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Items tagged with: HTML

On Cloud Computing And Learning to Say No


#internethacks #networkhacks #html #servers #webhosting #hackaday
posted by pod_feeder_v2

I believe people on the #Fediverse are more likely to add alternative text to the images they post than on any other popular social media platform, that's great for #Accessibility. But it isn't the end-all-be-all of it. For example, when one of my contacts posts in German or Finnish or Farsi, I can copy the text and plug it in a translator to figure out what they meant.

However, when they share a picture including text in the same language, even if they transcribed the text in the picture in the alternative text attribute, I can't access it on mobile at all, and even on desktop I can't copy it from the default popup on mouse hover.

I tried to dabble with #CSS to reveal the alt-text attribute value using pseudo-content, but it doesn't work since we're dealing with an #HTML <img> which is an empty element by definition. Is there any other way to expose this attribute value other than just parse the text in the post body directly?


Ich habe eben @stefanm auf Mastodon entdeckt und möchte mich mal für #Selfhtml bedanken. Mit diesem Wissen habe ich 1998 mit Baby an der Brust meine erste Website geklöppelt, die damals noch Homepage genannt wurde, obwohl es so viel mehr war.
Ich war ganz stolz drauf, dass ich selbst auf die Idee kam, die Seite mit unsichtbaren Tabellen in Form zu bringen.
Die damals erworbenen #HTML-Kenntnisse helfen mir bis heute. Danke!

I'll do a new #introduction for this account

Hello! I am a British software developer who works in #Java and #Javascript / #HTML / #CSS, but I'm also known to dabble in other languages. I also have done mobile development for both #ios and #android. I do all my dev on a #Mac.

Outside of that, I enjoy #gaming, I have a #SteamDeck and an #Xbox Series X. I have a #PS4, but it's currently unplugged.

I also like to watch #Netflix and #AmazonPrime

Dev Snap Just Launched!

Dev Snap Is A Website With Tons of Free and Open Source HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Assets for Web Developers.

#html, #css, #javascript, #jquery, #scss, #bootstrap, #bootstrap4, #css3, #react.js, #react, #vue, #vue.js, #devsnap,

Official #fediverse #introduction post!

My name is Kellyn Delgado and I am the admin here on I am a total #computer nerd. I've been tinkering with computer software since I was 6. I'm not a developer but I am brushing up on my #bash and #html skills.

My passion is helping people explore the wonders of new #technology, whether that is from #google, the #floss community, or others. I plan to blog about them soon.

I also like #pokemon, #digimon, #socialism, #gemini, #music, etc.

Parser-Error bei FridaysForFuture

!Friendica Support

Ist wahrscheinlich kein Thema von Friendica, aber ich schreibe es hier doch einfach mal...

Beim Versuch, die Seite von #FridaysForFuture zu sharen, gibt es scheinbar Parser-Error. Jedenfalls gibt der Editor nur sowas raus:

Enter a title	
Enter a description	

Vermutlich hat die dortige Seite invalides #HTML? Oder können wir etwas machen?


Screenshot Editor

Zenburn color scheme for Simple.css

Okay that’s not too bad, all #XML files are valid #HTML, at least in syntax, right?
#HTML #xml

I want to show two photos on a website, those photos are updated each minute and are comming from an IP camera, pushed via a RaspberryPi. How can I do this?

How can I create a static #HTML (besides text editor) in #Linux or is there any other nice way besides full grown #CMS? Any #Micro CMS?