Items tagged with: freesoftware
Thank you so much for creating this wonderful #FreeSoftware #community and event @clt_news. For anyone who missed it, check out our talks from the weekend 📽️
The Chemnitzer Linux Days are almost here!🚀 Join us this weekend to talk about #FreeSoftware!
The will be there with several talks, Ada screening and reading, a community meeting and of course, our booth! There our volunteers and staffers will be answering your doubts, engaging in fruitful discussions with you! 💥
💻 Read here all the information about our participation at the #CLT2025:
Events - FSFE
If you know about a FSFE related event that is not yet listed here or that you run on your own, you can easily add it by using our event announcement tool....FSFE - Free Software Foundation Europe
Today, the United Nations announced the "UN Open Source Principles" – 8 practical ways for groups around the world to promote global digital cooperation through free and open source software.
✍️ Like software freedom itself, these principles are for everyone, everywhere - and the orgs you support can join a list of endorsers today.
#boostsAppreciated - spread the word!
#OpenSource #FreeSoftware #FLOSS #FOSS #UN #UnitedNations
The OSI First to Endorse United Nations Open Source Principles | Office of Information and Communications Technology
The United Nations Open Source United community and the Open Source Initiative (OSI) today announced that the OSI has become the first organization to officially endorse the UN Open Source
Thank you to the team of for their work on providing the code forge and improving it constantly.
Thanks to all of the people working to make the Fediverse such a nice and diverse place!
Today is I Love Free Software Day - lets celebrate! 🥳 Thanks to all of you working on the small things nobody is caring about - the desktop environments we take for granted, the small command line tools saving the day, the random person lurking in an IRC chat having the answer for the question.
Thank you all for your contributions to the Free Software environment - by code, design, documentation, translation and telling others about it.
Wieso ist die Kneipe eigentlich als Weg in OSM?
#clt2025 #linux #freesoftware #chemnitz #turmbrauhaus
Way: Turm-Brauhaus (1014038458)
OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.OpenStreetMap
Für den Vorabend der Chemnitzer Linuxtage sind wie immer Plätze im Turm-Brauhaus reserviert. 🍻 Für eine ungefähre Planung könnt Ihr Euer Kommen hier im Dudel ankündigen. Gerne weitersagen!
#clt2025 #linux #freesoftware #chemnitz #turmbrauhaus
Turmbrauhaus CLT 2025 - nuudel
Du kommst zu den Chemnitzer Linuxtagen 2025 und bist auch schon am Freitagabend (dem 21.3.2025) vor Ort? Komm doch mit zum Essen! Wie jedes Jahr treffen wir uns bereits am Vorabend auf Selbstzahlerbasis im Turm-Brauhaus in der Chemnitzer
End Of 10 at #FOSDEM!
#KDEEco 's Call To Action against #eWaste driven by Windows
BoF *Sun 2 Feb 14:00* Room H.3242
Global #FreeSoftware campaign to raise awareness of #Windows 10 EoL and how independent software keeps devices in use & out of the landfill!
Same day just before, learn how #FOSS enables a circular digital economy *11:55-12:05* #Energy #DevRoom H.2214
#EndOf10 #OptGreen #KDE #OpenSource #Sustainability #Environment
Kleine Erinnerung: Bis zum 8.1. könnt Ihr Vorträge und Workshops für die Chemnitzer Linuxtage im März 2025 einreichen.
Da in diesem Fediverse schon die Rede von wenig Nachwuchs war und ich (Cis-)Männer dort immer noch etwas überrepräsentiert finde, möchte ich anbieten: FLINTA*s, die gerne etwas einreichen möchten und sich Unterstützung von einer erfahrenen Person wünschen, Ihr könnt Euch gerne per DM melden.
#clt #clt2025 #mentoring #linux #freesoftware #floss
Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2025 · Call for Lectures
Die Chemnitzer Linux-Tage sind eine Veranstaltung rund um das Thema Linux und Open Source für jedermann, die Linux-Nutzer, Insider und Unternehmen
Let's make Windows 10 the last version ever used!
*Sat. 28 Dec. 11h* Stage YELL #KDEEco 's Call To Action against e-waste driven by #Windows10.
*Mon. 30 Dec. 13-15h* B&B habitat join the BoF to organize a global #FreeSoftware campaign to raise awareness of Windows 10's EoL in 2025, the role of software in #eWaste, and how independent, sustainable #FOSS is a solution to keep devices in use & out of the landfill.
#38C3 #KDE #OpenSource
BoF: Coordinating a Windows 10-to-Linux upcycling campaign across Free Software communities worldwide Youth Operation Center / Bits und Bäume 38C3
Let's coordinate a global Free Software campaign over the next year to raise awareness about the environmental harm of Windows 10 end-of-life, while upgrading users from Windows to GNU/Linux
We are intervening in the Apple vs.EC litigation. Become a proud supporter of the FSFE and join us in defending software freedom from monopoly control!
