promises

This is one damn fine article about how things have degraded to the point of #systemd being created, what the promises were and how were they broken, one by one.
What great ideas went by, how were distros forced into the palace which turned out to be a "fun-house warped-mirror room" instead. And where are we now.

@Ermanno gz on taking that step 😀

I started embracing #systemd fully last year and it does make sysadmin life so much easier. Not just as "start this" replacement but with reading into all the features it does offer.

Wouldn't want to go back.

I currently have to stick with a much older version because my #systemd free #Devuan is not providing never versions of PHP than 7.0 ... I'm still patient about.

And it is a shame that many programming languages are not so well backwards-compatible like #Java was. Yes, was. Until #Oracle stepped in and messed it up. I cannot launch #Payara application server under latest Java 13 version while the specification says it should. Java saves the binary version number inside the compiled .class file so the JVM will automatically switch to the older standard. It is a shame, what Oracle did here. So I still with Payara 4.1 and #OpenJDK 8 for a little longer.

Yes, off-topic. But still relevant due to incompatible upgrades.