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New contributor spotlight

A few weeks ago, I published a call for help to work on Friendica.

Since then, two people have distinguished themselves, @Marek Bachmann :friendica: and @Grischa. Both of them picked a small feature of Friendica and took on themselves to improve it.

Ok, they kind of picked the same feature (the display of images in posts) and now their respective work is interfering with each others on the RC branch, but STILL.

I've now marked several issues as Junior Jobs, many of which don't even necessitate to know PHP to fix. It's time for you to step in and be the hero!

#FLOSS #OpenSource #Development #HelpWanted

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I think @Grischa 's Fancybox and the Image Grid Feature both complement each other seamlessly. πŸ˜€

Please let me know if there is any unwanted interfering?
@Marek Bachmann :friendica:@Grischa Yes, at the moment the fancybox only works on the images in the first column. It shouldn't be difficult to fix but it was a funny conflict to notice.
Thank you for finding that out. πŸ˜€ Are you able to create an issue for this on github and provide steps to reproduce it?
Confirmed in the way, that I am also not able to delete one image from the post. The image is not removed in the rendered post.
@Marek Bachmann :friendica:@Montag I don't think it's related to your work, it probably would have failed the same way before the introduction of the image grid.
I am afraid that the cause for these phenomena is a bit more deeply under the hood than I was able to dig into the code yet. I guess it is related to caching of rendered content. To fix it fast, I would need help from more expirenced @Friendica Developers πŸ˜€
Thank you very much! ❀