We are the only civil society organisation taking action in this case.
#SoftwareFreedom #FreeSoftware
DMA: Litigation against Apple - FSFE
The FSFE is intervening for Free Software in a key court case involving Apple and the European Commission. Apple is trying to avoid obligations derived fro...FSFE - Free Software Foundation Europe
🎧 Software Freedom Podcast: new episode 🎧
In this episode we focus on the 27 million euros cut of funding of the @EC_NGI initiative.
🤔 Wanna know more? Alex and Bonnie shed some light on the history of this European project and share the newest developments in this case.
#SoftwareFreedom #FreeSoftware
SFP#26: Policy and EU: the need of long-term funding and the NGI case - FSFE
Join this new episode of our Software Freedom podcast in which Bonnie Mehring and Alexander Sander discussing current topics affecting Free Software in the...FSFE - Free Software Foundation Europe
Users need service, service needs labour, labour needs money, money needs coercion, coercion needs control, control needs ownership, ownership leads to abuse.
This is how the great chain of software abuse happens. Free software has for too long focused on breaking the chain at money, instead of breaking it at coercion. We can fix this.
Ready for #sfscon24 ? Most of the has just arrived in Bolzano among them @johas @floriansnow @Tobias @llas @dario @lnceballos (and ready to meet with the rest 😉)
See you tomorrow at NOI park! Can't wait to get into fruitful discussions with all of you!!🚀
Don't forget to visit our booth between talks! We came with our hands full of merch, stickers , and more! ‼️
Safe trip to everyone who is still on their way to @sfscon
Still, since I first read it, I wanted Pepper&Carrot to go on forever, also thanks to your #FreeSoftware philosophy and choices.
Anyway, I perfectly understand and respect your choice and I'll continue follow you and your nice projects.
Thank you for entertaining us with your art. 🙏🏻
💡 The campaign for elections in the 🇪🇺 #EuropeanUnion is heating up… It is important to get active and ensure #SoftwareFreedom is part of the larger political debate ‼️
How can you do this? 🤔
ℹ️ We have just published some practical advices on how to advocate for #FreeSoftware in the coming months! 🚀
#EUelections #EU #PMPC #PublicCode
Let’s advocate together for Free Software in the European Elections - FSFE
European citizens will hit the ballot boxes from 6 to 9 June 2024 to choose their next representatives in the European Parliament. As the campaign heats up...FSFE - Free Software Foundation Europe
Thanks for the lovely evening yesterday at the KDE Plasma 6 release party. The cubes are back and wobbly windows. There was also a nice spontaneously "screensaver" 😋.
It was also a nice opportunity to see the offline. Very cool place. Will probably go there again.
Wow, that’s awesome! I didn’t know #Krita could do this!
Does this also work with scanned pencil drawings?
#freesoftware #art
Please, please, please add a reminder to your calendar so that you do not forget to thank a #FreeSoftware #OpenSource contributor or organisation on 14 February (#ilovefs). 🙏
Some more background and ideas are available here:
Are you ready for ‘I Love Free Software Day’ 2024? - FSFE
Every year, on 14 February, the FSFE, together with Free Software organisations around the globe, celebrates “I Love Free Software Day”: a special day of a...FSFE - Free Software Foundation Europe
Ouch. A large OpenStreetMap group has been using a proprietary chat platform as a community space for ~10 yrs. Now they gotta pay a $80k/yr (or $10k??) for usage. 🤯😱😢
Slack (now Salesforce) now wants to charge @OpenStreetMapUS for all ~6k users on their server. 😢😢 Ouch.
This sort of bait & switch is why open, community owned platforms (like this!) are vital!
read more on the slack (while you still can??!):
#OpenStreetMap #OSM #FreeSoftware #Cassandra
The @NGIZero consortium, of which the #FSFE is a partner, has just unveiled the #NGI0 Commons Fund! 🏦
Are you developing any #FreeSoftware tech improving the Internet❓
This fund is for you! It will award 21.6 million euro 💶 to small and medium R&D projects developing #FreeSoftware technologies.
Learn more here:
NGI: € 21.6 million in grants for Free Software - FSFE
The Next Generation Internet (NGI) Zero consortium, of which the FSFE is a partner, has just unveiled the NGI0 Commons Fund. This new public fund will awar...FSFE - Free Software Foundation Europe
Falls jemand noch nicht glaubt, dass die öffentliche Hand auf Open Source / freie Software setzen sollte: Hier ein feines Interview (auf Englisch) zu Open Source in der Münchner Verwaltung mit der Laura Dornheim @schwarzblond
#opensource #freiesoftware #freesoftware #publicmoneypubliccode #verwaltungsdigitalisierung
Dr. Laura Dornheim on Munich's open source journey
Dr. Dornheim's insights on LiMux, Germany’s Sovereign Tech Fund, tech understanding, and the EU’s Cyber Resilience Act.Sustain
So did I mention that no company or government pays me for the work I do?
