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Lol whelp. I wanted to try #ChatGPT to see what it offered as an explanation for why the US still has #censorship that violates #genderEquality by applying inequally based on "what gender you look like" (aka #freeTheNipple aka #ToplessEquality) but they require a phone number to sign up to use it, and they won't let you use a fake virtual phone number. Fuck that then, I guess 🙃
A screenshot from the ChatGPT signup requiring a virtual number to sign up, with the caption "It looks like this is a virtual phone number (also known as a VoIP). Please provide a valid, non-virtual phone number to continue."
it's all about data collection, and sounding like someone talking nonsense convincingly. And getting suckers to give them money. Mostly that.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)