But you can support my work if you want to live in a world where we have the Small Web as an alternative to the Big Web of Google, Facebook, and other people farmers.
#SmallWeb #SmallTech #funding #foss #freeSoftware #openSource #web #dev #tech #technology
Fund Small Technology Foundation
We’re a tiny team of two funded by individuals like you. Your patronage goes towards keeping a roof over our heads as we build a better future for the Internet.Fund Small Technology Foundation
Looking for free software tools for video or projection #mapping, any suggestions?
#mastohelp #videomapping #projectionmapping #freesoftware #opensource
Der Youth Hacking 4 Freedom Wettbewerb für 2024 hat die Pforten für Anmeldungen geöffnet - solltet ihr junge Menschen kennen, die gerne mal programmieren wollen, vielleicht ist das was für sie.
Die Anmeldung für Youth Hacking 4 Freedom 2024, kurz YH4F, der Programmierwettbewerb für Jugendliche aus ganz Europa, ist hiermit eröffnet. Dieser Wettbewerb bietet Teenagern die Möglichkeit ihr eigenes Projekt zu programmieren, gleich ob allein oder im Team, neue Freundschaften quer durch Europa hinweg zu schließen und bis zu 4.096 € zu gewinnen!
#FreeSoftware #YH4F #FSFE
2024 Youth Hacking 4 Freedom kicks off - FSFE
Registration is now open for the 2024 edition of Youth Hacking 4 Freedom, the coding competition for young Europeans. This competition gives teenagers the ...FSFE - Free Software Foundation Europe
#SFSCon, the South Tyrol #FreeSoftware Conference, has started! 🚀
Plenty of interesting people and insightful talks. 😍
We are here too, don’t forget to stop by our shining booth and come chat with us! 👾
#️⃣ #Graphisme #Dessin #BD #BandeDessinée #Comics #FreeSoftware #Krita #Linux
#BraveBrowser is installing VPNs without users' consent, even if you didn't willingly enable their #VPN service. Just stop using #Brave, it's garbage.
Edit: the services are disabled by default, but they were still installed with very little to no transparency about them towards the user, alongside all the other stuff that's often unwanted from Brave users (Pocket on Firefox is to blame too, lol.)
#Browser #Security #Privacy #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #LibreSoftware
Cory Doctorow has some interesting takes on why using a copy left license and the Fediverse at the end of his DEF Con 31 talk. But you don't have to scroll to the end, the rest of the talk is nice to listen to as well 😉
Happy Birthday Free Software 🥳
Happy 40th Anniversary of Software Freedom! - FSFE
For four decades the Free Software community has been working to empower users to control technology and to help our society understand how Free Software c...FSFE - Free Software Foundation Europe
European SFS Award Nomination - SFSCON
Nominate the Free Software Contributor of the Year (2023) Welcome to the European SFS Award, where we celebrate and recognise individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the global Software Freedom culture.SFSCON
Advanced installing Debian 12.1 from the Mini ISO on VMware Remote Console: should I choose non-free firmware? Let's try the "No" and hope for the best! 🙏
What is Free Software? - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation
Since 1983, developing the free Unix style operating system GNU, so that computer users can have the freedom to share and improve the software they
Last week, 🇪🇺 Commission President stated that "the trick is to build public digital infrastructure, that is interoperable, open to all and trusted"
What exactly does this mean? What about the role of #FreeSoftware?
EU: Digital sovereignty & Interoperability. What about the role of Free Software? - FSFE
Speaking about Digital Public Infrastructures last week, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen pointed out that "the trick is to build public digita...FSFE - Free Software Foundation Europe
Am 16.9.2023 wollen wir von der Berliner Gruppe der FSFE zusammen mit der Linux User Group LinuxWorks den Software Freedom Day 2023 in den Räumen vom Kieztreff Undine feiern.
Den Kieztreff Undine findet ihr in der Hagenstr. 57 direkt am U-Bhf Lichtenberg.
Das Programm zur Veranstaltung wächst gerade im Wiki vom SFD unter
Freund*innen Freier Software und Menschen die Freie Software noch für sich entdecken wollen, sind herzlich eingeladen. Wenn ihr kommen wollt tragt euch bitte kurz hier im Formular ein, damit wir planen können.
#SoftwareFreedomDay2023 #FreeSoftware #SoftwareFreedomDay #Berlin #Lichtenberg #FSFE #LinuxWorks
#BlueHats is for those who believe that the digital transformation of public administrations should rely on #FreeSoftware #OpenSource.
With supporters among EU OSPOs and beyond, #BlueHats is now going global 🌐 Join the movement!
Google's Software Is Malware
"Back Doors
The Google Play Terms of Service insist that the user of Android accept the presence of universal back doors in apps released by Google."